I must be subconsciously worried about my upcoming operation in approx 3 weeks, as I just had to get this image out quick. (hence using 3DL instead of Iray.)
I'll be in a huge amount of pain after the op so I hope they find something other than Endone for it (the last couple of times I've been in hospital and they gave me Endone, I've seen a dark figure bending over me.)
Its for a hernia repair but its too much for a normal keyhole surgery. After I'm stitched up my scars will look like a giant anchor (cut from breast to pubic bone and then from hip to hip).
Good news is my results came back from the Ultra Sound on my heart and blood tests were all good. Surgeon is just worried what is causing my leg swelling so I still have US on them to go (approx 2 weeks) as I've had blood clots in the past.
Estimated recover will be 6 months so you may not see any art from me for awhile but I'll try and keep in touch anyway (most likely when I'm out of hospital, I'll be in there for at least a week, but could be longer).