OK I am here...been a bit ill over the last week and finally feeling human again.
Yeah I got Garibaldi when it first came out as it was cheaper than LAMH at the time. I don't have LAMH but I have kept up with it's usage and updates via the forums and vids and from what I can gather LAMH is so much more than a Hair plug-in so much when it does go on sale again I will snap it up.
Garibaldi is just a hair maker nothing else, it can do fur no problem. Exports hair as flat pointy plane meshes so the hair strands have no thickness unlike zbrush fiberhair. Export to OBJ is there but unsuported and on that note the maker of Garibaldi does respond to emails and hasn't been seen in the forums for a long time now.
LAMH can do more than Hair as shown in their PA threads over on DAZ3D. Exports hair as fibermesh, better for Iray, Lux etc, not so good on RAM.

Support is second to none IMHO
Both apps need learning, they are not one click solutions but given time and practice it does become easier.
Here is all my Garibaldi projects to date. No not many as it takes a lot of time to learn, the Kiwi project really pushed me to up the learning and I finally understand the plug-in.
Back Spines and beard:
Cheat feathers:
All the fut:
Blokes beard, top lip fairy and stubble even the dog in the back wasn't spared:
and lastly an Iray test render of my latest Garibaldi project
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