• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Ken Gilliland's Products In Renders


What makes an artist is what they are willing to invest... I know many artists that are simply assembly-line workers. Yes, all the technical skill is there, but they invest nothing other than the time to complete it-- it's generic art or what I call "furniture"-- something a decorate a room and very replaceable. Create an image with an investment from yourself, pouring your heart and soul (feelings) into it, making an image with personality and yes, you've create true art that isn't so "replaceable" because it's unique. While some times these images lack technical skills, they make up for that in content. If you can touch a viewer through your image, you've created good art... and that's what makes my bird contest judging different from normal contests; while talent counts for much, the personal investment that the artist gives to the image counts for more in most of my judges' eyes.
Well said Ken. That is exactly what I do and when I don't it shows as less than furniture. :)


What makes an artist is what they are willing to invest... I know many artists that are simply assembly-line workers. Yes, all the technical skill is there, but they invest nothing other than the time to complete it-- it's generic art or what I call "furniture"-- something a decorate a room and very replaceable. Create an image with an investment from yourself, pouring your heart and soul (feelings) into it, making an image with personality and yes, you've create true art that isn't so "replaceable" because it's unique. While some times these images lack technical skills, they make up for that in content. If you can touch a viewer through your image, you've created good art... and that's what makes my bird contest judging different from normal contests; while talent counts for much, the personal investment that the artist gives to the image counts for more in most of my judges' eyes.

Ah, but with myself as a story teller, I wonder at times...Am I a mere con man, or a larger part just plain smart A$$. Am I showing what a great salesman I am or am I truly creating that or have or even know when I have reached my muse.

I spin so many tales with words, I lead people down prim rose paths throw in twists and turns to throw them off guard so that I can amplify a humorous or touching part part of a story. Am I one of those that truly have command of my muse or does it command me. Am I touching on some great truth with my renders or merely playing on peoples emotions in a most devil may care attitude... Am I just an entertainer, some sort of clown act or just a show off...

I imagine all creative people suffer with these thoughts, for doesn't a writer of all kinds, whether they write with words, pictures, music or sculpture don't we really continually ask and try to answer that question every time close ourselves off from the world in hopes of making some greater kind statement of being?

Course then I think of my father, He told me many times, he said, "You know you seem to have the world all figured out, problem is, you just can't seem to lift it!"


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
this is one i made time ago!

Love nest  2aRr.jpg


Okay, you all helped me make up my mind of what art work to give to my mother for her birthday. But The print shop told me that I had to redo the art work as the DPI wasn't good enough, which was understandable as I was working on a hard core computer with only 512 meg video back in 2012. So I loaded it up in poser and re-rendered. Problem is I came out with two pretty good renders. Now you lucky people you and I do this only because I know you are all just dying to help me, help me decide the best looking re-render...



I had posted this one on the previous software... but I'm going to put it back up here since we now have our art threads back again. :)

I used a couple of Ken's birds in this one - two of the Red-Tailed Hawks, and one Bald Eagle here.
There is also the Daz Squirrel, AM's fox, AM's (much) older wolf, AM's moose, AM's raccoon, and Lyne's elk in this.

Hide and seek, some of the critters are pretty well camouflaged! LOL

((And just for the record : Yes, I know there is NO way all of these critters would be this close to each other without bloodshed; this was actually rendered specifically as a storyline illustration, which is why they are all in such close proximity. I just wanted to make that note before anyone jumped on it. :D ))

View attachment 448
I like the way it sort of makes you feel like it must feel to sort of be above it all.... really great pov!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I have to agree, and you can see his facial features better in that one as well.


Contributing Artist
I like the dark edges on the top one and the colours on the second but I have always been know to go for the brights.

chuckles @Stezza...


Okay, you all helped me make up my mind of what art work to give to my mother for her birthday. But The print shop told me that I had to redo the art work as the DPI wasn't good enough, which was understandable as I was working on a hard core computer with only 512 meg video back in 2012. So I loaded it up in poser and re-rendered. Problem is I came out with two pretty good renders. Now you lucky people you and I do this only because I know you are all just dying to help me, help me decide the best looking re-render...

View attachment 6322
I wanted to pass this on, in case any one else gets the bright idea of having their work printed out...Now it can depend on who you get to print out your work to some extent, but for the most part this general rule , which I forgot, rings true. Your print is going to come out darker then your original.... printers also tend to over react to hue's created in photoshop, I don't know about your other art programs... I got my work printed to 18x24 at staples for 14.99