• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Ken Gilliland's Products In Renders


HW Honey Bear
I needed a bird from Europe for the piece I'm working on...ended up noticing a hole in my Ken Runtime and had to buy the two sets... this is one I've prepared for my piece (I do the minimal post work on a larger render of the bird, then slide it onto my art piece, saving all my work in a Ken's Birds folder for another image, another day!) I could not resist sharing the results of my Eurasian Jay...such a pretty little bird...and in the spirit of our discussion...artist or "fraud".... giggle... I signed it by BOTH creators! ;)



I definitely like using the editor to create surfaces...but I wouldn't be without autofit and the smoothing and push modifiers either.
I needed a bird from Europe for the piece I'm working on...ended up noticing a hole in my Ken Runtime and had to buy the two sets... this is one I've prepared for my piece (I do the minimal post work on a larger render of the bird, then slide it onto my art piece, saving all my work in a Ken's Birds folder for another image, another day!) I could not resist sharing the results of my Eurasian Jay...such a pretty little bird...and in the spirit of our discussion...artist or "fraud".... giggle... I signed it by BOTH creators! ;)

View attachment 6850
oh and @Carey - I do NOT like anything "Alice"... but I LOVE your illustration...it's wonderful!!

I am ear to ear smiles!!!!


Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I needed a bird from Europe for the piece I'm working on...ended up noticing a hole in my Ken Runtime and had to buy the two sets... this is one I've prepared for my piece (I do the minimal post work on a larger render of the bird, then slide it onto my art piece, saving all my work in a Ken's Birds folder for another image, another day!) I could not resist sharing the results of my Eurasian Jay...such a pretty little bird...and in the spirit of our discussion...artist or "fraud".... giggle... I signed it by BOTH creators! ;)

Lyne, that really is a gorgeous little bird. Jays are among my favorites in the birds. My favorite is the Red-Tailed Hawk. Okay, any hawk, really, but the Red-Tail just draws my eye for some reason. Then comes the Stellar's Jay... followed by the usual Blue Jay that we see on the East coast of the U.S.A., and then the Raven/Crow from there. I like my eagles as well, but they're lower down on the list of "Favorites" beneath the Ravens/Crows and the Jays and Hawks.

I like the bit of postwork you did on this one. Makes it look almost painted...


HW Honey Bear
Thanks.... and me too, @Seliah (Childe of Fyre) - similar favorites.

@Carey ...love this Alice one too...but um... can't find the bird... ? FYI there is a "I just wanted to post an image" thread in the main It's all About the Art forum for pieces that don't have any (in this case) of Ken's birds/moths... it's NOT that we are restrictive, we just are 'organized'! (ie: if a figure is not Dawn, we don't post it in the Dawn art thread, etc.) BUT DON'T WORRY, okay? LOVE your art ... just clarifying! :) LOVE THE MOUSE!! And is that some of Lisa's Wisteria? Don't hide your art in one place, either... we have a LisaB's product-art thread too! :)

@JOdel just to be clear, I did not BUILD that bird (though I have built birds before) - this one is right out of Ken's European 1 set... I just post worked (a tiny bit) this one... :)


Thanks.... and me too, @Seliah (Childe of Fyre) - similar favorites.

@Carey ...love this Alice one too...but um... can't find the bird... ? FYI there is a "I just wanted to post an image" thread in the main It's all About the Art forum for pieces that don't have any (in this case) of Ken's birds/moths... it's NOT that we are restrictive, we just are 'organized'! (ie: if a figure is not Dawn, we don't post it in the Dawn art thread, etc.) BUT DON'T WORRY, okay? LOVE your art ... just clarifying! :) LOVE THE MOUSE!! And is that some of Lisa's Wisteria? Don't hide your art in one place, either... we have a LisaB's product-art thread too! :)

@JOdel just to be clear, I did not BUILD that bird (though I have built birds before) - this one is right out of Ken's European 1 set... I just post worked (a tiny bit) this one... :)
Well what I tried to do was just post a little thumb nail...that didn't work, instead I get this billboard screaming, "Carey has no idea what he is doing here." I also have not figured out what engine is running this forum so that I can read up on how to function with in it...In my defense I did see the mistake and did look around for a way to delete it.. But I am ever so greatful that you pointed out that perhaps for now I should stay in the kiddie side of the pool....lol

