• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread


Nice Me195. PE is a sweet figure to work with but unfortunately, there are a number of people here lately with their own agenda's too willing to snipe and discredit without even giving her a chance. Ken1171 deserves due plaudits for his efforts because he at least is willing to ignore the nay-sayers and give it his best and I wish him every success. Sad to say, but this is the way the Hive forums are beginning to slide of late. The proof of that should be clear to those of you honest enough to go back and read the last couple of pages with an open mind. For myself, it reminds me far too much of the way the whole Dawn versus V4 fiasco kicked off and which has caused so much trouble in the community as a whole. No doubt, like those responsible for that little debacle, those of equal guilt here will fall over themselves with a look of wide-eyed innocence and deny it all but the honest truth is that their own fears and over-inflated sense of self won't allow them to let others make their own minds up. In all honesty, I've been more than a little disturbed about the negative politics which have crept into the Hive in recent months and thought about leaving before now but I cannot stand by without at least trying to put a stop to it. This will be my last post at the Hive so I would like to extend my very best regards to Lisa, Chris and the team and wish you every success. Regards also to those of you who have put their integrity before politics and tried to maintain the Hive according to the precepts in which it was conceived and, hopefully, be allowed to return in the very near future! With respect!

Well I am a firm believer that if there is something in your life that does not make you happy, and you have a choice, stop doing it. The only problem with that is there are instances like this where, by stopping something, a large number of people are negatively affected. You have to be true to yourself and if you are unhappy I can only support your decision but it is with a heavy heart that I do so. As others have already said, you will be missed, not only for your views but also your distinctive art that I find so endearing. Not only that but PE loses an advocate and, if there are others with a hidden agenda, they are left to continue without a balance view being put.

If there is anything I have said that has added to your decision to leave I can only say I am desperately sorry. I hope you and your art find a new home as otherwise the whole community will miss something of true value.

I wish you the very best.



Dawn had a rough ride in the past, and to some degree, she still does but her popularity continues to grow. It is my belief that a lot of that popularity is due to some of the stunning renders of Dawn that can be seen on so many 3D art sites and Hivewire has more than it's fair share. If that is the case, your renders can only help convince others to try PE as they are truly stunning. The first one is the best render I have seen in a while irrespective of the figure used and generates real interest. The lighting is superb mimicking the background beautifully but her stance and expression almost transports the viewer to the foggy forest in a hope of getting a glance of whatever it is she finds so interesting. Don't get me wrong, I like them both, but that first render is a real hard act to follow.


Yes, he is. I'm not sure if it will be for sale or a freebie. I think he is waiting to hear back from Ero to gauge his reaction to the script and make a decision after.

That may have happened today. I was out running errands and have not had a chance to speak with Andy since early morning and he's asleep now since it's very late in England at the moment, i.e., 1AM.

Thank you for the reminder that it is in the early hours here in the UK and my bed should be calling :).

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, he is. I'm not sure if it will be for sale or a freebie. I think he is waiting to hear back from Ero to gauge his reaction to the script and make a decision after.

That may have happened today. I was out running errands and have not had a chance to speak with Andy since early morning and he's asleep now since it's very late in England at the moment, i.e., 1AM.
Please do let us know how he's planning to proceed with it.


Dances with Bees
Please do let us know how he's planning to proceed with it.

I will, but it will be on the SM forum rather than here. PE is direct competition to Dawn and I do not believe this is the proper place for discussion of Evolution at all. Hivewire has been more than cordial about this discussion, but I have no further intention of barging into the Hivewire forums to discuss a competing figure. Especially given that I have been accused of having an agenda when all I did was see a potential problem and attempt to find a solution to it.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
Personally, if I had a choice, I'd own and use all of the figures. I've never really understood why anyone would bash one or another. I've liked all I've seen. They're all good for something, and I might use one or another more because that one is more useful to what I'm doing right then. However, I might use another one more later.
Only reason I don't own and use all the figures is a financial one. I had no internet for a year and a half and have other important things money goes to first so no new figures until I'm well away from the brink. However, if I ever win the lottery... :D ...I'd probably get them all....


