• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I'm Thinking of Transitioning...


... To Blender, fulltime. What? The title. no that was just click bait. I know exactly who and what I am. Why am I thinking of leaving Poser? Well, I'm tired of fighting with people, and I've been fighting a lot lately . And it's not so much as who I'm fighting with, not much surprise there. as much as it is where I'm doing the fighting.

Frankly, I'm depressed, dejected and tired ...seriously tired. Poser's not as much fun as it used to be. Not because the program and figures aren't as much fun, but because of all the sniping, taking sides and warring over who's software is better and why. It's one of the few amusing aspects of the rivalry to me because essentially, both programs pretty much do the exact same thing, just a little differently.

Lately, a couple of threads over at Renderosity, in the Poser forum there, have angered me greatly. I once stepped away from Renderosity before and came here to Hivewire. I like it here, for the most part. I've had a couple of dust ups, but nothing to write home about. But I don't want to do this anymore.

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, but I won't be in the forums as much anymore. I think the stress from some of these online tussles is causing me some health issues, and having just recently gotten out of the hospital for congested heart failure, I find myself repeating some of the things that landed me there in the first place. Not anxious to return.

Blender seems to be the avenue to go down now. I like modeling, and this will give me a chance to get better at it and to learn the program little better. And maybe even improve my texturing skills.

I'm still going to be maintaining the 3DContentDirectory.com website, and for those of you who need to contact me for anything, you have my email address or can contact me through the directory.


... To Blender, fulltime. What? The title. no that was just click bait. I know exactly who and what I am. Why am I thinking of leaving Poser? Well, I'm tired of fighting with people, and I've been fighting a lot lately . And it's not so much as who I'm fighting with, not much surprise there. as much as it is where I'm doing the fighting.

Frankly, I'm depressed, dejected and tired ...seriously tired. Poser's not as much fun as it used to be. Not because the program and figures aren't as much fun, but because of all the sniping, taking sides and warring over who's software is better and why. It's one of the few amusing aspects of the rivalry to me because essentially, both programs pretty much do the exact same thing, just a little differently.

Lately, a couple of threads over at Renderosity, in the Poser forum there, have angered me greatly. I once stepped away from Renderosity before and came here to Hivewire. I like it here, for the most part. I've had a couple of dust ups, but nothing to write home about. But I don't want to do this anymore.

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, but I won't be in the forums as much anymore. I think the stress from some of these online tussles is causing me some health issues, and having just recently gotten out of the hospital for congested heart failure, I find myself repeating some of the things that landed me there in the first place. Not anxious to return.

Blender seems to be the avenue to go down now. I like modeling, and this will give me a chance to get better at it and to learn the program little better. And maybe even improve my texturing skills.

I'm still going to be maintaining the 3DContentDirectory.com website, and for those of you who need to contact me for anything, you have my email address or can contact me through the directory.

I was in a very similar position about a year ago, I was not enjoying Poser anywhere near as much as I used to and then one day something happened that for me was the last straw. From memory I posted something slightly similar here but many replied both publicly and privately suggesting me I give it time and thunk again.

Today this is the only forum I visit on a regular basis and I realise now that fighting Poser's corner is futile as you will never convince those people elsewhere that of anything other than what they regard as fact. A year on I realise, as you have done, that it was not good for my health and also discovered that I had not fallen out of love with Poser or 3D art in general but a very small part of the 3D art community

I have not visited other forums since that low point and other than feeling far more relaxed, I don't miss it at all, or the Marketplace. I hope you have a similar experience as I honestly believe the community would be losing if you were to give it up. Of course, if it is making you ill then you would be wise to walk away, but, from my experience it is a few sad people that tarnish the fun if you let them. Enjoy using Blender and good luck with the modelling but don't uninstall Poser just yet and try it again in a few months time.

Thanks to the support of so many here I am enjoying my art more than I have for years. This really is a fun and supportive place to be so I do hope you stick around.


