I like the "Jeanie" pony tails. Although I do wish someone would remember that sometimes pony tails and braids start at the base of the skull too.

Of course those aren't as fabulous or gorgeous. And as I've barely started to tackle making content for DS, I am nowhere near ready to make hair.

Yes! This is similar to what I was just going to say. That one "bumpy" tail preview that you posted, I would love, LOVE something like that which started at the base of the skull. I see SO MANY ponytail and braid items that are wonderful, very well made, but because the tail starts at the top of the head, they can NOT be used on males. When one renders NA males, this is a really big point of frustration. Heck, even as a female, I always start my ponytails and braids at the base of the neck, not the top of the head.
I really need that kind of a rigged "bumpy/segmented" braid/ponytail for the males, but starting at the top of the head makes it distinctly female and it cannot be applied to the boys and look good on them. That's one of the biggest reasons I use so many of Ali's items on my males; the tails from certain of his products can be parented to another hair base, which it looks like I will be able to do with the tails you are making now as well. But trying to match hair colors and textured appearance between two different items to make the hairstyle is a difficult thing to do at times.
I really like the way this product is looking. I love it. It is going to fly into my cart as soon as I see it in the store! LOL

But would it be possible to have a morph to be able to sort of "tighten" the hole in the back of the cap instead? That won't stretch the whole cap trying to pull the hole down to the nape, and would allow us to 'close' the back of the skull if we want to use the translate dials to bring the add-on tails down the head to the nape.
It's just a thought I had as I looked at your previews is all. I really do like the way this is shaping up
(and I am already TOTALLY sold on it! haha), but I definitely would like to be able to use the long ponytail/braid objects on Dusk as well.