I will, but it will be on the SM forum rather than here. PE is direct competition to Dawn and I do not believe this is the proper place for discussion of Evolution at all. Hivewire has been more than cordial about this discussion, but I have no further intention of barging into the Hivewire forums to discuss a competing figure. Especially given that I have been accused of having an agenda when all I did was see a potential problem and attempt to find a solution to it.

My original view was that the discussion should be in a separate thread but I must admit I had not thought of the competition aspect, your idea for the discussion to take place on the SM forum seems to be a wise move and does answer a number of problems not only the one of competition. It would still be nice to see PE renders here along with other figures as this appears to be the purpose of this thread, as I was reminded recently:oops:.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
If I were to win the lottery (which I don't play), I would purchase land on the Oregon coast and have a wee little house built. Along with a wee little greenhouse and wee little deck.

And ... a wee little screened enclosure for the wee little kitty and me to relax safe from buggies and nasty things that might want to eat the wee little kitty as well as keeping the wee little kitty from "playing" with all the wee little birdies and other wee little creatures that wee little kitties tend to stalk and kill.


Nice Me195. PE is a sweet figure to work with but unfortunately, there are a number of people here lately with their own agenda's too willing to snipe and discredit without even giving her a chance. Ken1171 deserves due plaudits for his efforts because he at least is willing to ignore the nay-sayers and give it his best and I wish him every success. Sad to say, but this is the way the Hive forums are beginning to slide of late. The proof of that should be clear to those of you honest enough to go back and read the last couple of pages with an open mind. For myself, it reminds me far too much of the way the whole Dawn versus V4 fiasco kicked off and which has caused so much trouble in the community as a whole. No doubt, like those responsible for that little debacle, those of equal guilt here will fall over themselves with a look of wide-eyed innocence and deny it all but the honest truth is that their own fears and over-inflated sense of self won't allow them to let others make their own minds up. In all honesty, I've been more than a little disturbed about the negative politics which have crept into the Hive in recent months and thought about leaving before now but I cannot stand by without at least trying to put a stop to it. This will be my last post at the Hive so I would like to extend my very best regards to Lisa, Chris and the team and wish you every success. Regards also to those of you who have put their integrity before politics and tried to maintain the Hive according to the precepts in which it was conceived and, hopefully, be allowed to return in the very near future! With respect!

Thanks Mytho. I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving. I understand when a hobby becomes a burden it's time take a step back. I hope that you will still continue to make art even if you don't post it anywhere because I think it would be a real shame if you didn't. I will hold out hope that the hive will one day draw you back in a positive manner. If it doesn't or until then I wish you the best of luck in everything you do.


Dances with Bees
Set during WWII it's when the aliens handed over plans and a foo fighter to the SS.. One of the last photos that didn't get destroyed...

Title - Foo Fighter
rendered in Carrara



Dawn had a rough ride in the past, and to some degree, she still does but her popularity continues to grow. It is my belief that a lot of that popularity is due to some of the stunning renders of Dawn that can be seen on so many 3D art sites and Hivewire has more than it's fair share. If that is the case, your renders can only help convince others to try PE as they are truly stunning. The first one is the best render I have seen in a while irrespective of the figure used and generates real interest. The lighting is superb mimicking the background beautifully but her stance and expression almost transports the viewer to the foggy forest in a hope of getting a glance of whatever it is she finds so interesting. Don't get me wrong, I like them both, but that first render is a real hard act to follow.

