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Blowing raspberries...


My wife is from India and her maiden name was rather long and baffling to most people.
She has a pet peeve that people can't pronounce her name, which is actually very easy to pronounce and spell...
Sort of..
Her name has an "A" that should be pronounced like a "U" and it all sounds like "Rush-me" (means "rays of the sun" in Hindi)...
Which she is okay with people getting wrong when they read it.
It's only six letters and the "a" throws people off.
But what really bugs her is when she tell them her name and they immediately start adding extra letters to it...
For some reason most people will immediately change it to rashimeme, rushimani, rashee, rushkamadi... It's different every time... Take "Rush" and add any random combination of letters to that...
Don't be shy, the more and more random the better.
She'll meet someone and they will say "Hi, I'm Joe... And your name is?" And she will say "I'm Rush-me" (I'm just going with the phonetics here)...
And they will pause and say "Oh, nice to meet you Rashyeema"... To which she will smile and say "it's Rush-me... Like "don't rush me"... Ha-ha.. "
And they will say "oh sorry, nice to meet you Reetsmooukulelefizzgigsnortwaggle"...
The sound of her teeth grinding while she tries to smile can be quite overwhelming sometimes.
She doesn't have an Indian accent or anything... If anything, when I first met her she had a slight proper British accent, but I ruined that years ago...
And I taught her how to curse too.
I'm quite proud of that too.. Except for the fact that she curses adorably, and I was shooting for either "innovatively" or "creatively"...
No, she speaks New Yorker now, but most people can't get past the "Rush..." before they start adding "...bullwinklesippycupdinklewart" in their head as she is still saying "...me".
Never mind what used to happen to her maiden name...
Which surprisingly I spelled correctly the first time I tried...
And not on paper... verbally.
Somehow, I who couldn't win a spelling bee based on three letter words, correctly spelled her last name when she said "I bet you can't spell my last name"....
And I never got credit for it... All I got was a "Hmm... That was a lucky guess..."
Granted, she had known me for two months, driven numerous places with me, one of which was almost into Long Island Sound (the body of water, not the 80s Techno-punk band) and had been to a Fourth of July celebration where I used "fireworks".... So it's understandable she questioned that.
To this day I still don't know why she married me... She is such a calm, reasonable and logical person...
Maybe it was the spelling her last name correctly and never messing up her first name...?
Either way, I lucked out... Poor kid.
The funny thing to me, besides her trying to curse, is although my name isn't the most common, people constantly mess my name up too...
Not just misspelling it, not understanding it...
Where do you get "Paul" from "Victor"?
There aren't any similar letters in that... I'd get "Paulto" or "Vaul"... even "Vole"...
Recently I bought some tires for the van and one of the tire guys was filling out some paper and asked my name...
(It'll flow better this way)...

Tire Guy: Your name?

Me: Victor... Cook...

Tire Guy: Brooke?

Me: No? Victor, Cook...

Tire Guy: Uh, no... Your first name...

Me: Oh... Victor...

Tire Guy: No, first name...

Me: That is my first name... Victor...

Tire Guy: Fredrick?

Me: Fre...what? No, Victor, like "Vic", just put down "Vic"...

Tire Guy: Nick... Okay, last name...

Me: No... Vic, with a "V", not nick with an "n"... Vvvvvv Vic!

Tire Guy: Sorry, Vinny... Last name...

Me: No, V-I-C-T-O-R... Victor...

Tire Guy: Oh! Sorry... ( writes something down )... Last name?

Me: Cook... C-O-O-K...

Tire Guy: Okay... Is that with an "e"?

Me: No, just C-O-O-K... No "e"...

Tire Guy: Okay, sorry about that... And which car...

(So... About 45 minutes later in the waiting area)

Tire Guy 2: Brooke... Hector Booke?

Me: Victor... Victor Cook...

Tire Guy 2: No... (Looks back at paper, scans empty seats next to me for invisible customers)... Hector...

Me: No... Victor, not Hector... How many other people are here? It's just me... Black van, right?

Tire Guy 2: Hmm (looking at paper, then me, then holding clipboard, he takes a pen out and crosses something out and corrects my name)... Okay... You're all ready...

When I go to the register to pay, Tire Guy 3 is very puzzled... This was at a big Club Store and I paid online ahead of time so when I hand the guy my membership card he looks at the invoice very puzzled... Looks at my card... Looks at me... Looks back at invoice...

Tire Guy 3: Who is Paul Brooke...?

Me: Apparently my alias today... No, it's VICTOR COOK... Just like the card says... Just like the online order should say...

Tire Guy 3: (frowns at invoice and has a small epiphany) Ooooh, I see.... Hector Brooke... (Long pause).... (Still looking at invoice)... Why did he write "Paul?"... Ah, that's probably Rumpford...

