Question... does it read the .duf or what ever files to get the paths to the folders and files not listed in the parent directory?
Yes it does .duf and everything, like seriously, one second and it writes the readme list of stuff. It takes me longer to browse to the folder than it does for the program to write the file.
The only lines you will have to edit are the folder location lines; this is what I think you are asking me? It gives them to you, just with a little more information then you need so you got to go delete some of the information; - example as follows,
the program spit this out.
C:\Users\renderrig\Desktop\last update\Content\ReadMes\Art_of_Mind\
Spirit Champion ReadMe.txt
So I need to change it to this.
Spirit Champion ReadMe.txt
___Of course everyone understand this is a short example, the program listed all the folders and everything in them, I just didn't want to show the whole list.