Given that Hivewire is going away in a month, I doubt they're going to protest.
Not on Facebook, so wouldn't know. But that place is really shallow. (Was there years ago, and left because the place was such a waste of time.)
Did visit your website. I'd like to know what the rules for vendors are there. Is there a pdf or page on that?
On the menu, under About there is an option Becoming a Vendor. There's info on that page.
You will have noticed that the buttons on the products are greyed unless you register and log in. This is because everything goes through the cart, even freebies. This way, it's always in your order history and you can always go download it again if you lose a drive. Also, if something gets a bug fix or enhancement, I will notify in email about it. That isn't automated yet. I just take notice and send the emails out manually.
Registration is multi-part. Create your username and password, which requires a strong password...I usually suggest using a generator like the one that comes with the Norton Password Manager (free plug-in for Chrome, FireFox and Edge). You also need to create a secret question and answer. You make up the question and the answer if you like, as long as it's something you'll remember. Too many sites have standard questions, like what was your first job, what street did you grow up on, etc. If someone hacks on site that has these, they may get the answers from a lot of site, because people seem to use the same info over and over. Your password and the secret answer are hashed in a way that I can't see them. After registering, an email is sent from that has a link to click, which will activate your account. This is an attempt to weed out bots and hackers. So many people have gone through the registration process, then didn't follow through with the email link. Makes me wonder. Once you've done this and you log in, then you'll be able to put things into your cart or wishlist. The site is data-driven. Menus change depending on your role. ie: a vendor will see vendor related menu options, a tester will see tester related options, regular customers won't see those at all. I try to maintain good security. And I only take payments via PayPal...let someone else deal with credit card info!
Thanks for your interest!
Be well,