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The Anchorage, Part 3


The Wicked Witch of the North
Oh that sucks, Rae! You poor thing :grouphug: Hope the accident wasn't a bad one and you didn't break anything. Sinus infections are horrible and so hard to treat. This will sound weird but it's how I got rid of one: cry. I had a doozy one that was giving me a cut throat and couldn't shift it, got really upset one day about something, bawled my eyes out and it got rid of all the gunk! No more sinusitis and my throat stopped hurting. Pity we can't take a pill for a crying jag on demand.


Contributing Artist
haha I did nearly cry over the front of my poor car (I still don't know how bad it is yet) but I think I was in too much shock. My back hurts a little but I don't know if that's because of all the coughing and sneezing is effecting my hernia or the accident but nothing broken (on me at least, did I mention my poor baby errr car?).


{{{hugs}}} I hope all gets better soon.

As far as sinuses go..... eating something with hot enough chili peppers to get your eyes watering can get your nose and sinuses draining too. In my case a number of years ago a quarter of an habenero cleared up a sinus headache that wasn't responding to anything. (I did get an upset stomach for half an hour as well but it was worth it.)


Contributing Artist
haha Terre sounds like a plan if I wasn't allergic to Chili's (or anything Pepper related) :D

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Poor baby! Both you AND your car.

I'd be devastated if anything happened to my baby. I waited SO long to get a Prius.

Shame on Consumer Reports for not appreciating the Prius C. I have no idea what drugs their reviewers were on when they test drove it, but they need to find another job. One that doesn't involve them giving advice to consumers.

This smaller, less expensive alternative to the regular Prius feels more like a subcompact than a sophisticated hybrid. In the end, you pretty much get what you pay for. It has a harsh ride, a noisy engine and cabin, and slow acceleration. The interior looks and feels cheap, the driving position and rear seats are cramped, and there's little cargo space. However, its 37 mpg is the best city fuel economy of any car we've tested, and its 43 mpg overall is just 1 mpg less than the previous-generation Prius hatchback. Its tiny dimensions make it a natural for urban driving. Reliability is well above average, but the Prius C scored too low to be recommended.

In defending their reviewer's statements they restated

It's not just griping over cheap plastics either. The Prius C doesn't do well in many of our tests. Acceleration is slow. The cramped driving position is flawed. The ride is always busy, and the cabin is loud. Plus it reminds us that not all small cars have nimble handling.

The worst I get on my commute home is 37 mpg. The first two miles of my commute home ... which is what kills my mpg ... is heavy Center City traffic. Narrow streets and a lot of construction. A lack of dedicated left turn lanes, so cars trying to turn left can't because of the steady stream of pedestrians crossing the street and everyone behind just sits. Of course, this results in frustrated drivers who attempt to get through an intersection on a yellow (or red), when traffic is backed up into the intersection already. Consequently ... no one gets through the intersection in any direction. Gridlock is spelled ... Philadelphia :wink:

In the morning, that same commute is usually in the 50s and on some days, I actually get into the 60s. So, my average commute mpg is better than 37 mpg. On the highway ... I get high 50s and 60s. In comparison, the best my 21 year old Camry and then the 2 year old Corolla got on that same commute was 19 mpg. That 7 mile commute is enough to bring any car (and driver) to tears :p Which is why I listen to Audible books ... and sometimes ... wish my commute took far longer!

Keep in mind I am so not Twiggy. I'm far too heavy for my height, and I have that pear shaped build. So ... if a cabin and seating is going to be cramped, I'm going to be the first one to know it. I actually had more problems with the Camry (and Corolla) seats than I do with the Prius C. The seatbelt buckle on both of those dug into my hip.

Once I got over the driving on eggshells because it's a hybrid and started driving more "naturally," I found the Prius C accelerates just fine. Even going up the two nasty little hills on my way home. Seems no matter what, the traffic lights before those hills is always red.

The cabin is far from loud. I listen to Audible books when driving and it's never an issue. Unless I drive with the windows down :p And then I have to turn up the volume. The interior doesn't look that cheap, and I like the "busy" design. It is far more subtle than they state.

It's not the Camry, and it doesn't handle as "racy" as the Camry did. But ... it's also the perfect size for driving on congested city streets and parking in cramped parking spaces.

And ... I got news for their reviewer. The Prius C IS a subcompact. What did he expect? An SUV?!?

