• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Fantasies Realm -- are they still there?


Before I passed on your site to do topics on Fantasy Attic forum for your freebies. I'm there the main hunter for freebies, to give to people a link toward the site pages of goodies. Yes, free advertising for other markets in a way :p;) But people like to know interesting stuff, here, there, everywhere.
Then one day, at the time I used Firefox, I had "insecure connection" white page on your site. The broswer said no to come on your site.
Since last year I'm using Waterfox, and it's always the same song by the browser, despite I'm trying once in a while. Below, a screen capture made a moment ago.

I don't remember I removed the topics I made bringing people on your site (topics are available for members and just guests), but maybe I put them in our archives. Will have to check when we'll be back online. If my brain doesn't forget that information :laugh:
I know also I asked to somebody else, who couldn't go on your site either. And not using Waterfox browser, nor FF.


  • danatasite.jpg
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Before I passed on your site to do topics on Fantasy Attic forum for your freebies. I'm there the main hunter for freebies, to give to people a link toward the site pages of goodies. Yes, free advertising for other markets in a way :p;) But people like to know interesting stuff, here, there, everywhere.
Then one day, at the time I used Firefox, I had "insecure connection" white page on your site. The broswer said no to come on your site.
Since last year I'm using Waterfox, and it's always the same song by the browser, despite I'm trying once in a while. Below, a screen capture made a moment ago.

I don't remember I removed the topics I made bringing people on your site (topics are available for members and just guests), but maybe I put them in our archives. Will have to check when we'll be back online. If my brain doesn't forget that information :laugh:
I know also I asked to somebody else, who couldn't go on your site either. And not using Waterfox browser, nor FF.
This makes no sense. I'm using Chrome, but I just typed in the address exactly as you have it in that image, and it loaded immediately. I know I've had customers using Firefox and they haven't had any trouble getting to the site. Perhaps it's being blocked by your anti-virus software, or even your internet providor (seems unlikely, but who knows?).

Try this direct link: Dana's 3D

Let me know how that worked.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
No problem for me with that direct link in the latest version of Firefox, Dana. In fact, I don't think I've ever had an issue getting to your site.


No, no luck.
And if I follow the link to learn more I arrive on a FF explanation (Waterfox is a kindof brother for FF). I haven't the highest secure level on my browser, but close. Like that since years.
Unfortunately, you are the only site I can't visit.
I have a old comp I put few on the web (mainly to update the antivirus and use Poser 11), I tried. I have the same problem.
I can't explain at all. But maybe I must remember before I had my first comp, the comps in the same room than me ended with troubles lol Maybe it's my old "ghost" playing here.


  • danatasite2.jpg
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Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I get that on sites sometimes.
Had it on Hivewire and Renderosity.
I know they are okay so I click ignore or continue to site.


No, no luck.
And if I follow the link to learn more I arrive on a FF explanation (Waterfox is a kindof brother for FF). I haven't the highest secure level on my browser, but close. Like that since years.
Unfortunately, you are the only site I can't visit.
I have a old comp I put few on the web (mainly to update the antivirus and use Poser 11), I tried. I have the same problem.
I can't explain at all. But maybe I must remember before I had my first comp, the comps in the same room than me ended with troubles lol Maybe it's my old "ghost" playing here.
I wonder if it's a cache thing? I recently had the SSL certificate renewed, in June I think. Other than that, I just can't figure it out. Especially since others with Firefox are not having the same issue. Perhaps you need to identify my site as safe to your anti-virus software? I, too, have had that issue with a few sites once in a while. When I tell it that it's safe, it doesn't happen again. My site is not well known, that could be part of the problem. Sometimes Norton complains about a site or a file I'm trying to download, saying that it has very few hits from other customers of Norton. That especially happens with 3D stuff, or a new version of some software.

This is upsetting to me. It's hard enough to get new customers, vendors and testers, without this happening. :confused:


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I wonder if it's a cache thing? I recently had the SSL certificate renewed, in June I think. Other than that, I just can't figure it out.
I went through this with all my sites earlier this year, as I didn't have the SSL certificates, and it wasn't just Firefox, but Norton that was also giving me issues.

I don't know where you host your site Dana, but one of the other things I needed to take care of was to update my .htaccess file for each site. You might want to check with your web host to see what they recommend.


