It's possible QAV can help with the "sales pitch" as it were. I'm not good with that sort of thing either.
Me either...
My husband, although a very, very good carpenter nowadays, spent about eight years stuck in Retail Hell as a Radio Shack employee. A lot of his paycheck depended on his ability to up-sell, or to sell higher end items like cell phones and cell phone plans. I had occasion to see him work more than once back then - I swear he could sell ocean front property in the middle of Arizona to someone and make them think they were getting the boat to go with it.
I will probably pick his brain for wording and help putting the sales pitch together. He talks every so often about wanting to help with all of this if I need it (he's actually been watching Nataani's progress through the test renders).
I'll see if he wants to ante up when it comes time to doing that part of things.