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Black Panther Tribute

Black Panther Tribute

This is a tribute to Chadwick Boseman and "The Black Panther". I "put on" my illustrator "hat" for this one and had fun playing in Photoshop. Featuring the HW Big Cat with my Black Panther texture set; Dusk SE and Sculpted Dusk by CGCubed, using a customized iray MAT of My Dante, and the Dusk Long Sleeve T-Shirt with a custom texture MAT by me.
Definitely not a skill in my wheelhouse, but yeah it would be cool!

I use heads from other figures on Dawn all the time, and I call it "composite" figure. Just parent a head, and boom, as long as I match the materials, nobody will notice them blatant neck seam. But in this particular case, it could be possible to mix the morphs and keep the head. The challenging part would be to reconcile the skeleton differences, and that's where animatable origins would come handy. However, I don't think the tiger uses the same UVs as Dawn, so the materials won't match.

So even if a morph would be possible, compositing might be the way here after all. :)
LOL like I said all of that is over my head. I DID use just the base Big Cat with my Black Panther textures- not the Tiger morph. Don't know if that makes any difference for not. And definitely no on the UVs- totally different UVs.

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CWRW Animal Imagery
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