Seliah, have you been tested for Celiac disease? Some doctors discovered that there is a higher percentage of Celiacs among children who get a lot of ear infections than in the normal population so they were suggesting that parents of children who keep getting such infections have them tested.
To be fair, in my case it's because I'm basically a medical nightmare. LOL
I am lactose intolerant, and gluten intolerant.
(Not Celiac, and NOT allergic - just intolerant.) There's a whole host of foods I can't tolerate, and I have a slew of medication allergies - enough of them actually, to make it really difficult for a doctor to prescribe much for me. I'm also deathly allergic to bee and wasp stings, as well as fire ants. As in the epi pen might or might not work, and the ambulance might or might not get to me fast enough, and I might or might not crump in the back of the rig on the way to the hospital allergic. The last time I was stung, I was 23, and they were pretty clear with me that if it happened again, it would most likely kill me before anyone could get to me.
Part of the reason I am so prone to recurrent ear infections is because all of the structures in my head and neck are basically child-sized. I had extensive throat surgery a few years ago to correct 85% blocked airways - they removed my uvula, tonsils, adnoids, 90% of my soft palette, corrected a badly deviated septum, and quite literally scraped away at the actual airways to widen them. When they were done, my airways were the size of a 10 year old's, instead of the 5 year old size they were when I went in. I had that surgery done when I was 28.
All of my sinuses, my airway, all the passages and tubes in my head and neck are pediatric sized. They have to use pediatric dental equipment on me, and pediatric respiratory equipment on me. Anything made for adults is too big. This results in the gunk and nasty stuff quickly spreading to basically everywhere whenever I pick up any kind of respiratory or sinus infection. If I get a cold, it will quickly spiral into a sinus infection, a bilateral ear infection, an eye infection, an upper respiratory infection, and then it will drop and turn into a lower respiratory infection. Oh, yeah, I'm also living proof that yes you CAN get strep throat even after having your tonsils and adnoids removed... I get that about three or four times a year. Medication, no medication, doesn't matter. I had tubes in my ears when I was a kid; they don't like to put them in adults, so when they finally fell out, the tubes were never replaced.
So... that's why I get so many recurrent ear infections. It's basically everything from my head to my chest that gets infected, and it all gets infected rapid-fire one after the other once I pick up any kind of respiratory or sinus bug at all. There just isn't enough room in my sinuses to deal with it all.
And yet conjunctivitis is about the only thing I have
not ever caught! LOL
I am off to bed. I'll know in five or six hours if I have that dreaded pink eye.
Good night all. See you on the other side.
Have a good night, Rokket. I sure hope for you that it's something less intimidating than pink eye.