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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


Wow. This is new. Usually HW forums are polite to a fault. I've actually been wondering if there is anywhere that one could get some good constructive criticism in the Poserverse. Difficult to know what kind of feedback a poster might be looking for though... or how they'll take it.


Contributing Artist
Hummm! Here's a clue! The hair is GRAVITY Hair from StudioArtVartanian over at Rendo.
Somehow I suspect I've just uploaded my last image at Hivewire! :peace:
Please post more. I don't think anyone meant anything bad by their comments. They are such a good bunch here.

Wow. This is new. Usually HW forums are polite to a fault. I've actually been wondering if there is anywhere that one could get some good constructive criticism in the Poserverse. Difficult to know what kind of feedback a poster might be looking for though... or how they'll take it.
I don't mind if people critique my work if its done in a thoughtful manner. But if I wanted serious feedback or help I'd ask in the post with the image or post the image to its own thread.

I once had someone tell me the shadows on my render were in the wrong place...Funny things is, the image in question was not a render, it was one of my photos!

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Hummm! Here's a clue! The hair is GRAVITY Hair from StudioArtVartanian over at Rendo.

Somehow I suspect I've just uploaded my last image at Hivewire! :peace:

I don't believe anyone was trying to offend. I actually quite enjoyed that image of yours - I have an appreciation of that sort of style. It's one I enjoy viewing, but I am not very good myself at producing.

Please do continue to post - I am sorry if any of the comments felt like an attack - I am sure it was not meant to be so.


Dances with Bees
There are a couple of sites around where you will get torn to shreds by the group that hangs out there. This isn't one of those places.

But if you post an image on the internet, you have to expect that someone will have an opinion of it. Sometimes we need to have thick skin.

I am sorry if you were offended. I am very sure no one meant any ill will toward your render. There are aspects of it that I can't achieve that I appreciated about it. Your lighting was spot on and the subject matter reminded me of a lot of fantasy book covers. It was very good work. Just my opinion.


Hummm! Here's a clue! The hair is GRAVITY Hair from StudioArtVartanian over at Rendo.

Somehow I suspect I've just uploaded my last image at Hivewire! :peace:

That would be a shame and I hope you reconsider. We all have different outlooks, for example, my other hobby it steam control model trains but I am not a rivet counter. If someone tells me a model I own is 2mm too long to be an accurate representation of the original I don't much care and it would not stop me running any of my engines in public.

The trouble with commenting on some aspects of a render is that only the person who created it know what they were trying to achieve. On the other hand I have benefited on more than one occasions from feed back here at Hivewire and it seems to be a place where others are treated with respect and I am sure it will, in the main, stay that way.


Contributing Artist
Well, all well and good if you are already a D/S user and have grown learning the interface. But for long in the tooth and shortening in the brain old poser users the jumping to D/S ANY version for me even though relatively free is prohibitive. With so much invested in Poser and compatible tried and tested characters and plus, not an option for me. If Poser were to get with the program and also use th DUF formats so the stupid DSON importer wouldn't be necessary, I would begin using the DUF format figures from DAZ. but until then I have to agree, DAZ lost a long time customer and I hate it because their work has always been the best for my needs.

The truth is I only got started with DS when Dawn was released, so I could support her in both sides of the fence. I have been using Poser 10 years before DS existed. In spite of what rumors claim, SMS has already repeatedly asserted that Poser will NEVER support DS formats, because TriAx rigging is intellectual property of DAZ3D, and no other company can use it. Having that said, people who keep asking for DS support in the Poser forums are just being silly.

In my humble opinion, DSON is just a partial solution because it won't magically make Poser support multiple UVs, Auto-Fit, and Auto-Follow. Even with DSON, those things still have to be done in DS, and only then exported to Poser. With Genesis 3 things got even more incompatible because she is rigged with Dual Quaternions, while DSON only supports TriAx. To make her work in Poser, we first need to convert her back to TriAx in DS, export her to file, hack it with a 3rd party tool, and only then import it into Poser with DSON. As opposed to how it was with Genesis 2, we now also have to repeat this entire process to convert the clothings as well.

Since we already know that DUF will never be supported in Poser, these are the only ways to go. Personally, I don't think it's worth it. Not to mention there is no way to know if DAZ won't change file formats and/or rigging system again in DS5. :p

carmen indorato

Hummm! Here's a clue! The hair is GRAVITY Hair from StudioArtVartanian over at Rendo.

Somehow I suspect I've just uploaded my last image at Hivewire! :peace:
Sorry you got offended.
I was in fact quoting RamWolf on his comment on being picky. A critique is way different than a criticism. Where one is a learning process giving the artist other optional ways of looking at something the other is just plain stupid bashing. I did not criticize. Both the images you posted i liked very much. But if you can hear options for how to make the already good images greater why not try the ideas? Working as a photographer and graphic designer/illustrator for so many years i had to grow thick skin to endure the "guidance" of art directors trying to "learn" me. Just the way things have always been done....apparently just outside the Poser community.
I was an art director for print and video and it was my job to give intelligent guidelines to artists and photographers i hired or worked with to better their skills and provide imagery that sang. Sorry if it offends but too long in the tooth to be anyone else.
Again sorry.
I will just crawl back into the woodwork and keep my piehole shut.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Gosh. I looked at that hair and thought it's pretty darn cool. I should buy it. Then I noticed the button said Purchased. So, it appears I have already purchased it! Myth, thanks for the reminder about the hair!

