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I am SO glad you're back!


Dances with Bees
Thanks! It's made by Ravenous and is available on ShareCG. I have something like it but not it. I do have the Edge Challenger as I collect cars as soon as they are posted.
Yep. That's the one. It's a great prop for dark scenes and it has hanging chains that I haven't used in a render yet...


Actually, by the time the story ends he will have an icon. I am still trying to figure it out because lightning bolts have been used to death. In the story arc, he has an idea what he wants and informs Bobbi that he wants her to work on it. That gave me time to come up with something.
Also in the story, he had his first major battle with Sonic and lost because he had to draw lightning out of the sky and knocked himself out. No more giving away the plot.

Well, one more thing: his father may be alive...

Ha! I remember the shocker at the end of The Empire Strikes Back.

"No, Luke. I am your fathah!"

Nothing like finding out your family may be a pack of asses in a hat.


Dances with Bees
Va-Va-Voom! Heroes tend to have perfect bodies unless they are Bouncing Boy or Matter Eater Lad and there is nothing wrong with showing off that perfection and can lend itself to some sexist humor. Nothing wrong with that either. That's real life. I like the design. I would go with gold rather than pure yellow but the artist has the final say and besides, it works for Wolverine! I especially like her circlet and collar. They are stylish and can be used as weapons.
She won't need to use them as a weapon. She is a weapon!!


Dances with Bees
Ha! I remember the shocker at the end of The Empire Strikes Back.

"No, Luke. I am your fathah!"

Nothing like finding out your family may be a pack of asses in a hat.
Yep. The skeletons in the Forester closet are miles deep, and being exposed little by little. John also learned that Alex was the illegitimate child of his uncle Sebastian and he's known it since his mother's suicide.

But Alex still isn't the main bad guy...


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Zoe Banks, Golden Girl (Jessi G2). I redid her costume because I wanted it to look way different than the costumes that Bobbi Medina created for John and Karen. Notice the similar background? Emma has Zoe in her sights.

Two super powered women in your story and they don't like each other. So real to life.

This is my favorite outfit. Pro's are about everything including the light Icon design which we've been on about. Con's might be the color scheme between the boots and the leotard, they are a bit too similar and need contrast. I do have a rule about heels but I think I'm a bit more chavaunistic than you regarding femme's and their outfits so unless you ask I'll keep it to myself.

HEY! You posted again!


Dances with Bees
Two super powered women in your story and they don't like each other. So real to life.

This is my favorite outfit. Pro's are about everything including the light Icon design which we've been on about. Con's might be the color scheme between the boots and the leotard, they are a bit too similar and need contrast. I do have a rule about heels but I think I'm a bit more chavaunistic than you regarding femme's and their outfits so unless you ask I'll keep it to myself.

HEY! You posted again!
We seem to be online at the same time. That hasn't happened in a long time...


Dances with Bees
Two super powered women in your story and they don't like each other. So real to life.

This is my favorite outfit. Pro's are about everything including the light Icon design which we've been on about. Con's might be the color scheme between the boots and the leotard, they are a bit too similar and need contrast. I do have a rule about heels but I think I'm a bit more chavaunistic than you regarding femme's and their outfits so unless you ask I'll keep it to myself.

HEY! You posted again!
I know how you feel about them. You know how I feel about them. Anyway, both Zoe and Karen have heels on their boots. Neither of them will be hindered by going into combat. Zoe is powerful enough that if you attacked her, she'd fry your mind. In the story, she was an orphan who gained those powers and taken to a planet to learn how to harness them. The aliens who trained her forbid her from doing that, so she only interferes by using her powers to warn of impending danger. She will get into a fight, and get really messed up, but that won't happen for quite awhile. Remember the warning in the old ninja movies: "Only a ninja can stop an ninja." 'nuff said!


Dances with Bees
Oops, I forgot to add: Karen won't be hindered by her heels because she never actually touches the ground. And she can phase through her clothing, walls, the ground... anything except water, naturally.


Dances with Bees
I gotta run. I have a render working and I need to get back to it. I am about to jump in the shower because my wife will be contacting me on Skype and I need to be presentable...


Oops, I forgot to add: Karen won't be hindered by her heels because she never actually touches the ground. And she can phase through her clothing, walls, the ground... anything except water, naturally.

Nice backstory for Zoe. It's reminiscent of Stranger in a Strange Land, but with a much happier outcome. Something else I like is something you mentioned matter of factly. A weakness. Most of my heroines weakness is simple. They aren't always stronger than the person they are facing. Only in a movie would Batman ever come close beating Superman. Karen can be captured and held by placing her in a pool of water with no orientation.

There is also Robin's Cosmic Rules about Powers. Wanna hear them in a PM? They might strike an idea.

Heck if you're like me, a cup of coffee strikes an idea for a story.

