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I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread


Thank you, @Miss B :inlove:

Simply amazing work, cousin. I love the level of detail you are getting in there. Makes me want to go hunt for a 4 leaf clover.
Thanks, cousin. The geeks are working on micro-poly displacement for Cycles, and I hope Superfly will then add it. The terrain needs micro-poly displacement to get the grass, clover, and flowers to "pop". But yeah, the tile scrambling method does maintain good detail even when covering a massive area.

I was just going to ask about the waterfall when I realized that the entire thing is just so big!!! Excellent lawn work but the sky looks as if it's ready to cry. Are you using Poser 11 lighting?
I've got a lot of work done on the water, but still much remains to be done. The rippling splash pools at the base of each waterfall will need new tricks, since I won't have micro-poly displacement available. These are Superfly test renders, with the lighting supplied by the lamps, the skydome, and a 15% strength infinite light.

That pair of twin mallorn trees is the same geometry as the last version, except for the omission of the emitter props (no longer needed). But the materials are updated, particularly anything glass, metal, or glowy. Even in that night shot, the copper of the stair/pergola framing sparkles, much better than the Firefly materials. The lamps now cast their own light, without need of an unseen emitter. The big twisty mulberry tree looks the same, but almost every element is new geometry. Every assembly has to spatially zeroed (placed at X=0, Z=0, Yrotation=0), saved as a prop set, then I have to strip the geometry from the PP2 so that if you use more than one in a scene, only one geometry is loaded into memory. It all takes time. The stripped geometry method also allows someone else to offer a re-textured version as a PP2 without redistributing my geometry.

Yes, it's big. Forty eight DAZ Millennium Environments lined up would not reach across it. Room to run a horse or fly a dragon! For these test shots, I'm using the P11 construct ground/skydome (scaled up 1,100%, but Lothlorien will have its own skydome because it gives the illusion of extending the terrain even further.

Thoughts on Wonder Woman's Amazonium metal: It could be like coltan, a reference to an alloy (coltan = Columbium/Tantalum, Columbium has since been renamed Niobium). Or, it might be an isotope of some elemental metal, as Deuterium and Tritium are both isotopes of Hydrogen. I have holographic gunsights powered by Tritium (it's radioactive - an alpha emitter) - no batteries to go dead! ;)


Dances with Bees
It helps to do your research! I better get on mine before I get into the second draft. I had to stop the first draft because real life bit me in the hind quarters. I will be getting back into that one shortly.


Upgrades for Miri's treehouse: To facilitate interior camera shots, that portion of the tree trunk will now be a separate -thus hideable- prop.
Also, to make use of the knothole, I'll make a little sundeck (see Silo guy up there, for scale). I'll add a railing, and make a scuttle hatch on the treehouse roof, with steps and/or a ladder to get to the upper sundeck.


It helps to do your research! I better get on mine before I get into the second draft. I had to stop the first draft because real life bit me in the hind quarters. I will be getting back into that one shortly.
Message for you on your Yahoo email. ;)


Check ShareCG and/or Renderosity's freestuff; I have a Superfly material sampler pack, a material pack for the "construct" (P11 ground/skydome). That will give you a start. Try some of those deceptively simple metal materials on Wonder Woman's outfit, or HawkGirl's oufit. Unlike Firefly, Superfly inherently "knows" what a metal is, so all you need to do in the material room is tell Superfly "This is metal", and you get great results. Tinted glass can be made volumetric and transmit colored light. In Firefly, you had to be a node wizard to do that; in Superfly, it's easy.


Dances with Bees
Thanks! I'll give it a shot in a day or two! I have a lot to download and a slow router to do it with!


Stairway and handrail leading from roof hatch up to the knothole sundeck:

It would be nice to have the back end of the knothole (and the section of tree trunk behind that) as a separate hideable panel, to allow for camera shots from within the knothole. I'll need to see if the seams show too much in a render.

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
Something I've noticed from time to time that using Superfly with NO adjustments gets you some great results. Superfly with firefly skin textures is no good. You need Snarly's script to fix that. Not all metal textures or ceramics hold up as well, but when they do, I like what I see.

For Superfly, remove any ambient occlusion nodes you find; it was an old P5/P6 Firefly cheat, and Superfly does ambient occlusion inherently. Stonemason also often plugged a reflect node into the ambient_color socket or the alternate_specular socket for metals. Superfly won't like/need that. Make your metals using the ks_microfacet node (plugged into alternate_specular) - one node and your done, with results superior to any of those cheats done in Firefly.

So I don't have a 10th the knowledge of shaders that @seachnasaigh but I had learned he was totally right about that a different way. Poser 11 has a wonderful log feature that's easy to overlook. Whenever I render something that was made for Firefly in Superfly I take a look at the log, and it will point out any bad nodes (from SFs point of view). Also in the advanced material room if you see a dotted line running between two nodes instead of a solid one, that's another hint that SF doesn't like what's happening there. I learned a lot about materials and nodes by just looking at these two things and seeing what the results were when I changed stuff.

