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Blowing raspberries...


@Mythocentric...nope, not quite there. They pronounce it Teeda. The Srit doesn't even make a sound which really threw me this year. We get some amazing names coming through our school.

Sorry for derailing the thread McGyver...back to raspberries. I generally like mine with cream...fruit raspberries of course!

Darn it! Not even in the same galaxy! Still. My instincts didn't let me down completely. I was originally inclined to go for Smith!* :tantrum:

* Blows raspberry and picks up tissue to wipe face and clothes!**

** Thinks! Don't blow raspberrys while eating icecream! :oopsie:


Gordon Bennett on a pogo stick!!!! Can you think of anything more painful than having one's flecks removed? I mean to say, you can always re-rail a thing and I can quite happily live without mint-flavoured anything, but living without one's flecks? Ye Gods! It's more than a chap can bear!* :eek:

* Quick exit stage left clutching one's flecks and screaming, "Remember the Alamo!" :mad:


Contributing Artist
noooo! we neeeed mint-flavoured things! Like choc-mint icecream, Peppermint Crisps (a chocolate bar here), Spearmint lollies (the ones shaped like leaves coated in sugar).

In the real-world, everyone calls me Rae, but I can't just say that picking up the phone can I. I was drilled from a little girl to say my full name (Raelene), and I get all the "Lene" names bar the "Rae" one (Sharlene, Kaylene, Kayleigh, Shirlene, Shirly and the list goes on). Also, how hard is "Willis"? (my maiden name) I frequently got Lewis. I won't get started on my married German name :rolleyes:


Oh I've no objection to sweety-type minty stuff Rae (lene). When we were kids we had a herb garden, including mint, which we used to snaffle and eat. One of my favourite sweeties (apart from Henry Goodes Original Soft Licorice) are those soft, white chewy mints which stick your teeth together. It's putting the stuff on food that I object to. For example, lamb with mint sauce! Yeeeccchhhhh! My poor aged flecks are cringing just thinking about it! I've even been known to walk out of restaurants having specifically ordering lamb without mint in any shape or form only to be served with mint because the chef refused to supply it any other way. (Pauses to blow large raspberry at chefdom in general). I'm an Englishman Sirrah, I've still got me own flecks and shall remain so (although I might start wearing a sporran* just in case!) :whistling:

Speaking of Germanic names, my own name, William has, I am assured Germanic origins and means 'stalwart defender'. It originates in a form of helmet worn by Tutonic knights which was considered particularly effective protection. Now I don't know about you but that conjures up 'orrible visions of some gert big Tuton tearing about the landscape with some poor, unfortunate peasant draped across his noggin just because he happened to be called Bill. The mind boggles! :eek:

* Is one allowed to wear a sporran with cargo pants without it making ones bum look big?
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I approvingly approve of approving of this thread and all subsequent approvals thereof.
Unless this thread attracts the ire of the masses, in which case I never approved of it and you can't prove that I did, it's just a plot to discredit me.
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Darned masses, massing massively to masticate all that which does not meet the approval of their massively massive ego's! But we of the Hive are made of sterner stuff! We shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them on the landing grounds, we shall fight them in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surren.....................Cor! Ahem! Fetch me blue pills Ethel, I think I've just had a freak out! :confused:


Am I the only person who gets confused by the pictures up at the top of the page?... The little ones that change...
I keep forgetting they are random and I'll click on one that draws my curiosity...
Like one before that showed a girl with a possum in her lap... She had a tattoo on her right arm (the girl, not the possum) and might have been sharing a glass of wine and a pomegranate with the possum... I'm only mentioning this in case there are a lot of pictures of women with possums on their laps or someone reading this is the possum girl... Not the superhero, Possum Girl... Well "The Amazing Possum Girl", but the girl with the possum friend... Not that it matters, because I've never actually met "The Amazing Possum Girl" and for all I know the possum girl could be her or the possum itself could be her too... But that would make for an incredibly ineffectual superhero if they just turned into a possum...
Aside from being really good at playing dead and smelling weird, they really wouldn't have much in the way of superpowers...
I'm not knocking The Amazing Possum Girl or anything... If she actually exists... But I personally would have chosen a radioactive hedgehog or skunk to bite me instead of a possum...
At least with a hedgehog you have the ability to run really fast and curl up into a ball and roll over your enemies, which I'm assuming based on what I learned from Sonic, all hedgehogs do...
I suppose unless skunks have laser eyes or some other defense besides stink, they might not be a great choice either...
But anyway, I saw the picture at the top, which on my iPad is kind of small and I wondered what kind of weird cat the girl had on her lap, which turned out not to be a cat but a possum... Or a really ugly looking cat...
If it's a possum, it was just fine looking, but cats shouldn't have prehensile rat tails...
Or fur that looks like they were electrocuted, buried on a particularly rainy day, then dug up four days later and reanimated with more electricity... With possums there really is no such thing as a good hair day.
They can be adorable if you don't look directly at them, but they really are a wreck visually.
In fact unless they are moving, it really hard to tell if the are actually playing dead or not faking it.
We have a lot of possums around here (not here now, like a pile of them) and unless the "playing dead" thing involves squirting their guts out, their expression in death is pretty much the same in life... A weird smirky smiley growly snarl-grin... Which is very confusing because you don't know if they are laughing at you or with you, cursing you or decaying.
I should stop before I get more hate mail from the National Possum Anti-defamation Council.
I'm actually very pro possum (for possums... I'm not a professional, nor amateur possum... nor referring to the software PossumPro 2.3).
Aside from the one possum I mowed with my lawn tractor, whom I'm pretty sure was not playing dead, but actually pretty dead and actively rotting both before and after our encounter, I try and encourage possum-human trans species relations and understanding whenever and wherever I can.
So far I've never had the opportunity, but the moment it arises, I'll be all over it... Like pink on a pig.
Hmm... That didn't sound as cool as I was hoping...
Like stink on a monkey?
Eucalyptus stains on a koala...?
Dermatitis on one of those hairless chihuahuas?
I'm really bad at this...
Possums are fantastic animals, great at improvisationally faking their own deaths and probably brilliant mathematicians.
I'm not suggesting that possums frequently commit insurance fraud by staging their own deaths, but I suppose if they did, they would mostly likely be very good at pulling it off and subsequently investing that money in short term high yield bonds and savvy FOREX trades and using any incoming capital to acquire high risk junk bonds which they would short sell to boost their profit margins to astronomical levels, allowing them to purchase large blocks of delinquent debt, mostly student loans for pennies on the dollar and in direct violation of FDCPA guidelines, harass millions of people into paying these loans back in full and destroying their lives in the process....
Jeebuz... Possums are potentially horrible people...
I'm sure that girl didn't know about all that.
The girl who was drinking white wine, possibly about to eat a pomegranate and petting a possum.
Or ugly cat.
Whatever the situation, my point was...
I dare you at this point to remember what I originally started this on...

A- Possum Rights
B- Insurance fraud in the animal kingdom and how it effects the world economy.
C- Pop Tarts
D- I don't know... I skipped over most of that and this part caught my eye.