Dawn and Dusk are still very much underrated figures. In my personal opinion they are the best rigged figures on the market. PE is an extremely well developed figure. You can tell a lot of work went anticipating the user's needs when you use PE especially when posing. I don't want to sound like an advertisement for PE so I won't go into all of the innovations. I will say that it will be a detriment to 3d community to not give PE a fair chance. To be clear I am not accusing anyone of doing that. It's just a common occurrence in the poser community. A lot of poser users have been doing themselves a disservice for a long time by not giving Dawn a chance for example. Thank you for the high praise on the renders. I really appreciate it. The secret to the lighting in both renders is that there are no lights in the scene. They are completely lit by the HDRI in the background. They are also free at HDRI Haven . Look in the outdoor section for Misty Pines if you like the background. Out of the two the first render was my favorite too. Oh another thing I forgot to mention, Dawn and PE also look good together.

Out Numbered.jpg
This one is still a WIP, but Dawn an PE look good.


Dances with Bees
Did I miss something? Is there a figure bashing or something going on that I am unaware of? I don't always read all the posts, I admit. But I am stumped.


Dances with Bees
Did I miss something? Is there a figure bashing or something going on that I am unaware of? I don't always read all the posts, I admit. But I am stumped.

Not bashing Rokket, just pointing out some concerns. Admittedly, things are a bit raw right now because there's some bashing going on at another forum, though not the figure, but the creator.

I saw some things with Project E that needed some attention and went looking for a solution. I found a very nice one that will be released to the community soon.


Did I miss something? Is there a figure bashing or something going on that I am unaware of? I don't always read all the posts, I admit. But I am stumped.

There is no figure bashing going on here, but the fear of it is ever present. When prominent people in the 3D community express a criticism even if it's a constructive one we all brace for impact. It's become habitual for a large part of the poser community to spend a lot of time waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
Personally, I thought the discussion here was fairly well balanced and most people were expressing their own personal likes and dislikes in a reasonable and adult manner. However, there also seemed to be an undercurrent of something else, which, as mentioned above, is apparently from another time and another place.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I certainly didn't intend my post as a criticism of either the figure or the creator. I've only seen renders of the figure, and I don't care enough for what I've seen to invest in the figure ... however well made it may be. Not when the HiveWire 3D line of figures are nowhere near end of life and are still being supported by their creators. Which was and is not the case with V4.

I absolutely don't expect anyone else to feel the same, and have no problem if others want to use or support new figures. But ... as with most of us, my money is limited, and at this point, I can no longer toss money away frivolously as I did when I first stumbled onto DAZ.

I did visit Smith Micro several months ago when I was told about Project E, and I spent time reading through the comments. I came away from that rather frustrated and ... annoyed. I just don't understand some of the people who raved over yet another figure in development that they have never even touched ... when those same people dismissed Dawn as a flawed figure ... without ever touching her either. I'm sure the frustration and annoyance I still feel made it into my post.

Dawn had her own set of problems ... which had nothing to do with the figure and everything to do with a handful of people who put in tremendous effort in sabotaging HiveWire3D and Dawn on every forum ... all without ever touching Dawn either. I haven't seen those people going after any other figure in development since ... with the same viciousness they went after Dawn.

What attracted me sight unseen to Dawn was Chris. Not only did he have experience with developing successful (and commercially successful) figures, but also with starting, building, and running a rather successful company. I was more than willing to "put up" with a figure that would not match V4 in the number of morphs and clothing/accessories on release, because I trusted Dawn wouldn't be dropped by its creator and that morphs and clothing and what not would come along. As I learned of the other people who were involved with HiveWire 3D, I became even more convinced that HiveWire 3D wasn't going to let me down.

Over the years, several figures have been in development ... generally by a single person. Which is not to say a figure requires a company and staff like DAZ or HiveWire 3D. There are some really cool figures out there like Nursoda's and Tate's, and I wish I had the money to pick up every single one. But they wouldn't be go to figures for me. And that's my criteria when I'm told about a new figure that's in development. Can it be my go to figure and can I trust the developer will continue to support the figure. Of less concern to me is whether content providers will support the figure because odds are ... most won't.


