Thank you everyone!
Yes! PE is innovative but isn’t that what 3D is all about? It’s that innovation which steers progress and advances our chosen media. She isn’t for the load, pose and render set as much as the artists amongst us who want more (and that’s what we are, isn’t it?), including the ability to take our work further with a figure which enables us to do just that!
Now, I freely admit that I tend towards the load, pose and render set myself, at least as far as stepping away from the purely visual side of 3D is concerned. I have neither the time nor patience to start learning new techniques just to create the clothing, textures, materials etc. I need to create the images I want. There are other people out there who can do that far better than me and that’s why I find that ‘wait and see mode’ disturbing. There is a prime example of that right here at Hivewire in the form of Dawn (and Dusk to an even greater degree!). Dawn is way beyond V4 in many ways but how does she stand in the market place? Simply by looking at the output for V4 (since Dawns introduction) compared to Dawn will give you the obvious answer to that which is not anywhere near as highly as she should be by now. Dawn is head and shoulders above V4 so why is she so far behind? I suspect that the answer to that is because too many vendors are in ‘wait and see mode’. Yes! I know there are vendors creating for Dawn (albeit very few at the present time) but not as many as there should be. However, that attitude could also be interpreted as fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone, which can only lead ultimately to failure because it tends to stifle innovation and that should be the last thing anyone with a love of 3D wants!
Equally disturbing to me is the attitude that PE having genitals makes her somehow not worthy of attention:
‘Knowing ero, she probably has all the right stuff for making the sort of comics he does. He has even admitted that the whole things started because he wanted things the other figures couldn't give him.’
Why, oh why, do I get the impression that that comment should have ‘snigger, snigger’ after it in brackets!
Yes! She does have all the ‘right stuff’ (in common with the worlds female population) but not for the reasons suggested. In fact,, rather than extend an overlong reply even further, I would suggest you go along and read why Ero created PE which are certainly not for the reasons you seem to assume. The good news is that all the documentation comes free along with the PE Demo version, which includes all her rigging so you can try before you buy (or not which is your choice). At the end of the day, that’s just a matter of common sense. To do otherwise can only result in the sort of uninformed, dishonest and spurious comments which have caused such ill-feeling on other forums about Dawn versus V4.
Looks are a matter of personal preference of course. For myself I like the girl-next-door look she has in her basic form as well as her fuller figure which, to me, makes her much more realistic, though bear in mind she does come complete with thirteen other characters covering ethnicity and fantasy which makes ringing the changes simple.
All of which is a matter of personal choice. I spent a few days playing with her Demo before I bought her for no other reason that I was so impressed with her and I’ve been buying precious little these days because of the sparsity of products for Poser. There are some areas which I find bothersome. For example: turning collision off on her multitude of handles when using dynamic clothing. (Don’t try to do it by hiding the handles because Poser takes that as also hiding the relevant body parts, unless you like to watch you’re carefully set up clothing slide floor wards!). On the other hand, that’s part of the price you pay for innovation isn’t it? Progress has a learning curve and learning goes with our chosen pastime, doesn’t it?
Edited to add:
Hair intended for V4 fits pretty well in most cases with only very minor adjustments for x and z scale plus equally minor adjustments for y and z trans. Fabianas KiriTi on the other hand fits perfectly which I'm delighted with because it's also my go-to hair style. The only tip is to double-click rather than drag and conform which simplifies any adjustments. Poses intended for V4 also work well!
Well, I think for me that Dawn has not sold me to use her (though I have her and got a few things for her), is because I have so much more stuff for V4. Special body adjust morphs important for creating the kind of work I like creating and textures and props and not to mention the learning curve and not to mention updating more store purchases for her to make the experience and results on the Par with V4.
Personally I have not seen too many images of Dawn I like her looks in…that is just me and not a bash on the creators. Though I can’t help wondering if she isn’t a by product of the load and pose and render mentality of so many Poser users.
I SPIN DIALS and love it and love the results I get when I do it….do all the load and pose and render people feel the same way?
I had a discussion when I first started using V4 and I started REAL late working with her though I did own her and a lot of stuff for her preferring to continue working with V2…GO FIGURE!.
It was with Poser/V4 newbie who could not figure out what morphs I bought or added to make her look shorter and stockier more realistic proportionally. I asked him to show a target example and proceeded to try and emulate her look using just the V4++ dials which he claimed he had. He was flummoxed until I sent him a list of the settings of the morph dials I used. He thanked me and never heard from him again. Do people have an avversity to spinning those dials to see what they do?
Seemed like it to me…with him anyway.
I think even if I liked DAWN render samples enough to load her and work with her, I probably wouldn’t…same as I didn’t work much with Antonia (even after investing in her) Ang1 and Ang2 and and the Poser 5 girl Judy (even after buying the morphs to make her look better than she did out of the box)…and now PE and the new weight mapped custom morphed for erotic delivery Sasha16 which is a lovely weight mapped looking figure created and distributed FREE by the creator or Karinas V@&!na and based on V4.
Apparently though she uses all of V4 textures and to some degree from what I have read most of her 3rd party morphs, seems too darn overwhelming for me to try it.
Though from reading what i have about PE and having worked with his first product Lali’s Bits and seeing how complex that was to use (I did NOT use it though I got it free from Ero) I probably won’t get PE. Seems he has done the same thing with PE…migrated from “long time standards” methodology for poser figures and to get it up to his standards has made it too complex to use even for addicted dial spinners like me.

Well I don’t purchase or use stuff for getting my teeth sunk into the progress learning bar. I really don’t like progress much across the board mostly due to its forced obsolescence and having to relearn everything which I personally truly have a difficult time with. Thus another reason (besides those already stated) for not jumping on new figures…or anything new for that matter.
There is also the thing of combining other figures with Mil4 figures and for some reason they look like they were created by the hand of a different GOD! In a way they were but I don’t want it to look so jarringly obvious I’m my renders. Say for example Antonia and V4 side by side, or V4 with Judy or even V4 with V2! I have tried it numerous times and always been so disappointed I deleted the other figures and replaced them with a version of V4 spun to look the same. CAN NEVER GET THE OTHER FIGURE TO LOOK LIKE ANY V4 FIGURE I AM WORKING WITH! Frustrating as hell but that is it!
Before PE he worked on a figure for his comics called Lali which was created off V4. He created a lot of new morphs for her and new textures and wanted , because of demand for her by his fan base, to distribute her to users. DAZ gave him a hard time with that idea so he decided to use V4 as a take off “Norm” and create his own DAZ free girl! Years later she has finally evolved. I hope for his sake she makes it he certainly has put a lot of energy and work in the making.