Great looking hairs styles

But I'm not so sure about the pony-tailed Luna

Maybe the girls can tell us, just how LONG does it take IRL to grow hair that long ? And Luna is supposed to be a *baby* ?
My daughter had a full head of hair at birth. By the time she was a toddler, it was to her shoulders. Yes, a ponytail is feasible for some toddlers. It was a thin/baby-fine ponytail, but she definitely had enough by toddler stage for a ponytail. By the time she was two, I was able to separate it into side tails or small braids.
The very first time I had to cut her hair, she was three, and had managed to get some kind of gunk into it that necessitated it being cut. She scooped up all the hair from the floor, balled it up into her hands and stared at it for like an hour, crying in that way that only toddlers and babies can do. LOL Nowadays her hair goes to her hips, just like mine
(though hers doesn't have all the silvers in it that mine does, and is a little bit thicker than mine is now
So.. yes, it is conceivable that toddlers could have enough hair for a ponytail. Also, Luna can easily function as anything from a toddler to about age 4 or 5, all depending on how you dress her, what hair you put on her, what skin you use, and how you pose her... so a ponytail like this could - and would - be very helpful in any case to have for her.
My daughter was born with at least 2 inches of hair. Baby fine, but thick. They tried to take the top and curl it into a little cupie curl, and when it dried it spiked straight up.
That was me, too. My sister's hair held that little curl without a problem. Mine just laughed at them, separated, and spiked off into whatever directions it felt like going. To this day my hair will invent new directions to curl into if it's not kept long! LOL