Oh come on fighting with people is the spice of life...
But actually Blender is a really good program.
It does everything...
I can see where you might be a little sour on Poser...
You shouldn't really do stuff that may endanger your health...
As I see it, do whatever makes you happy.
As long as it's mostly legal.
Don't get frustrated or let negative stuff effect you... If you get bugged by someone, go out for some fresh air or go to the zoo and punch a hippo... I find that very satisfying and the hippos hardly notice.
I'm not welcome at the zoo much anymore... So maybe that last one is not so great an idea.
But relax and if you want to complain or let off steam there are lots of folks here who are your friends and will listen.


Dances with Bees
Use Carrara then you don't have to bother about the Poser v DS thing.. well, it doesn't worry me the slightest ;)


Dances with Bees
And, Earl, those jerks are doing a jig right now because they got exactly what they set out to do - drive more people away from Poser and Renderosity.

Yes, you have to protect your health, but just stop interacting with them. Every one of those threads serves one purpose - to make Poser users ever more miserable. And, they do with the assistance of Renderosity.

Walk away from THAT, not Poser.


Contributing Artist
I not only agree with Traci, but that's exactly what I dd about 10 years ago. I have closed my Rendo store and never looked back ever since. Same with the DAZ forums, unless I really have to. And guess what? No more fighting ever since, unless when they come flame me at DA, which hasn't happened in years now. If you quit, you will be just doing what they want. Don't give them the satisfaction, and also don't go there anymore. :)


Dances with Bees
Yes, Razor, that's correct - Renderosity won't moderate the gang of DAZ bullies who go to their Poser forum for the sole purpose of beating up on the one or two Poser users who will even bother to engage with the gang any longer. Then, they have the audacity to call that gang bash "intelligent conversation."

That original post asked RENDEROSITY where the Poser content was. And, instead of providing customer service and answering the question, they invited the DAZ gang to make it about Poser.


Curious that one of the offending threads at Renderosity is titled "Where has all the Poser Content Gone?". Which was originally posted in the Marketplace Customer Support forum by a Poser user looking for more Poser content in the store.

Advice from here, to other Poser users in the community seems to be 'don't go to Renderosity'. Deliberately painting them as some kind of enemy of Poser and the Poser community overall. I do wonder if that's a bit self fulfilling in the long term as Renderosity will with this advice become less Poser oriented. Which would be a bit of a shame IMO, as it is quite a unique web space with many artists from varying backgrounds sharing a platform and is one of the longest lived sites in this field.

But if its not for you or it is causing you stress, then I guess that's your own decision to make.

In my experience Renderosity has been very proactive about thread moderation and offering a high level of support for the broader community with special attention given to those in the Poser community in both its forums and its Marketplace policies.

Strangely, I see many more direct Software based and Marketplace preference attacks in other forums, then I have ever seen at Renderosity. For example a thread such as this would quickly run into issues with moderators at Rendo due to its thinly veiled contempt of other software platforms and direct criticisms of other community sites own practices. But I guess some people prefer to have an environment where they are able to give their own attacks, the issue is just when others respond who disagree with them, right?

I'm sorry to hear about your health problems Earl, and I do wish you all the best whichever path you choose. I apologise if I may have inadvertently contributed to any unnecessary stress on yourself, as that never was my intention. In my own opinion it would be a big loss to the 3D art community to have you less involved in any way and I do hope that will not be the case. But, I do understand your health does need to come first and really this should be fun activity and not a daily battle of wills. You can always put those in the communities that annoy or irritate you on to ignore, if that makes your experience more enjoyable.

You clearly have a different view and I am happy with that, but in the main, I did not see the comments as anti Renderosity other than some fellow artists showing support for someone who appears to have had a similar experience there to them, and explaining how it affected them and what they did to correct it. If, after reading this, people decide not to shop there that is up to them, it is their time and their money. Renderosity is no different to a lot of other companies in that they generally get the customers they deserve.


Dances with Bees
You clearly have a different view and I am happy with that, but in the main, I did not see the comments as anti Renderosity other than some fellow artists showing support for someone who appears to have had a similar experience there to them, and explaining how it affected them and what they did to correct it. If, after reading this, people decide not to shop there that is up to them, it is their time and their money. Renderosity is no different to a lot of other companies in that they generally get the customers they deserve.