Pity the poor fool who dares bash my beloved little Prius C.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Sorry to hear about your problems Rae. I know a sinus infection can be awful, but watch out for your back, and make sure you don't have any delayed reaction from the accident.

Satira, I had a Corolla for 4 years, until it was stolen. I think my most comfortable car was my Subaru, which I drove to and from work for 10 years. Then it needed a new engine, and I decided to just donate it to the LightHouse for the Blind, rather than spending a whole bunch of money on a 10 year old car.


Contributing Artist
Exactly Satira, you got to wonder if some of the reviews are being objective or not.

Yes Miss B, taking it easy, only short bursts on the comp and rest lying down. Work let me have the rest of the week off (without pay) because hire cars here cost an arm and a leg. Hopefully hear soon how bad Baby is so I can work out how long I'll need transport for.

I've only had Baby for approx 2 years (and didn't get to drive her for alot of that because of illness) and while she's 10 years old she only had around 7,000km on the clock so almost brand new. Unfortunately I hit the person not quite square on so the fronts gone a little sideways as well as back so I don't know if it will effect the handling. And I'm worried the insurance will go through the roof since legally it was my fault (had an ambulance behind, looked over my shoulder to see if I could change lanes as it had its lights and sirens going and the person in front slammed on their breaks because the person in front of them did and I couldn't stop or turn in time).
This is a couple of pix the day I picked her up from the car dealers.


Contributing Artist
Its insured so I only have to pay the excess but its the time that I'm worried about. My area basically has no public transport, taxi's are a no go because their WAY to expensive.

Mega, major goose bumps. One of my favourite horse songs. The other, Chestnut Mare.
I thought I'd post here instead of "how harry came to be" thread. You said to have a good cry to help with my sinus and you saying Wildfire was one of your fave horse songs so I though of mine. While not a happy song I really like this one:
its a Banjo Paterson song they put to music.
The last parade.jpg
here's another one most people wouldn't know unless they like Foster & Allen :D


Contributing Artist
Sorry to hear about your woes Rae with the car and sinus! I get sinus and recently started to use a nasal spray for it which is really good..it's called Rhinocort Aqueous.


Good idea Pen. FloNase (I think I got the spelling right) or some such might help her. This is one place where my allergies and intolerances come into play though. Both brands my doctor had me try made me sick.


Contributing Artist
I don't normally get sinus but this one turned into a bad infection that when to my throat and chest :( I'll try and get hubby to go to the chemist for me and get that spray tho, it might relieve it somewhat.


I don't know what the OTC sprays have in them but the prescription ones I tried were steroid based if I remember correctly.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'll never use a prescription one again. I always used an OTC spray when my sinuses were giving me problems during allergy season, but I was having a problem one year, and my Internist gave me a prescription for Nasonex, which was terrific. I read the instructions/warnings when I first got it, and I was careful not to overdo it.

I got the spray the end of the year, and it was the following Labor Day weekend (September for those who don't live in the US), and even though the warnings said possible blood "tinged" mucus, I wound up in the hospital emergency room with a nasty nose bleed.

Considering it was about 10 months afterwards, and it was still the same prescription (I don't use nasal spray all year 'round), I knew I hadn't overdone it, so I was shocked when I got the first nose bleed. The major problem was I'm on a low dose aspirin regimen which makes my blood thinner, so I became more susceptible than if I weren't taking the aspirin daily.


Contributing Artist
yeah gotta be careful of blood thinners and other drugs, can be a bit scary when something like that happens Miss B.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well, the first couple only lasted a couple of minutes, so I wasn't too concerned, but I did go to my Internist a few days later, and she suggested I stop taking the aspirin for a while, and then recommended an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, not far from where I live, to go see about what can/should be done. The problem asserted itself as I left the doctor's office and my nose started to bleed again (luckily I was carrying around a box of tissues in a shopping bag with me), and this time it lasted almost an hour.

I went back into my doctor's office and a call was put in to 911, and an ambulance came to take me to the hospital. By that time it had stopped bleeding, but I spent a lot of time in the ER waiting to see the hospital's ENT, who did fix the problem. Having never had a nose bleed before, it was a bit disconcerting.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I've never had a nose bleed thus far but my younger brother was prone to them. I always thought he was going to bleed to death, he bled so much. Freaky for you, Miss B!


Contributing Artist
I used to get them when I was young and my blood pressure would drop too low. Touch wood, I haven't had them for a while.