I've often been frustrated when I was creating windy/stormy images, because while I could get hair and clothing to look windblown, plants, grasses, and trees didn't. Nope. They stubbornly stood straight up as if there wasn't a breeze at all. Not a bendy morph at all to be had! Sometimes, I was able to fake that the grass was bending by rotating it. But that only worked sometimes. Other times, you just couldn't get away with it. And you still had those dang trees that absolutely refused to cooperate.

Of course, all bets are off if one is doing a surrealistic scene. Which Myth does a lot of. Like Ken said ... laws of physics don't exactly apply. Or ... like RAM said, the women could be weather witches. Given the name of the hair, gravity has no impact on the hair, and the hair is doing its own thing contrary to everything else in the scene ;)

When there isn't an explanation from the artist, it can be quite fun to think up all kinds of explanations for why things don't appear as we expect them to.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I don't have that particular hair, but I remember looking at it when I was still contemplating some underwater mermaid renders. That hair would be perfect for depicting long hair floating in deep water.


Hi Satira,
It is pretty cool isn't it and in true SAV fashion also includes 62 styling morphs which pretty much covers most situations. I'm still exploring its potential but I must admit its the one I'm turning to first for most of my work recently.

I've been a Surrealist for around 40 years as a traditional artist until I turned to 3D (in the fairly recent past!) and it still surprises me the way people come up with explanations which leave me gasping and occasionally thinking, I wish I'd thought of that! (I must admit I rather like RAM's 'weather witch' idea and might be tempted to pinch it some time in the future! ;)) Thats the whole point. Open your eyes, then open them again and don't apply what you think should be there when all there is is whats in front of you. Logic can be deceiving (or in the case of my friend Jeff, a nuclear physicist, never existed anyway). I also believe that any form of art should have a basis in reality, at least in some form of reality (Jeff again!). With that in mind one of the concepts behind Floodtide and Ebbtide is Tranquility. See you soon!

PS: I wonder! If we ask really nicely do you think we could persuade Lisa B to do something about those bendy trees? Now that would be useful! :whistling:


Contributing Artist
@Satira Capriccio and @Mythocentric Just throw a magnet (D-former in DS) into those plants, trees, hair, or whatever you want to bend, be it for posing or wind flow. It seems like a PERFECT solution for that. If you like the results, you can even spawn a morph from the magnet, and save the prop back to the library so you can reuse it later. I first started using magnets because most hair didn't have any posing morphs, so I started to create my own with 1 or more magnets.

Magnets are very powerful and simple to use. They are the equivalent of a lattice deformer in 3DSMAX, which is something I use a lot as well.


Contributing Artist
Thanks Ken! I must admit I've played with magnets only rarely and usually ended up with something looking like it belonged in a Hellraiser film. Still, we're never too old to learn (slowly!). I'm off to have a play! :thankyou2:

Once you get the hang of magnets, you will see you will be using them often in your scenes. Nowadays I feel like if I didn't have magnets, it would be like working with my hands tied up on my back. If you want to get vertex precision in your deformations, you can even get started with magnet weight maps. This nifty little tool is a hidden gem! ^___^


Sorry you got offended.
I was in fact quoting RamWolf on his comment on being picky. A critique is way different than a criticism. Where one is a learning process giving the artist other optional ways of looking at something the other is just plain stupid bashing. I did not criticize. Both the images you posted i liked very much. But if you can hear options for how to make the already good images greater why not try the ideas? Working as a photographer and graphic designer/illustrator for so many years i had to grow thick skin to endure the "guidance" of art directors trying to "learn" me. Just the way things have always been done....apparently just outside the Poser community.
I was an art director for print and video and it was my job to give intelligent guidelines to artists and photographers i hired or worked with to better their skills and provide imagery that sang. Sorry if it offends but too long in the tooth to be anyone else.
Again sorry.
I will just crawl back into the woodwork and keep my piehole shut.

I am going to be greedy here and say, while I want everyone to feel free to post, I would also like you not the keep your 'piehole' shut. In this particular case I liked the original render but I could also see how your suggestions would change the render quite distinctly. Notice I did not say better, only the person that created it could decide if it improved the message they were trying to convey. If someone takes the time to critique one of my renders I always take the try the changes and on the whole they have improved my render and in the rare case I decided it did not it left in my mind another aspect I should look for in future renders.

I really do think it would be a shame if you crawled back into the woodwork, a lot of Poser users like me have no formal training and the loss of views from somebody with your experience I feel would be a loss.