DISCLAIMER: The following writing has been posted already by me elsewhere, but things were becoming too serious around here and involving legitimate concerns about food and threats to life and limb... and take it from someone who’s spent a large portion of their life facing threats to life and limb and worrying about food... that’s boring.
What you need in dire circumstances is levity... or levitation... which one is the one where you make fun of serious circumstances to distract yourself from impending doom...
Right... what you need is levitation... just ignore the doom part, okay...
Today I was reading a New York Times article and came up with a great thought... (which I shared with them in the comments section)
During this crisis we are seeing a shortage of toilet paper... and moments before I was reading the article about how toilet paper was being delivered by armed guards to a CVS in Washington, I came across a picture from my trip to the local beach which I posted here a few days back...
Stay with me on this... it could change your life.
Okay, back in the days of Ancient Rome, they had these communal toilets where people pooped together and discussed the events of the day, who decapitated who at the Colosseum and what was the latest rage in semi decayed food... etc... And after the pooping and BSing, the romans would clean their posterior orifices with a Xylospongium (or "Tersorium", depending on which ancient Roman you ask), which is basically a natural sea sponge on a stick.
Okay, don't act shocked... this was Ancient Rome, and that was actually one of less gross things that was common... but don't worry, they didn't just chuck them out, they usually (usually) washed them in a bucket of salt water or vinegar... I'm not sure what they did with the vinegar afterwards, but I don't want to think about it either (that's not the origin of balsamic vinegar... or at least I don't think so...)... which is good, because that was like an early commitment to recycling... right?
In case you are wondering what they looked like...
A few days back when I was down at the beach, I came across a bunch of huge watermelon size chunks of natural sea sponges... which are quite common to see around here, usually after a storm or one of those crab Kaiju comes ashore. These things just sit on the beach and usually just dry up and blow off into the dunes where they eventually crumble into nothingness.
They look something like this...
Well... without the eyes...
So I was thinking... everyone is running out of toilet paper, and everyone is into natural products these days and what is more natural than "Sponge-On-A-Stick"?
Its 100% recyclable... in fact if you just chucked it out the window when you were done, there is a 90% chance a seagull would swoop down and carry it off... at least that's what happens with French fries and chicken nuggets around here... but anyway, you could probably reuse Sponge-On-A-Stick, tens, if not elevens of times before it became too crusty... provided you had a big bucket of vinegar or salt water...
I know you are probably intrigued or mildly disgusted, but hear me out... I could make tons of money on this and some of that money could be yours...
Okay that wasn't a great argument, but it's 100% natural and it's made from soft sponges that died a peaceful natural death at the hands of Mother Nature... and the sticks would be made from natural stick wood, harvested naturally with chainsaws or dynamite...
You are probably looking at that picture and saying "that's gross, it's full of sand and it looks like rotting kelp... but I am intrigued... tell me more..."
Yes... it is full of sand, or as we in the Sponge-On-A-Stick industry like to call it "Silicate mirco-encapsulated power scrubbing nodules"... these tiny little grains of scrubbing power have been packed into every nook, cranny and pore on the sponge by Mother Nature herself using the patented action of tidal motion to drag the sponge back and forth zillions of times across the sand until the sponge is ready for use... And the rotting kelp thing is actually nature's way of ensuring it's soft, yet free of chemicals and harmful dyes that could hurt your bottom... not only that, but Sponge-On-A-Stick comes in "Rustic Beach", "Natural Seashore" and "Sun Dried Crab" scents that are each a unique and unparalleled olfactory experience.
The moment your friends come over they'll all ask... "what's that smell" and you can say "Sponge-On-A-Stick".
I hope I've you convinced because this is a potential gold mine for me and I know you people want me to have your money instead of the evil toilet paper cartels... Besides, if I don't get it someone else will... and if not them, what were you going to spend it on... Rent? Food?... ?
You need to jump on this today before there are evil sponge cartels grabbing up all the sponges, stuffing them in bags and claiming "5 Ultra sponges = 625,000 regular sponges" when you know damn well they are the same damn sponges... you also need to stock up now before the next pandemic which I'm sure will involve zombies or vampire spores which will probably lead to disruptions in the supply chain and lots of sponge hoarding... and since toilet paper can't be found on the seashore (well not always)...( I did find some pants last time... but I'm not sure if they are man made or like natural sea pants)... (anyway)...
So there you have it... Sponge-On-A-Stick... and you can get in on the bottom level and be the first kids on the block to be scrubbing your booty with the wave of the future...
Get it... wave of the future... because it's a sponge and it comes from the sea and the sea has waves... eh, never mind...
Sponge-On-A-Stick... look for it in stores now!
Well, soon... pretty soon... I'm kinda tired now and I don't feel like driving down to the beach and it's like getting late and the seagulls are always pecking me because my jacket smells like crabs... there's a legitimate reason for that, but it's a long story... hopefully I still remember about this tomorrow... but if you see Sponge-On-A-Stick in the stores, you definitely should buy it.
Hey... you wanna see the pants I found?…
Maybe a mermaid lost them... ?