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The Anchorage, Part 3


The Wicked Witch of the North
Morning all! And a bright sunny morning it is but I'm not going to hold my breath that it lasts. We've had some right royal rain and downpours the last few days, the ground is saturated and unable to hold anymore.

Good news! Went over to visit my boy yesterday and he's feeling a lot better. Things started to improve about four days ago and he's quite chipper. I took afternoon tea and a big bag of juicy sweet Kerikeri navel oranges for him and his dad. And more good news! The new mobo has arrived :) He actually said if I had brought the computer ashore he could have fitted it for me. It's all good, it can wait till after I get back from Aussie and he's really well. Don't want him pushing himself just yet.

So today is a busy one...I'm off to get my mane trimmed off shortly then a doctor's appointment after that. I get to see MY doctor this time, not that the other one wasn't a lovely lady. It's just so much easier talking to one who knows your history and not having to go into details all the time. So catch yous all later!!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Sounds great Lorraine.

I cut my hair this weekend. It may have been the first time since I got Tsuki. She was absolutely fascinated by the clippers. (Did I mention this already?)

She sat there in the bathroom door watching me the entire time. Sometimes, she would stand up on her back legs, and reach for the clippers. She probably thought they were alive :p

I saw Tsuki laying by her water fountain the other day and I couldn't figure out what she was doing. Seems she's decided this is the perfect position to drink water as it comes down the slide. She was doing that tonight until I grabbed the camera. But ... I'm going to get a shot of her in the act one of these days!


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Awwww what a cute kitty. Just look at that expression. :D

She's just precious Satira. :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I got my summer haircut about 2 or so weeks ago. This week I got the . . . erm . . . color done. ;)


Contributing Artist
That's great news Lorraine.

@Miss B, I'm so glad I decided to let myself go grey...it takes so long to get the colour done if you're having foils as well.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
It was rather interesting. I thought my hair was a lot greyer than it seems to be. As I cut chunks of hair off, I examined it closely to see how much grey there was. Surprisingly, it was still mostly brown. Amazing! There was strands of grey, enough that it gives the appearance of grey under certain lighting conditions (like the bathroom at work).


Contributing Artist
It would be easier for me to go white then I wouldn't have to bleach it to get all the bright colours (like Hot Pink) that I like :D (I haven't touched my hair in 3 years tho since I got sick, just too hard to sit that long)


The Wicked Witch of the North
I am so grey now! Almost white. I said to my friend that as I was the same hair colour as Judi Dench I might as well have the same haircut. So I now have! It looks great and I'm very happy :) Now I can go to Aussie without looking like a sheep ;)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Haha Lorraine! That's pretty much how short my hair is. It just isn't professionally styled like hers. And because my hair is so fine, it doesn't do any of the cool things it should.

Except for stick up in unexpected places after I've slept.

It behaves far better if I cut another inch off. Which ... I may do once I get my new VACUUM Clippers!


The Wicked Witch of the North
My hair is thick in amount AND texture, Satira. My friend has to thin it out a lot so it's not like wearing a mat ;) When it gets long like it did this time it's truly like having a sheepskin rug on my head...and as HOT!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
One thing I noticed after menopause was, my hair though still thick, is half the thickness it was before. My hair was so wild and unruly before, I had to perm it to get some semblance of order.

Now, however, I can get nice smooth lines, and it only gets frizzie during a very hot/humid day, which unfortunately it's been lately. I only cut my hair once the beginning of the summer, and then let it grow out over the winter.

Pen, if I let my color go, it would probably take a full year, unless I kept cutting it during the winter, until it was fully grown out. I did that once many years ago when I was only frosting my hair. When I finally decided not to do it any more, it took a whole year, without cutting it, to get all the frosting to a point where I could have my hairdresser just chop off the pony tail in its entirety, and then cut it to style it.


Contributing Artist
ooooo Lorraine, when are you coming to Aus? If its to visit your daughter we should catch up for a coffee (she's up here on the GC now isn't she?)


Good afternoon. :)
My hair has always been very fine and now is only about half as dense as it used to be and several inches shorter as well. (I've always preferred my hair long.) There is some grey but I really don't think about it. Funny thing is now that I'm past 50 my hair is medium brown. I think it'll never reach the dark brown that is normal for both sides of my family to reach in the mid teens. I'll be all grey before it gets that dark!


The Wicked Witch of the North
Howdy all!

Rae, I would have loved to have met up for a coffee, but I'll be in Melbourne! My ticket was unexchangable and nonrefundable so when Erin decided to move back to the GC, I was still going to Melbs, now staying with my niece instead of my daughter.

Miss B, the menopause doesn't appear to have affected my hair at all...I was actually hoping it would have thinned it out. Age might do it, I'm still hoping!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Miss B, the menopause doesn't appear to have affected my hair at all...I was actually hoping it would have thinned it out. Age might do it, I'm still hoping!
Interesting, as it also affected my nails. They used to crack and break all the time, but now I have to clip them every other week, or they get too long to type comfortably.

Hair and nails are both protein based, and I'm wondering if my internal digestive system changed enough afterwards so my hair and nails took more advantage of the protein in my diet. Of course, I haven't worn nail polish in decades, and that does affect the nails as well, because the nails can't breath with nail polish on them.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
My hair is still terribly fine, but I shedd now like a cat :wink: Apparently, Tsuki enjoys that because she periodically finds a mat of hair in the bathtub drain. She's very good at cleaning the drain for me! She just hasn't figure out the collect the hair and drop it in the toilet part.

Apparently, hair gets finer too as we age, although I thought grey/white hair was coarser. So ... maybe eventually Lorraine! I just hope it never gets to the point where I have to do combovers!!! If my hair gets that thin, then I'm going Sinead O'Conner rather than Judi Dench!

I do get those dreaded dark hairs around the lips and a few on the chin ... as well as the occasional hair on my face that grows rather long. Quite annoying! I am so not going to be one of those crones with a mustache!!! I suppose I can thank my Italian ancestry for that! Fortunately, it's not the entire upper lip, just above the ends of my lips. Maybe I can grow a mustache!

I don't think my nails grow any faster. But, they are stronger, so it seems they grow faster. I don't generally break a nail anymore ... which I always did the minute any of them grew any length. I rarely wore nail polish, so while my nails weren't weakened by polish, they also didn't have that coating to make them stronger.

Aging changes in hair and nails


Contributing Artist
Pen, if I let my color go, it would probably take a full year, unless I kept cutting it during the winter, until it was fully grown out. I did that once many years ago when I was only frosting my hair. When I finally decided not to do it any more, it took a whole year, without cutting it, to get all the frosting to a point where I could have my hairdresser just chop off the pony tail in its entirety, and then cut it to style it.
I cut mine fairly short before I started and it still took 6 months to fully grow out. Now I'm slowly regrowing it to shoulder length it's currently about chin length at the mo!

My hair went curly with menopause. I always had wavy hair but now when first washed it goes into curls until I put a brush through it.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I always wanted curls, but I can't stand getting a perm.

I swear my hair has just gotten straighter and straighter over the years.