• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

RELEASED Hivewire Big Cat Has Begun!


Contributing Artist
I don't think so eclark, they haven't done a lion (just the Leopard/Black Panther), at least not yet :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
. . . and we've been calling the leopard/panther Big Kitty. Very original but it works. :D


Contributing Artist
OMG...I know it's been a while...But WOW!! this is coming along so well...Loving what I am seeing!


HW3D President
Staff member
Welcome to HiveWire Howy. Glad you're here.

We can't wait to get this Big Cat into your hands!!
hi and welcome howy
chris the cat is coming along awsomly u have put a lot of hours and hard work like u do with every one of yr models u need a huge gold star well done x

carmen indorato

I am just curious here but does anyone by any chance know what the differences in file size are between the DAZ Big Cat 1 and this beauty?
Would just like to know what the hit on processing resources would be.
Also I wish the content creators here had offered their incredible talents to the original creators of Poser. Their content, in my opinion, is greatly inferior and that is a shame.


HW3D President
Staff member
I am just curious here but does anyone by any chance know what the differences in file size are between the DAZ Big Cat 1 and this beauty?
Would just like to know what the hit on processing resources would be.
Also I wish the content creators here had offered their incredible talents to the original creators of Poser. Their content, in my opinion, is greatly inferior and that is a shame.

The file size for our Big Cat/Leopard/Panther is 36.9 mb for the Poser format uncompressed.

To your second part. While I was creating Dawn I spoke with Steve Cooper at Smith Micro about making available our Dawn and male counter part (Didn't have a name for him then) in the upcoming Poser 10. However, I was politely brushed aside, with the explanation that there was already so much content going into their next version. That was a bit of a surprise to me.

I started writing about other specific meetings that our offer was extended (pre Charles Taylor), but deleted them. I don't want it to come across as a sour grapes thing. But suffice it to say that the offer has indeed been extended and declined. Poser has it's own content, and for various reasons, they want it that way.

However, we internally are finally at a point (as of just last night actually) to have our content searchable within the Poser ap. Hoping that very shortly Smith Micro can hook us up so that folks can search our store within Poser. This is a great thing that Smith Micro has made available to us, and it looks like we might finally be there!! Yay!!!

carmen indorato

Wonder why they are so adamant to not get better content? I never use and have never used their content since Poser 4. As soon as Zygot/DAZ released the millenium 1 figures the original poser people were summarily deleted from my runtime. I kept some of the other content, animals and such because there were no better alternatives and still use them but.......less and less.
As for the new poser content....never!
Oh well to each their own. And good luck on the Poser link to your stuff. Hope it goes great!


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
I think a lot of people got burned pretty badly in the aftermath of the collapse of MetaCreations. With the host program being tossed about like a beachball and landing in a different company's hands every time you looked, there is no way to assure stability. Some creators decided that they should uncouple themselves from Poser entirely and operate independently, while, once Smith-Micro had control of the program, they were pretty determined to provide all the content themselves, no outsiders need apply. They do provide the basics. But most of it isn't necessarily premium work. Or it may once have *been* premium work, but is now old tech.

carmen indorato

Actually except for P4 I do not recall seeing or working with as ypu put it "Premium Quality" content. Zygote and Runtime DNA were content creators for a while not sure what versions of Poser RDNA was involved in Though if memory is on P4 was Zygote.
There is an old Italian expression:
"Don't swallow the mule to choke up on the tail"In other words you have already conceptualized and created a piece of content, textured and tested and included with the app for distribution mow much more work could it be to polish it up and tweak it so it is a better product instead of a slacked heinie afterthought with bad joints, horrible textures and lacking in any refined extras that will make content users or the Poser App users want to use it?
I love content creators like we have seen here of late who are proud of their work and are deeply driven by their passion to create the best they can for content users. It is a question of pride. Smith Micro should set down higher standards for their content creators.....it reflects on heir product signature...it's basic business and marketing.
I have seen so darn many one shot products that show potential in filling a niche need that is released and lacking in completion.
o morphs, bad textures, bad joints, bad or no good expressions or character options, no accessories and on and on......that no matter how I have begged for follow-up products offered to help sell their figure better it is ignored.
"Oh I am too busy now working on other stuff maybe when I clear my deck!" is the usual answer. Clear your deck of what...other poorly made Poser stuff? One guy used his hobby of selling breed dogs as a reason for not providing me with a list of morphs included with his figure. To say I refused to buy his otherwise fairly attractive figure due to lack of interest....HIS.....would be an understatement.

I have spent thousands of dollars and have thousands of products on CDs DVDs, hard Drives here I will probably never get time to use and most of it is schlock produced by people with a little real skills but no interest in creating quality stuff. They use the base figures in a few renders and make them look good just god enough to sell the product and that is it. NO MORE.
As far as I am concerned creating inferior product for their applications is stupid marketing. DAZ had right...give the app away and get the money on the content! Brilliant!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
That's very good news Chris!

I have tried to like Poser people, but they just aren't that easy for me to work with. I'm almost of a mind to wish Smith Micro separated the content from the program though it probably wouldn't decrease the cost of Poser all that much.