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The Anchorage, Part 3


The Wicked Witch of the North
Well into my last Lord Peter Wimsey, shall be so sad to say goodbye to him and Harriet. Yesterday's #10 kept me up and awake and enthralled, unable to go to bed. I even started #11 and finally went to bed at 8am!! I did not manage to go ashore for my usual Wednesday shopping, putting it off till tomorrow. Now I just need to ensure this last book does not keep me up till the birds start chirping ;)


The Wicked Witch of the North
This is NOT a happy post. This is an 'I had the worst day ever' post. I will not inflict upon you the entire day but I will tell you it culminated in a bag of groceries falling off the side deck AND NOT FLOATING!!! I have therefore, with an 'I don't care how I feel tomorrow', demolished a bottle of Merlot and some sandwiches. As you do. The Southern Hemisphere SUCKS at the moment and I wish I was a mermaid (cos then that bag of groceries would not be feeding the fishes) Cranky pants is cranky.


This is NOT a happy post. This is an 'I had the worst day ever' post. I will not inflict upon you the entire day but I will tell you it culminated in a bag of groceries falling off the side deck AND NOT FLOATING!!! I have therefore, with an 'I don't care how I feel tomorrow', demolished a bottle of Merlot and some sandwiches. As you do. The Southern Hemisphere SUCKS at the moment and I wish I was a mermaid (cos then that bag of groceries would not be feeding the fishes) Cranky pants is cranky.

You...You had groceries?


The Wicked Witch of the North
Yes, Rob, 'had' being the operative word

Saturday has nearly been and gone, and the less said about hangover Friday the better. Ouch! Right now I am supposed to be at a fully catered (food and drink) 50th birthday party. But I sent my apologies and look forward to NOT having a hangover tomorrow...sometimes age brings wisdom, sometimes it doesn't. Mind you, it being a fancy dress party may have had something to do with not going. Plus the rain and wind and prospect of having to trudge through said rain and wind and up a steep bush track in the dark wearing fancy dress under my full wet weathers and seaboots. Yeah, nah. They must be having a good time cos I can hear them from inside the boat! But I now do not have to walk/stumble/fall back down that track, full of catered food and drink, and get into my dinghy and get home without drowning. WIN!!


That sounds like a big win to me too.
Speaking of cold and wet, we just had to turn the heater back on. April is going out with a freeze and a high possibility of precipitation.


The Wicked Witch of the North
And in Northland the temp has risen, Terre, and no fire is necessary. How funny! It's going to turn southerly tomorrow which will bring the cold back so I hope that means you will have a warm change.


Never mind the weather! I've got this image stuck in my head of Cap'n Lorraine Sparrow stomping around the landscape in bright yellow wet weather gear and sea boots, waving a ruddy gert cutlass around her head and a bag of groceries in the other hand calling, "Here fishy, fishy!" The mind boggles! :eek:


Sorry to hear about your bad day...
And it's a shame about the groceries... I guess you don't get enough cork in your diet or they would've floated.
It could be worse... A great white shark might have been attracted to them and then you'd have had one of those "Jaws" scenarios going...
And if you have seen all the Jaws movies, you'd know that just ends up with some other stupid shark hunting you all the way across the globe and other actors playing you...
I'm glad it turned out the way it did, and you are still being played by you... Nobody plays you, quite like you...
I suppose if Quentin Tarantino was directing, he might manage to cast a decent you impersonator, but then there would be way more explosions and shootouts then you tend to mention and that wouldn't really make sense.
I suppose another good part about the bad part, was you had a reasonable excuse to get all Meloted up.
Also... If you think about it, the local fish might think the groceries were some sort of gift and if they are those magical fish that are often in Chinese fables, they might come to your rescue one day...
That happened to me with a magical hamster once...
He got squashed by a garbage truck, but it was pretty neat for a few minutes...
Actual he really only served as a brief diversion, but I'll never forget his efforts.
I think his name was Eugene...
He was like: "Hello! I'm Eugene the magical hamster..."
That was as far as he got and then the garbage truck backed over him and everyone was looking at the smudge mark and saying "Did that hamster just talk?", at which point I took off quickly...
I really had to run fast and I barely lost them...
I hope next time that happens, it's a magical grizzly bear with a machine gun... Then I can stroll of a more leisurely pace.
Well... I hope your birthday extravaganza event goes well, and there are no sharks or shootouts...
I haven't been to this thread in a while and I haven't read more then a few pages back and it seems like I missed a lot, so I'm assuming you are now some sort of secret agent...
It's mostly how you mentioned "up a steep bush track in the dark with my night vision goggles, HK416, fancy dress and full body armor under my wet weathers and sea boots"...
Well... I hope that works out...
Dang it... It just got loud and distracting in here, so I'm gonna go...
Hope you had fun and didn't have to shoot any sharks...

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Never mind the weather! I've got this image stuck in my head of Cap'n Lorraine Sparrow stomping around the landscape in bright yellow wet weather gear and sea boots, waving a ruddy gert cutlass around her head and a bag of groceries in the other hand calling, "Here fishy, fishy!" The mind boggles! :eek:


The Wicked Witch of the North
Good to see you, Mac! No sharks were harmed in the making of the birthday extravaganza but from the posts on my FB feed there are a few very sore heads. Of course, as I canned the extravaganza I don't actually know if sharks were involved in the production of those sore heads...sounded more like bears and possums from where I was sitting. And bad music.


Lorraine, at least when your weather turns cold it doesn't do what it did here yesterday: rain, hail, rain, snow, rain, snow, sleet, rain, snow. Not cold enough for the snow to stick though. At least we just get tornadoes and sometimes gale force winds instead of hurricanes.
When I went out to get the car warming up just know my husband said "OK, it's f...ing cold out there!"