What's hysterical about those entire threads is the refusal to even acknowledge the Hivewire figures - which ARE IN THE RENDEROSITY STORE - and instead make the entire conversation about Paul/Pauline. Figures released despite the creators insistence that they were not market ready because he was not given the time nor the finished tools to make them market ready.

But, mention of the Hivewire figures is as verboten at Renderosity as it is at DAZ. And, Renderosity is the only place where this behavior is allowed to go on. That alone says something about Renderosity.


Contributing Artist
Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, but I won't be in the forums as much anymore. I think the stress from some of these online tussles is causing me some health issues, and having just recently gotten out of the hospital for congested heart failure, I find myself repeating some of the things that landed me there in the first place. Not anxious to return.

Blender seems to be the avenue to go down now. I like modeling, and this will give me a chance to get better at it and to learn the program little better. And maybe even improve my texturing skills.
Sorry to hear it. But well, it is said that the best way to reduce online stress is to avoid heated forums and social media.

On the positive side, Blender gets a lot of improvements and new features, and you get the option to play with Renderman and a lot of other fascinating toys :)


Hey guys, I had to log back in to ask you to not fight. I left Renderosity's forums to avoid all that. I'd hate to think it followed me here.
Razor, you are not responsible for my health problems. I am. I disagree with your views regarding Poser and Renderosity, but let's just let it go at that.

As I said in the first post, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just stepping away from the forums (aka: the fight farms) and I will be concentrating primarily on my modeling. When means working with Blender. I've already discovered a couple of add-ons which will greatly enhance my modeling with the Barn and Dawn's house.


Hey Razor42, there is a vast forum here for you to explore, with a terrific community, and I'm sure people here would love to see your input on things other than the 'volatile' threads that you have posted in so far. There is something to be said about 'association' you know ;)


Thanks Willowisp,
The funny thing is people tell me they like the hive best because the lack of negativity and the constructive participation of its members.
Though the first thread I entered into was a 70 page attack on one store and the second was a thread that was quickly developing into another series of attacks on an entirely different store. See a common theme? You know what, I love all the stores, all the figures (flawed or fabulous as the user decides) and the content produced by the entire community as a whole and I'm not afraid to to step up when I see others bashing the industry for no real positive rationale. I'm sorry if you see this in some way as disreputable. This is a small industry and there is plenty of room for all of the sites and software platform preferences without lashing out at other facets of the industry, an act that really just hurts the entire industry and everyone that enjoys it.
But thanks for the advice. And your right there is something to be said from association...
Yes, the common theme is that you enter threads that tend to be disruptive in nature. Not just here, but on Rendo as well. And that makes you look like a rabblerouser, in a way. I am certain you are not tho, but that is unfortunately all I've ever seen you do. Which is why I would love to be proven wrong! How about posting some of your artwork? Or, since you are a vendor, why not talk a little about what you are working on? There are plenty of DS users on this board, why not help them with some of their questions?


Sorry but the Personal attacks that no one else can seem to see tend to put me off a little from participating to much around here...
Oh I see them, clear as day, that is what the 'report' button is for. Go ahead and use it, it's for the better of the community.


If you ever visited the Daz forums at either Daz3D or Renderosity you will see I am happy to go well out of my way to help others.
I also have numerous freebies available from my facebook site. And I could of swore that you just attempted to encourage my further participation here by calling me nothing but a trouble maker... On the back of a blatant personal insult from another member...

No, that's not what I said. I said that your selective participation made you appear to be a rabblerouser, but that I was sure that's not the case. And Glitterati only speaks for herself, in fact I reported that post myself.


I am not responsible for what any other person says here. Or are you saying that YOU are responsible for everything that is posted on the Daz forums? In which case, I have a few axes to grind with you ;)


Fair point. Tho I do want to point out, to eclark and everyone else in this thread, that the 'ignore' function is a godsend. I have certain people on permanent ignore on Rendo (zero points if you guess who haha) and there is a 'ignore' function here too. Just click on the persons name and you will be presented with options. Does wonders for your bloodpressure :laugh: and beats just plain quitting in desperation. Quitting means the trolls have won :)