Just to let you know Chris, I for one, share your passion for this project! (I love skulls, always have for some odd reason)I personally don't have any plans for any animal skeletons. This effort takes a lot of focus and time to do properly, and I don't think the demand would warrant the effort. But I could gladly be proven wrong.
As it is now, I'm modeling this skeleton on my "muse" time, or late night and weekend time, because I'm not confident others share my same passion for this project.
Just so you know carmen indorato, I do believe that Paul Lessard of CGCubed has made a lion skeleton and a Hippogriff skeleton.
Do you know if the Lion and Hippogriff Skeleton is available anywhere? I too did a quick search and couldn't see one. (I so want a Hippogriff in my runtime I'd settle for a Skele one