Didn't mean to post image twice. Can't edit it now >_>
OK, so I did some more playing and specular maps don't make a huge difference unless you're plugging them into Glossy Layered Weight or Top Coat, both of which can give weird results (without maps)
I just did this one of the Azure Kingfisher (love) and I used no spec maps.
Translucency Weight: 0.20 (I turned it up for the lorikeet render for the transparent wings)
Translucency Colour: Diffuse maps
Glossy Layered Weight: 0% (If spec maps are in place, you can dial this up. But it ended up looking better off.
Glossy Reflectivity: 0.50 (default)
Glossy Roughness 1:00
Refraction index: 1.49
Top Coat Weight: 0.00 (Again, plug spec maps in here if you're going to use it. Play with weight and roughness. I ended up turning it off)
Thin Walled: OFF
Transmitted M. Distance: 10.00 (I was just playing with numbers...)
Transmitted Colour: Pinky colour
SSS M. Distance: 0.50
SSS Amount: 1.00
SSS Direction -o.50
I based the SSS on skin settings. I don't really know what I'm doing with SSS

(note glowing feet

I tried mucking around with a bit of metallicity, which kind of worked for that glinty effect, but the satin-y effect looks good too.
Oh, and I used glass shaders for the eyes.