I agree one doesn't have to use social media ... although, it's so darn invasive nowadays that it's difficult to avoid it. One also chooses to use google, amazon, and other "data collection" services. Sorta. Because you simply cannot use the internet and not run afoul of something/someone collecting your personal information or interests.
Consent through ignorance is abhorrent. But, the norm is for companies to collect and share private information ... as furtively as possible. We have very little ... if any ... rights to our personal data. If a company manages to collect it, they own it. Even if it was collected without permission. This is something that should be protected at the Federal level, but it's being left up to the states. Unfortunately, very few states recognize our rights to privacy. California is the exception.
It's appalling the US is so far behind the rest of the world in adopting comprehensive data protection laws.
My issue with focusing so much on Microsoft and Windows 10 collecting personal information without permission (although everyone should know now that Windows 10 does this) obscures that our personal information is being collected by everyone and everything ... mostly without our permission.
Consent through ignorance is abhorrent. But, the norm is for companies to collect and share private information ... as furtively as possible. We have very little ... if any ... rights to our personal data. If a company manages to collect it, they own it. Even if it was collected without permission. This is something that should be protected at the Federal level, but it's being left up to the states. Unfortunately, very few states recognize our rights to privacy. California is the exception.
It's appalling the US is so far behind the rest of the world in adopting comprehensive data protection laws.
My issue with focusing so much on Microsoft and Windows 10 collecting personal information without permission (although everyone should know now that Windows 10 does this) obscures that our personal information is being collected by everyone and everything ... mostly without our permission.