Regarding Zoe. Gravity has no effect on her? How long can she stay afloat on air. Possible weakness. Atmospheres. You and I and Miss B all breathe at one atmosphere. Too dense and we can't breathe. Too light and our blood boils away (You're the sailor so am I right?). The point is mute if the physics of her ability allow her to ignore one of the fundamental forces of the universe indefinitely.


Dude! Heck yeah! Shave close and don't forget to get her a gift for later! I would suggest those boots but I don't want you to sail your ship to Southern Cal, track me and kick my behind!



Dances with Bees
Nice backstory for Zoe. It's reminiscent of Stranger in a Strange Land, but with a much happier outcome. Something else I like is something you mentioned matter of factly. A weakness. Most of my heroines weakness is simple. They aren't always stronger than the person they are facing. Only in a movie would Batman ever come close beating Superman. Karen can be captured and held by placing her in a pool of water with no orientation.

There is also Robin's Cosmic Rules about Powers. Wanna hear them in a PM? They might strike an idea.

Heck if you're like me, a cup of coffee strikes an idea for a story.

Regarding Zoe. Gravity has no effect on her? How long can she stay afloat on air. Possible weakness. Atmospheres. You and I and Miss B all breathe at one atmosphere. Too dense and we can't breathe. Too light and our blood boils away (You're the sailor so am I right?). The point is mute if the physics of her ability allow her to ignore one of the fundamental forces of the universe indefinitely.
Zoe can levitate, but not fly. She teleports herself wherever she goes. I was stating that Zoe wears the heels because she won't have a heel break in combat because she doesn't fight like that. She can make your mind a bowl of soup, rip your body in half, or hurl a bus at you, all with her mind. She doesn't need to fight. Unless she comes across someone who can block her powers, she will never have to fight. Our mystery enemy, who hasn't revealed himself to John 105 pages into my novel has the ability to block Zoe from detecting him. That's something to think about.

It's Karen who never touches the ground. In reality, she probably is actually touching the ground. Think of a flame. It appears to be floating off of whatever it is burning. It's because the lower part of the flame is in a spectrum that we can't see with the human eye. Karen is living fire, and when she is in human form, it is only a form. She is still fire. So she appears to always float above the ground. She can fly, and is probably as strong or stronger than John is. But water is the natural enemy of fire because of what water does to put out a fire. There are 3 sides to a fire triangle: fuel, heat and oxygen. Water takes the heat out of the triangle, therefore it puts out a fire. Liquid nitrogen takes out the heat. CO2 takes out the oxygen. Karen can be beaten, but the amount of these extinguishers it would take to kill her don't exist. She can be slowed down.
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Dances with Bees
Oh yeah, if you could somehow throw Karen/Blaze into the ocean and find a way to keep her under the water long enough, you could kill her.

But how are you going to do that? Karen is as close to a Mary Sue as I get. She is like Superman in that she is very powerful, but can be beaten. But ol' Supes will always come back, and when he does, he has figured out what you did to overcome him, and he's taken steps to correct that. Karen was slowed down by Emma with liquid nitrogen. That won't happen again.

I added a twist that even I didn't think I would too. I am not going to give too much away, but someone in this story has a bun in the oven.


For Karen I was thinking more of a bathysphere, plunged deep into an ocean environment. That way you could keep her alive yet use her as a hostage while you make your evil plans to rule the world (or increase your bank account. Being a villain costs just as much as being a hero. Don't get me started on the overhead, rent on the evil lair, henchmen, weapons to compensate for lack of powers, uniforms, bad coffee and a decent phone plan).

Unless you changed, Karen (Blaze) doesn't have emotion. Zoe, being good wouldn't want to use her powers to reach into someone's chest and stop their heartbeat. Hero code. Good guys and gals don't kill. Bad guys do but do it so extravagantly there is an escape. Oh and thanks for using science to explain the fire triangle. You know I appreciate that.


Dances with Bees
You have to go back to our discussions at Rendo. Remember I told you that Karen loses control of her powers? She does this because she is slowly getting emotions back. Her powers are controlled by her emotions. When her emotions start to grow so does her power. And that's when she goes to Tibet and enters a spell protected stasis chamber.


Dances with Bees
And yeah, Zoe wouldn't harm a fly. There is a lot going on in my story. Right now John is digging into how his beloved cousin has become a Cyborg.


Dances with Bees
Good night. I have an early day tomorrow (Sunday) so I need sleep. Hopefully I will get back here tomorrow and see a full blown discussion on who is pregnant. Hint: it's definitely not Blaze.


Dances with Bees
I guess I will have to post something. I thought this place would be lit up with guesses. Oh well.

We had training today which was pretty cool. We were shooting at each other with paint guns! Great way to spend a Sunday. Not only did we have a blast, we got paid overtime wages to do it! Nice...