Two. They are made of Amazonium. I'n not quite sure where that is on the periodic table. They've had at least 60 or more to rewrite the element but somehow, and even gratefully they did not make the change and the following is still True.

Perhaps I can help:

You'll notice that Amazonium falls near the bottom right of the table.


GG, this is GREAT! I think I found your source and was frustrated I couldn't blow it up to see where Amazonium is located. I think your blow up may be the best picture of this table possible. The company that published it removed it from their site so I got a big 404 when I went to look for it.

Here is another one that is not as good as yours because it does lack the metal of Wonder Chick's bracelets.

Periodic table of fictional-metals
Periodic Table of Imaginary Elements..jpg

For those of us writing as well as creating art for stories, Something like this suddenly becomes valuable. For those that are not...it's still just fun!!


Superfly test render of the updated Miri's treehouse:

One of the changes I made was to replace the rear set of French doors with a bay window which has a window seat. The door and window glass now has thickness, so if you want to tint the glass and get caustic color transmission, have a ball! :D

The servers are working on a test of the waterstreams and waterfalls (except for the splash and waves where the waterfall hits the pool at the base of the cliff - not ready yet).


Dances with Bees
Looking really good, cousin!

I am really enjoying your gift. Unfortunately, I can't download those shaders you made, but I am figuring out how to use the Superfly materials on my own, and... reading the manual!

Thank you again. God bless you, kind sir!


GG, this is GREAT! I think I found your source and was frustrated I couldn't blow it up to see where Amazonium is located. I think your blow up may be the best picture of this table possible. The company that published it removed it from their site so I got a big 404 when I went to look for it.

Here is another one that is not as good as yours because it does lack the metal of Wonder Chick's bracelets.

Periodic table of fictional-metals
View attachment 26818

For those of us writing as well as creating art for stories, Something like this suddenly becomes valuable. For those that are not...it's still just fun!!

Here's a link I found to the original table from gadget girl above that's a bit better to read : https://www.buymetalonline.co.uk/images/fictional_minerals.jpg

It does appear that both are missing Transparent Aluminum (Star Trek IV: Voyage Home). At least I don't see it listed in typical scan of such things.)


Unfortunately, I can't download those shaders you made...
I can post screenshots of example materials, and you can ask about any particular material you're aiming for. The manual isn't much help for material design.

Is the inability to download the material packs temporary (at sea, etc.), or is there some permanent systemic issue? If so, maybe I could send emails with bite-sized attachments.

On the sci-fi/superhero metals: I would think that Star Trek's "transparent aluminum" would still be Al, just a special form of it, as diamond, carbon fibre, and graphite are still carbon - with the diamond form being transparent. But yeah, it should make the fiction periodic table.

I can't read the chart, but I'm guessing Un is Unobtanium (from Avatar). Amongst us hot rodders, "Unobtanium" has long referred to parts which were highly touted by the manufacturers but not feasibly available for Joe Average. For example, Ford's 427OHC (overhead cam) hemi engine: only factory-sponsored big name racers could get those. Hence, the "cammer" was great, but it was made of Unobtanium.

Deleted member 325

Here's a link I found to the original table from gadget girl above that's a bit better to read : https://www.buymetalonline.co.uk/images/fictional_minerals.jpg

It does appear that both are missing Transparent Aluminum (Star Trek IV: Voyage Home). At least I don't see it listed in typical scan of such things.)
Things like Transparent Aluminum, Transparasteel, and even Amazonium actually are not elements, even in their source fictions, they are compounds and alloys (as are Mithril, Adamantium, Promethium, Vibranium, Neutronium, Orichalcum. and many others). Additionally, writers should be weary as some of these fictional compounds, minerals, and elements carry trademarks and are considered protected IP.


Dances with Bees
I can post screenshots of example materials, and you can ask about any particular material you're aiming for. The manual isn't much help for material design.

Is the inability to download the material packs temporary (at sea, etc.), or is there some permanent systemic issue? If so, maybe I could send emails with bite-sized attachments.

On the sci-fi/superhero metals: I would think that Star Trek's "transparent aluminum" would still be Al, just a special form of it, as diamond, carbon fibre, and graphite are still carbon - with the diamond form being transparent. But yeah, it should make the fiction periodic table.

I can't read the chart, but I'm guessing Un is Unobtanium (from Avatar). Amongst us hot rodders, "Unobtanium" has long referred to parts which were highly touted by the manufacturers but not feasibly available for Joe Average. For example, Ford's 427OHC (overhead cam) hemi engine: only factory-sponsored big name racers could get those. Hence, the "cammer" was great, but it was made of Unobtanium.
Yeah, the problem is I am at sea and can't download to a government pc. I will be in port on Tuesday, so I will go check things out then. I have to grab a couple of scripts while I am at it. EZSkin for one. I figured out how to use some of the materials with the Physical Surface. I can get a metallic surface now. I used BB's RGB numbers and made a gold surface that looked great. But he mentioned using a freshnel blend node and I am not sure how to plug that in.

If I find any real problems, I'll PM you.