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Ken Gilliland's Products In Renders

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I got my work printed to 18x24 at staples for 14.99
That's a pretty good price.

Another thing I found out a number of years ago, some printers do CYMK and not RGB, so the colors will look off from what you would expect. I don't know about the printers Staples uses but I, and several others in my web designers group, had created designs for another member to be included in a book she was writing, and one of the ladies was so disappointed in the way hers looked in the book because the colors didn't look the same as the site did online.


I wanted to pass this on, in case any one else gets the bright idea of having their work printed out...Now it can depend on who you get to print out your work to some extent, but for the most part this general rule , which I forgot, rings true. Your print is going to come out darker then your original.... printers also tend to over react to hue's created in photoshop, I don't know about your other art programs... I got my work printed to 18x24 at staples for 14.99

What was the pixel density for that?


That's a pretty good price.

Another thing I found out a number of years ago, some printers do CYMK and not RGB, so the colors will look off from what you would expect. I don't know about the printers Staples uses but I, and several others in my web designers group, had created designs for another member to be included in a book she was writing, and one of the ladies was so disappointed in the way hers looked in the book because the colors didn't look the same as the site did online.

I forget all that yes of course they would use CYMK, my first clue should have been that their printing program wouldn't open it at first... I have large format printers, problem is the cost per print. to print on my own printers the ink would have cost at least twice what I paid for a 18x24 print. I must have 7 or 8 printers around the house, but it is far cheaper these days to pay to have it printed for me by far, even if it is just black and white... Funny part is, it used to be a lot cheaper to print it yourself....


Okay let's have some fun, let's all guess what story this illustration is from, Yes this does have a bird in it...If you haven't guessed by now you have been living in a cave much too long eating locusts and honey....lol

Go Ask Alice
Created and rendered in Poser 2014

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I thought 300dpi was good for printing. Then again, with the commercial printers used today, the capabilities are probably a lot better than they were 15-20 years ago.


I thought 300dpi was good for printing. Then again, with the commercial printers used today, the capabilities are probably a lot better than they were 15-20 years ago.
My old HP 750C does 300 dpi and to show how old that printer is, it only has drivers for up to windows XP 32 byte...course to get ink for it I have to order it from China any more.... It has been so long since I have been around printers I need to go back to school...


That's a great render Carey! :)
That was just for fun. I bought the tea party set years and years ago and never used it, Hey, big scenes were very hard for me and that was not so very long ago. You have to have a pretty good idea of what your going to do before you do it or you can get lost in the scene... Thanks ever so much for the comments


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
The first render is by far the more "painterly". The edge shadow focuses attention on the subject. The 2nd render is brighter so you can see more of the small details, but the later lighting is undramatic, and on the whole the image comes across as too much of that same red. The red almost seems to be an additional overlay.

Yeah, group scenes are always a pain in the butt to set up, and render. I'm a Studio user, and even though there are still people who refuse to move on from DS3, I have *no* fond thoughts of that version. Working in 32-bit was like hobbling yourself deliberately. I was never able to get more than 5 gen4 figures into a scene and have it render. Never. I've had up to 18 Genesis 1 figures in a scene, and even though editing anything at all was a real pain, it rendered like a champ.
Last edited:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
True, 32-bit is limiting, but I rarely have more than 2 or 3 characters in a scene, so I haven't had much of a problem on that score, so I still use it.

I do have DS 4.0 for Genesis 1, and it is 64-bit on this laptop, but my old Dell laptop was only a 32-bit system, so all the years I used DS2 and DS3A, I wouldn't have had a choice even if there was a 64-bit version.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Being able to access 64-bit processing made a huge difference in what kind of scenes I could build.
Learning about the geometry editor made a huge difference in what I could kit bash.

And some of the differences are not where you would expect them. Like in rendering itself. I would get scenes which would render all the way to the end, and then the program would quit. Before anything could be saved, obviously. If I deleted one of the figures I might be able to render what was left. There was one illustration of three children at a table with five Christmas trees done in 3.0 that had to be rendered in pieces and composted later. It took 10.5 24-hour days to render all the pieces (one of the trees alone took something like over 4 days).

With that 18-figure mob scene in 4.0 or 4.5 editing anything was horendous, since it took forever for the program to respond. But rendering went chugging away without a slowdown (even with all the wigs) and took only about 40 minutes, if that.

Nowadays I just waste hours fighting with the lighting. But there the problem is on my side of the screen.


Contributing Artist
I definitely like using the editor to create surfaces...but I wouldn't be without autofit and the smoothing and push modifiers either.


M4 Morven

Since MortemVetus and their Poser products have shown up at Daz, there were questions about usability in DazStudio and Iray - Conclusion: with a bit of fiddling in with shaders and surfaces, they are looking quite good.

And just because, I added some birds - the picture was empty without birds. I added them and ran the Iray Uberbase - and had to do nothing else to make them good in Iray.

Morven Dark Elf for M4 and H4 - MortemVetus
Iray Converter for Generation 4 - V3Digitimes
UHT Hair Shaders for Iray - SloshWerks
Ragnarok - MortemVetus
Kerya's Very Cloudy Skies
Songbird ReMix Sea Birds 1 - Ken Gilliland
Longitude & Latitude Lighting and Render Presets for DS Iray - ForbiddenWhispers
Leather Factory Shaders for DAZ Studio - JGreenlees
Pd Iray Shader Kit 1 - Parrotdolphin
Uber+ Iray Antique Metals - Traveler
Iray Nobiax Shaders - Kaz42



HW Honey Bear
Goodness, so much I want to say, but if I type that long, my joints... well... so... FIRST clown pic, @Carey but with any printer, after you get the right dpi LIGHTEN the pic before printing or it will go even darker than your on line version (try it on your own printer)... I either ask my printer to print a notch lighter or I curve it lighter in photoshop.... but you've already printed it? Did it come out ok?

and are we (CGI artists) not really ARTISTS? POO! WE ARE!! I've wrestled with that for years, but finally gave in and am willing to admit that I AM... Ken did say it best... if we TOUCH other's hearts and minds, we are... and WE are the ones that compose a scene, choose the lighting, put the FEELING into our art... right?

@mininessie I adore the sweet birds with their nest ! and all your art! You can say I am your "fan"! :)

I love all the new art...but I better stop typing! I can't help myself... *rubs hands*... eep!


Goodness, so much I want to say, but if I type that long, my joints... well... so... FIRST clown pic, @Carey but with any printer, after you get the right dpi LIGHTEN the pic before printing or it will go even darker than your on line version (try it on your own printer)... I either ask my printer to print a notch lighter or I curve it lighter in photoshop.... but you've already printed it? Did it come out ok?

and are we (CGI artists) not really ARTISTS? POO! WE ARE!! I've wrestled with that for years, but finally gave in and am willing to admit that I AM... Ken did say it best... if we TOUCH other's hearts and minds, we are... and WE are the ones that compose a scene, choose the lighting, put the FEELING into our art... right?

@mininessie I adore the sweet birds with their nest ! and all your art! You can say I am your "fan"! :)

I love all the new art...but I better stop typing! I can't help myself... *rubs hands*... eep!

Yes, after getting my printed results the little lights came on and although we will not discuss the last time I worked as an artist in a print shop, except to say we were still processing film to burn plates in little trays with photographic chemicals in them and the printer I operated was a "AB dick 360 T head" Yes, my early childhood flashed before my eyes as I looked at my print. It was worth the money I paid for it and it was ever so nice of them not to charge me for the back to school lesson....lol


great idea, who can resist at least taking a moment to admire a bird in flight when we see them....[/QUOTE]