Hey some one has to do the screwing up around here and hey look, it appears to be me for right now....lol

At any rate If some one were to do me the favor of deleting it, it would be much better then sitting here looking like the poster child for "I regularly sit on my thumb and rotate on it"...lol

As far as your bird. I am constantly looking for better ways to show off Ken's birds... I notice you added the center vein on the wing feathers and looks like you added a bit of texturing to either side of the vein. very nice indeed, I do see one thing, you are worth keeping a close eye on in hopes of picking up on some new techniques



The Party Crashers
created and rendered in poser 2012

I don't work much with "Beautiful" People, besides I was sort of picking on those of us that are sort of keeping one eye on the sky, least they vultures come circling...lol
This is an older work so the lighting is not all that great and neither is the use of perspective, which I knew nothing about at the time...


HW Honey Bear
Carey- center vein, more texturing on feathers? huh? nope, not me! That's all Ken's painting of his textures.... the ONLY thing I do when it's needed is brush out the TIPS of the feather layers, into the next layer... Really, a close up render of his birds just shows Ken's talent with feather painting! :) Let's see, on this jay, I ONLY brushed the head-crest, the tail's middle rump white feathers into the rest of tail, and a little brushing on the off side center wing...I did add a teeny bit of the 'lines' UNDER the eye (I google the birds to check how they look in photos before I post work) and oh yes, I used "glass" filter on the eye... and I blur the edges of wings and tail for motion...that's it! :)

oh my gosh, I love..er...am horrified... but... it's really good, but... scary... (just teasing- but hey, I'm at least as horrified as your lady is!) LOL! pic using the vultures.!
oh and there is a Forum to help understand the forum... in the FAQ... I STILL go there to learn, so don't feel bad!


Carey- center vein, more texturing on feathers? huh? nope, not me! That's all Ken's painting of his textures.... the ONLY thing I do when it's needed is brush out the TIPS of the feather layers, into the next layer... Really, a close up render of his birds just shows Ken's talent with feather painting! :) Let's see, on this jay, I ONLY brushed the head-crest, the tail's middle rump white feathers into the rest of tail, and a little brushing on the off side center wing...I did add a teeny bit of the 'lines' UNDER the eye (I google the birds to check how they look in photos before I post work) and oh yes, I used "glass" filter on the eye... and I blur the edges of wings and tail for motion...that's it! :)

oh my gosh, I love..er...am horrified... but... it's really good, but... scary... (just teasing- but hey, I'm at least as horrified as your lady is!) LOL! pic using the vultures.!
oh and there is a Forum to help understand the forum... in the FAQ... I STILL go there to learn, so don't feel bad!

Ha, you just feel into my trap...lol I used on you my military interrogation techniques to find out your secrets, the training was all very hush hush...lol Seriously you just gave me some really great information and I am very thankful and grateful. of all the things I never thought of re-working the transparencies a little bit. There are times I just stand up and admit to the world I ate dirt as a child and that is why I am not very smart at times...Daaaa, you re-worked the transparency...daaa what's a trans...daaaa what do you call it.

I would say I feel pretty blond, but it is a proven fact, blonds have more sex then the non-blonds of the world so that makes them far smarter then me....lol

I play a lot, I create a character and play with them, different poses, different expressions and what have you until an idea forms. Here I cheated a bit as I have used this idea for humor before.. I once rendered a fellow that was sleeping dreaming he was having an out of body experience was flying threw the air ... In my render and he was indeed flying, his sleeping bag was being carried off by two condors...lol see the connection? nope? Well, neither do I....You have no idea how many hours I have spent playing with your creations, trying to reverse engineer, how to create that little touch you used to create your own wonderful creations.


Your going to have to excuse me as it takes me a little while to get used to not only you talking to me, but also liking my work. I know I am running a terrible risk of giving you a very badly swelled head, but you seriously opened a door for me and I hope your hat size continues to grow....lol