I'm assuming it was "Rumpford" because his name was probably Stanley or Jebediah or something that sounds absolutely nothing like Rumpford, because as far as I could tell, names didn't really work the way they were meant to over there....
Actually when I looked at the invoice, the color and make of the vehicle were wrong too...
Somehow the right tires found their way onto my vehicle... I made the guy fix the invoice, but I suspect that the lady who left before me who probably was temporarily renamed Philomena Von Bandersnatch, rode off with monster truck tires on her little Kia.... Maybe it was Opposite Day, or National Leave Your Brain at Home Day or everyone was having a Snickers moment, but that is always happening to me...
I don't have a lisp, I try and speak clearly as long as I'm not on fire, yet people can't seem to get my name right.
I try to reason it this way...
People are just stupid and have short attention spans...
I probably could have phrased that kinder, but that's the best I can do.
I like people, but...
Actually I don't, but I sort of do... They are like bunny rabbits... Sometimes they are nice, but sometimes they can be really annoying...
It's like as if you were taking a shower and opened up the shower curtain and suddenly there were 753 rabbits in your bathroom... They would still be cute, but it would be really annoying to have to try and get out of the shower without stepping on one of them or one of their little chocolate jelly beans, which would really stick to your wet foot, not to mention there would definitely be one or two surly ones who would try and bite your toes, and it goes without saying that at least one would have managed to drown itself in the toilet before you noticed them (good luck unclogging that) and you could only imagine how many would be actively engaged in carnal relations, trying to make even more bunny rabbits.... realistically it's conceivable that given a small enough narrow, but long bathroom, that even the nicest person trying to navigate their way through the bunny nuggets and humpy-bumpy funky bunny love, they might just start getting a bit stompy as they progressed through the crowd...
So in that way people are like bunny rabbits...
But bigger and they are allowed to drive cars.
One or two here and there and they can be quite cute... But if you put 753 of them in your bathroom, especially if they have been eating cabbage, you are looking at a bad situation...
I don't know if I was talking about people or bunnies in that last sentence, but either way please don't be offended...
As far as I can tell none of you are bunnies and none of you have been in my shower farting up the place...
That's what the cabbage reference was about...
I put the iPad down to answer the phone right before I started using the bunny example and I totally forgot what I was getting at...
On the plus side for me, whatever the hell I started writing about distracted me long enough to forget I was having a crappy day and was in an even crappier mood...
Since early November I've been feeling very... I think the technical term is "Pissed off every stinking day"... And I constantly have to find ways of distracting myself to prevent me from ripping my head off and throwing it at someone... Mainly the TV, radio or someone factually impaired...
Lately, even though my brain is rather small and quite vestigial, it's becoming hard to have one and not be grumpy...
So, sorry if I make long posts here or I seem to have wacky mood swings or I forget to wear pants... Actually that's more for the people at the grocery store, but either way sometimes just writing is distracting a little....
Just enough...
Hopefully maybe I string together enough random words and it reads as something humorous and someone else finds a bit of distraction in their annoying day.
Thanks for having patience with my obnoxious writing.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hopefully maybe I string together enough random words and it reads as something humorous and someone else finds a bit of distraction in their annoying day.

Always, McG, ALWAYS!!

And pertaining to names. My last name is Kite, pretty easy to spell you would think but no. Even easier to say but no to that too.It can be pronounced Kit-tay in Maori so I'm often correcting that.

Them: "Last name, please"

Me: "Kite"

Them: "How do you spell that?"

Me: "........."

I now say "Kite, like flying a" but that seems to confuse them. And then there's my first name, Lorraine, like the quiche. I'm a flying French tart ;)


Well, I admit there are some sounds in others languages that for some reason people naturally tend to ignore or it can't register...
There are a bunch of words in mandarin that if I try to say them I either get a shocked look or laugher... For some reason if I say "Guanabana" to anyone from South America, they break into laughter... Admittedly, if I speak Spanish, it comes out with an Italian accent which messes everything up...
And there is one word in Hindi that no matter what, I can't pronounce right... It sounds like "Rudd-ah"... No matter what I try it is never right... If I say it, I get a blank look... If my wife says it, people go "Oooh, yeah..."
What baffles me is when people who speak New Yorkian, don't get "Cook"... "Like-COOK-dinner... To cook something".... And they will turn it into "Book", "Brook", "Clook" or "Hook"...
Although the last one does have a cool piratey sound...

Waiter: "Hook?... Hook... Table for four?"

Me: "Yarrrr, I be he, now if ye not be wantin' a hook in yer arse ya best be gettn' me a menu, ya scurvy son of a sea rat"..."Yaaaaar!"

