• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



I feel that you'll get it in time...Poser's material room is highly advanced, not something that can be learned in a hurry. Same with the hair room, and same with rigging. Takes an enormous amount of patience, and you do have to admire those who've mastered it. Animating is the same way...I got the hang of it because I spent so much time doing it.

And I don't like squabbles and controversy either...I'd just as soon go offline and do something else with my time. I've never understood that tendency in some to get into fist banging, spit flying fights...haha....you know, the kind that used to be an every day occurrence on DAZ forum...haha. I'd be thinking, hey folks, it's time to take a chill, okay o_O

Interesting news from Poserworld...I gotta see this to believe it. I guess it was their answer to survival in all the uproar over Poser content. I'll keep checking on the site to see when preview pics get posted. I always appreciated the fact that Steve would produce robes and stuff for the older figures. Not sure whether Steve or Allen is doing the figure modeling.


Before I forget this...if anybody is interested in tweaking the Shetland Pony for the mini-shetland appearance, check out post 102 on page 6 of the Shetland Pony thread. I may give that "recipe" a try...the big hair and tiny legs appearance is quite cute. Note for Terre: Suro may be interested in this, since she liked Diamond.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
That is interesting on the Poserworld thing, but I can't say I'm surprised. They've been at this hobby/business far longer than I've been in it, and I've been doing it for damn near 15 years now. The catch is going to be whether they support the figures enough. People will need starter suits and merchant resources and the like to do content support.

I don't know which one of them does the modeling and which one does the texturing. I use a lot of their models as background props as they tend to be lo rez in both mesh and texture. But they really are very useful content items. I eventually did go in for the lifetime subscription some years ago. I still give from time to time via Paypal to them simply because I find their models so dang helpful. New figures will be interesting...


For those who don't have a Poserworld membership, they have a pay per item site now, plus apparently freebies. Currently the freebie is a movie director's chair....at Alcarte3d.com :)

I feel sorry for folks starting out in 3D now...we had SO many freebies back in the day. Now sites are shutting down, no replacments...leaving ShareCG, and Rendo free stuff, and as contributors pull their freebies from Rendo...it's even less available...so always nice to find another source. Oh, yesterday at DAZ, they had an outdoor light set for DS in the free stuff so I grabbed it, but it's gone today...oh well.


You were speaking earlier of backup drives...I have two identical backup drives of 3D content, so if I lose one, still have the other.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Ah, I must have missed that one. I was fixing a few things QA wanted adjusted yesterday. Spent most of my time last night working on those. :)

I have my website, which wont' go anywhere anytime soon. I post freebies here and to my DeviantArt gallery these days. I do still post to ShareCG, but I just really hate the layout of their website and it is VERY hard to find things. LOL

I only have a few of my items left on Rendo. I wiped out my gallery and freebies a few years ago because I felt that strongly about some of their business practices and the way their staff was treating people. I very hesitantly dipped back into the site recently, but now I'm wondering if I'd made a mistake doing so. I won't play the on again/off again game. If I get fed up enough to empty out my gallery a second time, that will be it for good. Their policies are ticking people off.

I've been meaning to ask, has it ever been discussed, the possibility of Hivewire doing small freebies?

The store here DOES have some freebies in it. A couple of things for Luna, and PaganEagle's starter suit for Dusk as well. They do put them out once in a while, but there is no regular freebies or anything like that.


Oh okay...stuff like that tends to draw especially beginners.

Know what you mean about Rendo....when I went to get the DAZ light set last night, I browsed through the forum for the first time in ages...but first sight of Chohole and that animated club avatar, and I said oh no, I'm not up for this foolishness again....haha...it's not worth it.


Hey Miss B :) I was just checking out the RDNA thread....I can go off for a nap, come back and there's another two pages to read...haha. It seems the lingering unrest is over where the Poser forum will be. I do see folks' point...whenever you maintain an information-based thread (like we try to do here yet on a very small scale compared to something like the Poser forum), you'd like to think that all the work that goes into compiling that information won't be flushed or censored. It's not the same thing as regular chat...that is, what the weather is this morning, what you had for breakfast, what you'll be doing this weekend...that stuff is all nice for staying in social contact, but it doesn't help people grow as 3D artists. So I can see where some Poser users might be getting nervous about where all that information will be archived. The way I've started dealing with it, since I've experienced so much forum instability, is I have a huge folder with subcategories, and in that folder I save forum pages. At least that works for information I need at the time....but things that are over my head today, but might be something I need tomorrow...well, that would be lost. Hope they choose a new Poser home soon, then the dust can finally settle from all this.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hey Miss B :) I was just checking out the RDNA thread....I can go off for a nap, come back and there's another two pages to read...haha.
Only two Sky? Sometimes I see as many as 5 new pages, but then again, when I get off to sleep, it's for the whole night, so not really surprising I guess.


So Terre, you're all straight with you new roof? I know you're glad to get that behind you now. And hopefully we're all past the vicious storms, at least for awhile. I love spring.