Well, if you chose "Q", then congratulations, that was not one of the choices, but I applaud you for thinking outside the box, actually I applaud you for getting outside the box in the first place, as it was very difficult and it took me over two hours to gnaw a lage enough hole for me to wiggle through...
And I'm very good at gnawing my way through stuff.
If you are just now rejoining this post...
Hi... How yah doin?
My point was regardless of how much crust pop tarts actually have, it's the filling part that people want, they should eliminate those dry and crumbly edges and make something like a pop tart/ hot pocket... With like 90% filling and just a thin outer crust... It might be hard to fit in a toaster, but then who actually toasts them anymore?
Actually I fooled you... That was something else entirely.
I was talking about, or rather asking about whether other people forget about those pictures at the top of the page being random...
See, I keep forgetting that and thinking they are recent and start writing a response about them and then I see they are like a year old and get disappointed...
Like with the possum girl...
Did you ever see a picture that was intended to draw attention to something in it, but there are secondary details in it that catch your attention?
For example... someone gets a new car and they send you a picture saying "I just picked up my new KIA Soul, it's awesome!"
And it's a picture of your friend and his fiancé in front of a neat looking KIA Soul in bright lime...
But about two feet in back of the car there is a naked old man wearing a sombrero, riding a donkey...
And at first you are like "nice car..." But then you notice the donkey... And the old man... And his sombrero... Then you notice the license plates are upside down... The building in the back is on fire and your friend has a large herring in one hand and new KIAs don't come in that shade of green...
And you are like "what the hell is going on in this picture?"... Why is the car the only thing he's mentioning?
Why isn't he saying "Hey, check out my new car and all this crazy crap going on in back of it... Want some herring?"
How is it all that stuff is just secondary to the car?
You'd expect maybe "I just barely grabbed my new car and the bonus herring before the owner wigged out, set the place on fire and rode off naked on a donkey..." To be somewhere in there...
You might still be like "but why was he wearing the sombrero?", but at least there would be some explanation of something, not just the assumption you are going to somehow solely focus only on the car...
Admittedly, the picture of the girl and possum are not like that, but the stuff not possum related drew my attention...
And I wanted to ask about those secondary details...
Why was the possum drinking white wine?
What is the significance of the pomegranate?
Is that power strip adequate for the amount of wires involved?
She is wearing a purse, so was she visiting the possum or about to go out with it?
What movie did they see?
Was it a pet possum or was he renting a room?
But being that the post and picture was from last year, it was really too late and not relevant to the thread to ask these questions...
Now I'm forced to wonder about all this...
I've made up a sort of backstory to that picture...
But someone here might actually be the possum in the picture and get bothered by me making up stories which might lead to rumors, which might lead to a scandal or lucrative movie deal and they would feel hurt and offended.
I don't have any idea why, since the odds of anyone reading this whole thing are astronomically slim, but still.
If anyone reading this was involved in that photo, I'm sorry if this has brought back bad memories or anything, but the picture just made me wonder a lot of stuff and then because I have a short attention span, it made me wonder if I'm the only one who forgets some of the pictures are old and goes to comment on them.
I suppose that led me to write a lot of stuff nobody in their right mind would read, but that's what I do.
Well... I suppose that's all.


Darned masses, massing massively to masticate all that which does not meet the approval of their massively massive ego's! But we of the Hive are made of sterner stuff! We shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them on the landing grounds, we shall fight them in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surren.....................Cor! Ahem! Fetch me blue pills Ethel, I think I've just had a freak out! :confused:
You take the blues ones?... I was taking the orange ones, but they turned out to be Tic-Tacs... Which explains why they did nothing and came in a Tic-Tac container...
But with health care costs what they are, at least they are tasty and affordable.

EDITED TO ADD... What are you and Ethel about to do?
If they are the "little blue pills" and not the regular sized ones, you should really only take them if a reptile is broken or dysfunctioning... The commercial clearly says... "For a reptile dysfunction" and apparently if it sticks around for longer than four hours you should call you doctor to come take it away...
Or something like that...
I don't really pay a lot of attention to commercials...
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Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Well names are difficult, I've known that all my life.
My first name is "Helen" but I went through as, squirt, half pint, little bit or some other such names.
But the way my maiden name got mangled id beyond belief.
How do you get Spruce, Sprout, Sprong or even Sprice from Sprous?
My favorite was when a gas meter reader came knocking at the door and when I answered he asked "do Spooks live here"?
Being a sarcastic 13 year old I told him they lived upstairs.
Okay, maybe some did since it had been vacant for a long time. :roflmao:


Ye Gads! That’s it! I see it all now as clear as a………………clear as a………………………..Humph! Clear as a really clear thing!

No wonder we haven’t had a peep out of Mister Sausage for fifteen years. They’ve been giving us the wrong pills! Mind you, Ethel’s going to be upset. It was her tortoise don’t cha know! Even so fifteen years is quite a long time to hibernate. I still remember the day she brought him home. That look of joy on her little wrinkled face which quickly turned to shock as he bit her ear and scurried off to hide behind the coal scuttle when she put him on her head. The old duffer thought it was one of those ceremonial Samurai helmets! Still! It was a joy to watch her take him for his daily drag around the garden, her in her jogging gear, happy toothless grin and him rebounding off everything in sight on the corners!

I don’t know how I shall break the news I’m sure. Perhaps the best way would be nip off to the place in the country and send her a telegram. Hummm! No dammit! I must do the honorable thing! I’ll nip off to the country place, phone the butler and instruct him to inform her in person.

On second thoughts, perhaps some good could come out of this. I wonder if we could have him polished up and fitted with chin straps. That way she could wear him when she went out on her tricycle!