I certainly didn't intend my post as a criticism of either the figure or the creator. I've only seen renders of the figure, and I don't care enough for what I've seen to invest in the figure ... however well made it may be. Not when the HiveWire 3D line of figures are nowhere near end of life and are still being supported by their creators. Which was and is not the case with V4.

I absolutely don't expect anyone else to feel the same, and have no problem if others want to use or support new figures. But ... as with most of us, my money is limited, and at this point, I can no longer toss money away frivolously as I did when I first stumbled onto DAZ.

I did visit Smith Micro several months ago when I was told about Project E, and I spent time reading through the comments. I came away from that rather frustrated and ... annoyed. I just don't understand some of the people who raved over yet another figure in development that they have never even touched ... when those same people dismissed Dawn as a flawed figure ... without ever touching her either. I'm sure the frustration and annoyance I still feel made it into my post.

Dawn had her own set of problems ... which had nothing to do with the figure and everything to do with a handful of people who put in tremendous effort in sabotaging HiveWire3D and Dawn on every forum ... all without ever touching Dawn either. I haven't seen those people going after any other figure in development since ... with the same viciousness they went after Dawn.

What attracted me sight unseen to Dawn was Chris. Not only did he have experience with developing successful (and commercially successful) figures, but also with starting, building, and running a rather successful company. I was more than willing to "put up" with a figure that would not match V4 in the number of morphs and clothing/accessories on release, because I trusted Dawn wouldn't be dropped by its creator and that morphs and clothing and what not would come along. As I learned of the other people who were involved with HiveWire 3D, I became even more convinced that HiveWire 3D wasn't going to let me down.

Over the years, several figures have been in development ... generally by a single person. Which is not to say a figure requires a company and staff like DAZ or HiveWire 3D. There are some really cool figures out there like Nursoda's and Tate's, and I wish I had the money to pick up every single one. But they wouldn't be go to figures for me. And that's my criteria when I'm told about a new figure that's in development. Can it be my go to figure and can I trust the developer will continue to support the figure. Of less concern to me is whether content providers will support the figure because odds are ... most won't.

I can relate to a lot of what you have stated here. I did have some knowledge of PE from way back when the idea was on hold as the creator waited for changes in Poser as there had been some issues. That was a few years ago and I was very excited by the prospect and the renders that were about at the time. Had it have been launched then I would have certainly given it a try and who knows what I would be using now. Thing is life moves on, I am not sure if it was ta RDNA or Rendo forums that I got all my information and, with the death of RDNA and personal factors at Rendo that means I no longer go there means I lost track of the project. Around the same time Dawn SE was launched, now I will be honest I did not have blind faith in Chris and Lisa, not then anyway, but Dawn 2 and SE could use content made for the original Dawn. In addition to that commitment new morphs were created which made using Dawn a very interesting proposition.

At the time I lost touch with Project E I found the Hivewire forums and found a great bunch of people and felt at home. Strangely I later found some of the people I learn to respect here were the same people I had on my ignore list elsewhere so something good was happening here and it was something I liked.

As someone who is retired on a modest personal pension and not quite old enough to qualify for my state pension money is tight so these days purchases have to be made with care. Most of my money goes on scenes or content for Dawn and much of that spend is here at Hivewire. Nothing strange in that, it is after all the home of Dawn but I shop here for another reason as well, I like the ethics and the manner in which Hivewire is run and I want to support that in my small way. Which is why I said earlier in this thread I would not use PE was for me Dawn is unfinished business. In saying that I was not trying to bad mouth PE in any way and I have nothing but adoration for anyone who creates a figure single handed.

I truly wish PE every success and some of the renders here show PE in a very good light indeed. I am saddened that some felt the need to step away from Hivewire as I believe the community is slightly the worse off for the loss. For me I am committed to Dawn and Hivewire and hope there are others who become equally committed to PE.