Just ran into this thread. So much happening. Or you know, maybe not much happening yet, but much speculation on what's happening.
I'm with most of you here. I'm on PP2014, and if there is never a new Poser, it will sadden me of course, but I'll live. I've been considering learning Blender as so many of you have, and incorporate it into my workflow, but recently I decided to check out the Unreal Engine instead. Although primarily a game engine, you can make some pretty darn good 2D art out of it too! Haven't tried exporting any poser models or figures to it yet, but it should be doable I think. Poser will not be dead for me in many years still!
Hmm, that's an interesting thought on Unreal Engine. I've never used it, but I do use Unity3D, which is the same sort of thing, and I probably could use it to do renders. Never really thought of that.
Interesting... most of you may not like MY opinion...
I love your opinion! I don't agree with it

but I love that you shared it with us. Actually your thoughts on the material room being unusable are interesting to me, because before P11 I was just too scared to venture into the material room for more than a second or two. But when Superfly came out, I found that I could use a lot of my favorite skin textures in it, so as I learned how to 'fix' these to work in SF, I learned a lot about how the material room worked, and although there's a thousand things I don't know or understand about it, at least I'm not afraid anymore.
Horses for courses, Poser 11 gave users the choice to buy or upgrade to the latest and greatest and others, like me, to stay at 2014 or whatever version they were using. Nothing wrong with choice and I hope it continues for a while yet.
Hmm, that's an interesting point in another way. I know there are people here that have managed to install multiple versions of DS, but my understanding is that it's not easy to do (or at least you have to be very careful in every step). I have both 2014 on my computer and P11. I can move back and forth between them whenever I like, which I think is actually pretty cool. I prefer P11 but it's nice to be able to move between both versions.
Now that would be interesting Earl. I've heard that some of the Maya dev team is working with the Blender team, as the next version of Blender's UI will be more like Maya's UI.
That would be interesting. I will say Maya is mostly much more intuitive that Blender (at least to me). The trickiest thing about Maya, is that because its so expensive, there are far fewer tutorials and tips out there than there are for Blender. So if you don't know how to do something it's really hard to find the answer. For instance, I've never figured out how to use Maya's UV capabilities at all.
But hopefully there will be eventually new versions of Poser. Of course, I don't need a new version right now, I'm happy with P11, although of course there are always things that could be added. The main thing I hope doesn't happen is that Cycles continues to get better and better development, and these improvements never get integrated into Poser. That would be especially sad.