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Hair Systems in DS


The Wicked Witch of the North
And Mr Were-Bunny comes back. So the presets are only any good on the original size. If I export to obj, attach the obj only to Mr Bunny and delete the LAMH thingy, it works but the program slows down. I don't know why things are loading as giants. Mil cat is loading as big as the dog, dog and horse are loading fine, Lyne's rabbits load huge.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
That is really odd, Lyne. I can scale any Alessandro's wolf models down and the fur just follows them. Very strange.

Is this DS 4.8?

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Argh. I'm sorry. But on the up side, at least LAMH goes on sale pretty regularly... and Alessandro's store as a whole does as well...

Maybe use the time between now and the next sale to get a little more comfy with just attaching presets. It's still odd that it's behaving that way, though. Given all the critters you mentioned and that they're all loading in absolutely huge, I'd have to wonder if maybe your 4.8 install might have something else going on and some other kind of issue with it. This isn't your main computer, right? You're on the computer ashore, not your boat?


The Wicked Witch of the North
That's right, I am ashore. I'm wondering that myself. One of the first things I'll check when I fire it up next. It's very odd. I tell you this, I'm never leaving the desktop behind again...even if it is only a couple of days...using this laptop is soooo frustrating! I am spoilt with my puter and I wish to remain that way ;)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yeah, I'd be wondering if maybe the DS install on that machine ashore might need to be re-installed... something seems wonky with it. If it was just the rabbit, I'd think maybe there was something about that particular mesh that LAMH didn't like. But with all the various critters you mentioned all coming in that big... seems very odd to me, and I would suspect more the 4.8 installation.

And I hear you about your main computer, alright! That's one of the biggest reasons I opted for the laptop! My work has to be able to move WITH me! :D


The Wicked Witch of the North
You should see me shifting the desktop...laundry basket with monitor, cables, chargers,keyboard and mouse. Puter box in a big stripey bag, external HD, tablet and phone in my hand bag plus a huge bag of washing, my bag of fridge stuff, bag of coffee essentials and me, all loaded up into the dinghy and very carefully conveyed ashore ;)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I would shudder at the thought of bringing a computer that close to the water! LOL I'm okay in a boat... but something like my computer? I don't know if I'd be willing to take the risk of it getting ocean-dipped! :D


Aha! It's when you make him smaller! Lyne's rabbits are loading huge for some reason and when you resize them it wrecks the preset.
Same thing happens with the Millennium Cat and LAMH presets - always resize the figure before applying the LAMH preset! :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Same thing happens with the Millennium Cat and LAMH presets - always resize the figure before applying the LAMH preset! :)

Yeah, she did that, Simon. That's what she was doing first, and then when she attached the preset her bunny turned into Mr. Were-Bunny. ;)


The Wicked Witch of the North
Fraid so, Simon, Mr Were-Bunny does NOT like being resized, before or after the preset is applied. I have a render cooking which has a resized bunny with the hair obj parented and that is working though it be awful hard on this pathetic laptop.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Thanks heaps for your help and support, Seliah, this laptop may have ended up over the veranda and into the bush without you. :)

And now I am going to take my grumpy dog and head off to bed. See you later! :inverted:


OK I am here...been a bit ill over the last week and finally feeling human again.

Yeah I got Garibaldi when it first came out as it was cheaper than LAMH at the time. I don't have LAMH but I have kept up with it's usage and updates via the forums and vids and from what I can gather LAMH is so much more than a Hair plug-in so much when it does go on sale again I will snap it up.

Garibaldi is just a hair maker nothing else, it can do fur no problem. Exports hair as flat pointy plane meshes so the hair strands have no thickness unlike zbrush fiberhair. Export to OBJ is there but unsuported and on that note the maker of Garibaldi does respond to emails and hasn't been seen in the forums for a long time now.

LAMH can do more than Hair as shown in their PA threads over on DAZ3D. Exports hair as fibermesh, better for Iray, Lux etc, not so good on RAM. :) Support is second to none IMHO

Both apps need learning, they are not one click solutions but given time and practice it does become easier.

Here is all my Garibaldi projects to date. No not many as it takes a lot of time to learn, the Kiwi project really pushed me to up the learning and I finally understand the plug-in.

Back Spines and beard:

Cheat feathers:

All the fut:

Blokes beard, top lip fairy and stubble even the dog in the back wasn't spared:

and lastly an Iray test render of my latest Garibaldi project

kiwi big 5s.jpg


A quick test (with Dawn as a size reference) - left to right we have Millennium cat as it loads, with LAMH short fur preset loaded, Dawn as Mst's Sam, Millennium cat scaled to 35% then with LAMH preset added, Millennium cat loaded then LAMH preset loaded and then scaled to 35%.
Fur enough.jpg


The Wicked Witch of the North
OK I am here...been a bit ill over the last week and finally feeling human again.

Yeah I got Garibaldi when it first came out as it was cheaper than LAMH at the time. I don't have LAMH but I have kept up with it's usage and updates via the forums and vids and from what I can gather LAMH is so much more than a Hair plug-in so much when it does go on sale again I will snap it up.

Garibaldi is just a hair maker nothing else, it can do fur no problem. Exports hair as flat pointy plane meshes so the hair strands have no thickness unlike zbrush fiberhair. Export to OBJ is there but unsuported and on that note the maker of Garibaldi does respond to emails and hasn't been seen in the forums for a long time now.

LAMH can do more than Hair as shown in their PA threads over on DAZ3D. Exports hair as fibermesh, better for Iray, Lux etc, not so good on RAM. :) Support is second to none IMHO

Both apps need learning, they are not one click solutions but given time and practice it does become easier.

Here is all my Garibaldi projects to date. No not many as it takes a lot of time to learn, the Kiwi project really pushed me to up the learning and I finally understand the plug-in.

Back Spines and beard:

Cheat feathers:

All the fut:

Blokes beard, top lip fairy and stubble even the dog in the back wasn't spared:

and lastly an Iray test render of my latest Garibaldi project

View attachment 4305

Hi Szark and thanks for responding, I really appreciate it and I hope the feeling human continues.

I really like what you have done with Garibaldi, especially the kiwi (but I may be biased there ;) ) It looks as if both programs have their strengths and weaknesses, LAMH's biggest being its constant crashing.

And PS: outstanding renders as per usual!


The Wicked Witch of the North
A quick test (with Dawn as a size reference) - left to right we have Millennium cat as it loads, with LAMH short fur preset loaded, Dawn as Mst's Sam, Millennium cat scaled to 35% then with LAMH preset added, Millennium cat loaded then LAMH preset loaded and then scaled to 35%.
View attachment 4320

Right, time to try this. Thanks Simon!


Only caveat would be the 'lag' - if/when you move (or scale) the underlying figure the green LAMH hair guidelines in the DS viewport can 'hover' unchanged for a moment until they 'snap to' the figure again, which can be quite disconcerting! :)


Create Scene and then save out the figure for fur/hair as a scene subset, make hair, test render etc. When complete open original scene file, delete figure and merge the scene with figure and hair to do the final render.

Also if the plug-in is crashing while in the plug-in interface then it could be an OpenGL issue. While doing the Kiwi Garibaldi kept crashing, I found it was just one setting that I had ON, as soon as I turned if off, no more crashing. It had to do with showing the base of the hair, so an OpenGL issue.

Now if you have a problem with rendering then it might be down to not enough RAM.