I don't know if anyone at Olive Garden (a chain restaurant) would have gotten the connection... Which is a shame because "Pirate" is one of my more fun personas...
But really, four or five times I've gotten "Hook" in place of my last name at restaurants where they take a name for your table... But only once, at a fancy restaurant where we did a phone reservation did I actually do the pirate voice and the girl at the little podium thing with the reservation book didn't get it when I said "Hook?... Victor Hook?... Like; Yarrr, I be Victor Hook, fiercest pirate of the seven seas... ?"
Just a blank look...
Not even confused, just the empty doll eyes... Which is fine, if you are actually plastic, but on humans it's unnerving.


Contributing Artist
There's a critical time period when you are young during which you learn to distinguish the various different sounds of the language or languages around you. If you are not exposed to a particular language sound within that time, you may never learn to hear it as being distinct (although you might learn to pronounce it by forming the correct shapes with your mouth and tongue). Depending on a person's first language(s), they might genuinely not be able to hear some words or names the same way as others with a different first language or languages!


There's a critical time period when you are young during which you learn to distinguish the various different sounds of the language or languages around you. If you are not exposed to a particular language sound within that time, you may never learn to hear it as being distinct (although you might learn to pronounce it by forming the correct shapes with your mouth and tongue). Depending on a person's first language(s), they might genuinely not be able to hear some words or names the same way as others with a different first language or languages!

Ah! That explains it! I went to school with a guy from Hungary whose surname was Cocsis, pronounced Coe-chees. Well at least it was when he said it! Typical example:

Teacher with attendance book: Cocsis?
Joe: Coe-chees Sir!
Teacher: Coe-chees?
Joe: No, Coe-chees!
Teacher: Ah! Coe-chees!
Joe: No! C-O-C-S-I-S, Coe-chees (Usually by now blue in the face and wishing he was called Smith!)

No surprisingly, given that he could be quite belligerent and short tempered, we just nicknamed him Kosher and hoped for the best!

On the other hand there's me. Dodd. Simple right? Three d's and an o! Nope! At various times I've been Dodds, Dode, Dood, Doff, Donn, Dogg and Doge, and once for some strange reason, Hood! Go figure! o_O

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
I get what you mean with names, mines Alex yet the lovely indian chap at the dairy calls me Alice o_O as for the original question its plurrrrrrrrrrb and called a raspberry here too (NZ)

This actually gives me some hope, since my name is Alexis. Why hope? Well I work in a place that sells (and has running all the time) Sonos systems. The thing is, sometime this year Sonos is supposed to be getting Alexa (the Amazon voice control) integrated into it. This terrifies me. I have no idea when we will actually change out the floor models that play the music with the new ones, but I just see this causing huge problems.

"Hey, Alexis, when was your day off again?"

"Don't worry Kevin, I'm a computer, I don't need days off."

"No, wait! That was Alexa not me. I really need Monday off!"


Have you messed around with Alexa yet?... If you ask Siri certain questions "she" will give funny or snarky answers...
My kids favorite is "how much is zero divided by zero"
I want to try "Alexa... Initiate self destruct sequence..."
When I try that with Siri, it just looks up references to movies... Stupid Siri.

Edited to add...
I just thought of some dumb to try with Siri and it answered in a male voice... I guess someone changed it... That was weird... I thought Siri had cold or something...


Contributing Artist
@Mythocentric , I've had that conversation as a teacher many, many times. Try prounouncing Sritirdha and write it phonetically in a post I'll tell you if you get it right. :rofl::rofl:


Contributing Artist
Returning to the original inquiry, I conducted a small experiment today with my swimming class of pre-schoolers. Each in the class of four attempted the sound twice. I'm afraid this produced very inconsistent results, but I have made a list in case there is some statistical significance when included as part of a broader data set:

2. The resultant sound is probably better described as a giggle
5. Wannaweewee
8. PRRP (or possibly POOPOO)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Gosh McGyver, I'll have to ask my brother Vic if he's ever had problems with people and his name. He was named after my uncle Abie ... who was actually named Victor. For my brother's first few years though, he was called Steve, since Steven is his middle name. We can blame me for that. For some reason, I wasn't able to pronounce v as a wee one. So ... I called him Ick. Oh come on, I was only 15 months old when he was born! He became Victor again in kindergarten ... since there were three Steves in his class.

Since my name isn't spelled typically, I always just spell it when people ask for my first name. Then I also spell my last name when they ask for my last name ... because they will never be able to spell it correctly.

I wonder if one day someone will say ... is Kayearreal still here? I've had some real creative pronunciations of Keryl. You'd think it wouldn't be that difficult, after all, it rather looks like Cheryl, but although they usually get the K sound right, some people just aren't able to figure out eryl.

Maybe I should spell it Kheryl?!?


Contributing Artist
@Mythocentric...nope, not quite there. They pronounce it Teeda. The Srit doesn't even make a sound which really threw me this year. We get some amazing names coming through our school.

Sorry for derailing the thread McGyver...back to raspberries. I generally like mine with cream...fruit raspberries of course!