What are you going to do? I didn't know that name had been taken! It's happened to me as well. Don't forget that comic writers have nothing else to do but think up names. They are going to borrow a name, change colors, file the names off and add their own twist to it. They are probably monitoring this thread just to get more names!! Back in the 60's, Supergirl had a doppelganger named Mighty Maid! I can't even think of the backlash from the female comic lovers if that name was attempted today. Even though in that particular set of issues, it was set on another planet, Mighty Maid was the boss and Superman was her "Secret Weapon".
Wonder Woman has the advantage of time. You and I don't! Unless you published ANYTHING with that name first. You and I and couple of others here (getting old is not for sissies) have the other side of the advantage of time.
Oh and I've been doing monster high quality renders. There is nothing like taking 14 hours of render pure time not including setup time, test renders, repeat until it's how you like then and only then turning on the shadows, Putting hair back on the figure cuz nothing takes more time than hair only to find that her wrists were joined together as if she were an alien species. Face perfect, lighting perfect, pose perfect, background perfect and her wrists fused together. Not perfect.
And to complete the cycle I am running on pacific time. It's currently 10:31 at night. Maybe we can run together and get another midnight (my time) chat going.