I've had an SSL certificate on my site for quite a few years now. As I said, I'm not sure it has to do with my site as much as somewhere in between, and there have been enough people from different areas of the country, and even abroad, that use Firefox and haven't had an issue. If I can, I'll look into that, but I think it's all set up properly.

There's my site, which I've been struggling to get moving for a few years. Stubborn, I guess. Faery_Light is a vendor there. Tough to get recognition, though. Everybody goes to the big 3...err, 2 now.

Dana's 3D

Dana does your store have a Facebook page? That may help also. Peeps can share from it & follow the page for store info. I know you have a page as we're FB friends if I remember right lol. I just can't remember if your store itself has a page.
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I've had an SSL certificate on my site for quite a few years now. As I said, I'm not sure it has to do with my site as much as somewhere in between, and there have been enough people from different areas of the country, and even abroad, that use Firefox and haven't had an issue. If I can, I'll look into that, but I think it's all set up properly.
OK, was just a thought.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Dana does your store have a Facebook page? That may help also. Peeps can share from it & follow the page for store info.
Yes, there's a link to his store's Facebook page at the bottom right corner of the first page, and probably all the pages on the site.


Sorry for any incovenience to all but we are moving to new host.

There is usually a snag with this so it is going to take a wee bit longer than expected. Please tell your friends, for which you have emails to, about this.

As soon as we are up and running our contest will begin for December and the GIFT Page will also get started....aren't you all glad that it is up 24/7?

Again thank you for your patience and hope to see you real soon.



Dana does your store have a Facebook page? That may help also. Peeps can share from it & follow the page for store info. I know you have a page as we're FB friends if I remember right lol. I just can't remember if your store itself has a page.
Yes, I have a page for Dana's 3D. I get a lot of Likes...but I don't think many of them actually go the the site and register. Makes me wonder what they like about it. :rolleyes:

"Other than Fantasies Realm what other stores are there at this point?"

Other stores:

Mary Williams (Poser watercolor shaders and more) sells at the new ArtStation Market. Artstation also has some Vue scenes.

FoRender sells celebrity and game clones for 'fan art' at FoRender. He has Yoda, Mass Effect, Batman and so on.

PoserWorld has a site up for their old content, new a couple of years ago now. Older M3 V3 items.

Meshbox, now Miyre. Still happy to sell you a walking talking H.P. Lovecraft, Elvish buildings, Steampunk and more.

ShareCG can sell stuff, and you'll see some for sale among the freebies. Not well presented.

Sixus1's store at CGBytes. Far more than just his older stuff, probably the nearest thing to HiveWire now, but without the animals.

Mankahoo's site for the complete well-known hr-* hair line, at different prices than elsewhere.

Xurge3D and his armour site.

Philosopher's Egg. Dogs and M4 hum-animals. Quality work for Poser.

TurboSquid has a surprising amount of Poser items. Need a Wildebeest on a tanning bed... it's yours. But most also at CG Trader, which does Black Friday.

I've probably forgotten a few.


Like I said, there is also Summoner's site. freedom-of-art is the name. He is also one of our sponsors, and sells some of his products on FRM - sharing also freebies there. He makes for Poser, and some products are also for DS4.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
There are many sites with just the one artist doing everything and having the site to themselves, which I mentioned without making a list of who all had them.
However, the original question was who had sites where anyone who is a vendor can maybe have a store. So far: Renderosity, Daz, Fantasies Attic, Dana's site, and ShareCG. (Unless I missed one off of that list up there....)


I didn't lose the question from view, don't worry ;) I talked of Summoner, because he has a page "how to become a vendor at freedom". But I'm unsure where to find a list if he has other vendors with him or not yet.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
I do really appreciate a list of who all has sites, yes. Not a problem there. And I've been to Summoner's site. I didn't see anyone there except him at that time.
Just that there are a number of other smallish vendors, myself included, who are looking for new digs.
I do have a store at Renderosity, but am still limited to three items until I have a certain amount of sales, and already have two items in there. Which means at most I can move one item out of my collection of products to Renderosity. Do I retire the rest? Put them on vacation for the next year or two? Or find a new store?
I am sure that I'm not the only person having this sort of an issue. So am open to suggestions of who has stores so I (and others) can choose from. (Yes, already looking at Fantasies Attic and Dana's store.)