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Animal Sweepstakes ?


Oops... That's supposed to be HW...
But I didn't notice until now that my spellcheck changes HW into HV.
So good question... I wonder what it thinks HV stands for?
Does the is mean we won't get the High Volume Chinchilla? After all, there is no such thing one Chinchilla.

This is making me hungry for Chinchilla Con Carne.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Oops... That's supposed to be HW...
But I didn't notice until now that my spellcheck changes HW into HV.
So good question... I wonder what it thinks HV stands for?

Even better question...what does it think HW stands for and why does it want to change it to HV? I've wondered soooooo many times why spell check decided to change what I wrote to something that has no connection with it and makes no sense ;)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I hate spellcheck! I have ALWAYS hated spellcheck! I always wanted to turn it off whenever possible. ~shakes head~

The only time I used spellcheck in work was after I finished a long legal document, and set the spellcheck to check the whole document, but do it while I'm actually typing?!?!?!? Heck no!!


So I figured out what HV stands for... Foogrinfer Hyper Velocipede HV 2600X...
Well, the HV part of 2600X.
I'm not even making that up... I typed out "Foogrinfer Hyper Velocipede HV 2600X" about five or six times around two months ago and spellcheck memorized "HV"...
If I type in "Foo" it gives "Foogrinfer" as a choice... (Though, "Football" is the one it will pick if I don't stop it)... I figured that out when typed "Food!" In a text to my wife and "Foogrinfer" was a word choice.
So yeah... "Foogrinfer" Hyper Velocipede "HV" 2600X is a thing my iPad wants to remember...
Along with Glorblrognox, Jumbanuks, Ploothar and Wonkels...
There are about twenty words I can't force it to learn, but it remembers Ploothar and Jumbanuks even though I used them like once or twice...
A really boring section of our galaxy and an obscure Huvnuk curse word... (Be careful how you use that word around anyone from Huvnuk, it's a really bad word).
Nobody needed to know any of that, and I'm sorry I interrupted this fine thread with this announcement, but besides this being International Women's Day on earth, it's also "Intergalactic Share Some Useless Knowledge" day...
Which is pretty much every day for me.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
:roflmao: I don't think I've ever seen anything like that on my cellphone or tablet when trying to type Food.


Guppy fry appear out of no where it appears but in reality they pop out of their mother when they need some swimming space.

Wait what thread is this? I am on my phone so not sure which thread this is. I want a hivewire guppy family! A momma guppy with Pregnant morphs. A male guppy. And guppy fry.


Dances with Bees
a bit of useless Chinchilla information to add...... I think that's where they breed them!.... Queenslanders are funny that way.. :D
