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Good morning everyone :) Glad that helps GG, and possibly opens a new door of creativity for you...yay!

Vanish, thanks for the confirmation on that setting...I had a feeling I was supposed to, so I've check it. In case anyone's wondering, I'm looking at DS IRAY and Poser Superfly for rendering of things like gold, glass, and special effects like this. Today I need to search around for free IRAY stuff :)

And thanks phdubrov, GG and I will both appreciate info about any possible pitfalls to anticipate where the DS library is concerned...so thanks for posting :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Also there is bug with disapearing items in folders - folders is here, but no items. Close-open of tab solves it. Or in my case switch to other tab and back as I have content library in same group as main viewport.

Yes. What I do when this happens, is click another folder, then go back to the first folder. It strikes me as a graphic bug - the items never go anywhere, it's just the thumbnails sometimes don't display.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Well hey Seliah...you've crawled out from under...haha...good to see you here again...we've missed you :)

Well, I'm still buried here... lot of things going on, including my HD just not cooperating very well. But hoping to have a new HD soon and be able to finish off the 2D stuff after that.

I can't do much else on 3D without a new drive, unfortunately - my HD is throwing read errors all over the place, and running at 100% disk usage at all times... ugh!


Maybe that's been the source of your trouble lately...hard drives can do that, they can cough, and splutter and do a long, dramatic expiration. Sounds like salvaging your data is top priority right now, and a new drive of course. You'll enjoy a new drive...you'll be able to break out of the hardships you've been having. Sorry you're having the problems though...it can be so frustrating to be in the mood to be creative, and have to switch gears and play tech for awhile. I've been re-arranging my archives a little, some things needed easier access...and stuff like freebies needed to be on more portable storage, since they are updated so frequently. Takes a long time to move that much data from here to there, and then double back it again. So, I'm just sorta surfing and playing until that's completed.


Hey Terre :)

Have a question for the DS gurus that pass through here. I was experimenting with different layouts for DS, and found I liked the top tabs feature, instead of the default vertical tabs, but I messed up when I experimented with floating the content library and smart content...is there any way I can get that to lay back in place like the default, so that when I close the side panel, they will close also...with having them undocked, they stay in the way, and I prefer they slide with the whole panel. Where do I find the setting to get that back??

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Afternoon, Miss B. :)

Sky - this is the same HD that the graphic driver toasted. It's just reaching critical mass right now is all. I have all my data backed up; I only use the internal for my OS and my base program installs. Data is kept on externals - one for daily use, and two as backups only.

I'm not stressing the data. It's just annoying because of the timing with this 2D history booklet, as I need to have it usable by Friday to finish that up. LOL

The 3D stuff doesn't have a deadline that's overdue. ;)


Oh my, so it's caught you in the middle of the 2D project too o_O Yeah, I'd say that was bad timing. Are you getting a desktop HD this time??

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Afternoon Terre.

I don't have the latest version of DS, and I've never floated anything like the Content Tab, etc., but I do remember switching the order of some of the tabs by clicking on the tab at the title, and then dragging it to where I wanted it.

If you no longer have "any" tab in the location where you want it, then I don't know how to dock it, as I've never undocked any tabs in DS.


That's what I did Miss B, I made the mistake of undocking the tab, and the only option I see in the little drop down is undocking...but I've already done that, and prefer it the other way. What happens is, if I want to work on a big scene, I've gotten used to the whole words folding in when I click the pane...now it leaves those undocked elements out in the viewing area...so it's not critical, just I'd prefer it docked again. But I do like the tabs at the top...that was demonstrated in one of the YouTube videos on the previous page, about DS interface.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Oh my, so it's caught you in the middle of the 2D project too o_O Yeah, I'd say that was bad timing. Are you getting a desktop HD this time??

No. It's only the hard drive that's bad. The rest of the hardware is fine. And yes, it's acting up in a critical point of the 2D project. Laptops need a laptop HD; desktop HD's don't fit into a laptop case. Fortunately, I can get a new HD for a decent price... but replacing an internal HD on a laptop is quite a bit labor intensive.

Hopefully I have this thing semi-usable by the end of tonight. Ouy vey! LOL


Oh I see, you're going to drop a new drive into the laptop...I misunderstood. Yeah, laptop labor is....ahh....not easy :) So you'll be back up and running tonight....good :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yes, it's just the HD that needs to be replaced, and then have an OS installed. Hopefully by tonight it will be up and running! Hopefully! LOL


Yeah, I forgot your Bear is IT...so he can handle that no problem, if everything else is checking out okay. I know you'll be glad to get your computer back up and running.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'd ..like a whole new laptop, as I hate the integrated GPU this one has. I'm so used to nVidia, and I miss it. Unfortunately, I refuse to upgrade to Windows10, so my only alternative is Linux, and there are so many distros available, I'm not sure which would be the best for working with 3D apps. ~sigh~