Another new anime-inspired set for your Anime Girl collection...
Crisis Suits for anime girl Kristin provides 3 versions of anime inspired powered armor with 5 optional helmet styles and numerous mat poses for plenty of customization. There are also mat poses to match the color of the suits to my Cyberoid Pinnochia's skin colors as well as hide/show poses so that you can use the suits as added cybernetic parts for my Cyberoid. Lastly the set includes numerous anime style action pose presets as well as a number of additional extras, along with some custom textures and mat poses based upon the Bubblegum Crisis series (for fan use only) as a tribute to the source of my inspiration! Download the new set here... Crisis Response Suits for Anime Girl Kristin - Poser - ShareCG... Enjoy!
Crisis Suits for anime girl Kristin provides 3 versions of anime inspired powered armor with 5 optional helmet styles and numerous mat poses for plenty of customization. There are also mat poses to match the color of the suits to my Cyberoid Pinnochia's skin colors as well as hide/show poses so that you can use the suits as added cybernetic parts for my Cyberoid. Lastly the set includes numerous anime style action pose presets as well as a number of additional extras, along with some custom textures and mat poses based upon the Bubblegum Crisis series (for fan use only) as a tribute to the source of my inspiration! Download the new set here... Crisis Response Suits for Anime Girl Kristin - Poser - ShareCG... Enjoy!