Where did you read that? There is nothing on the CNN site about it.
From a live stream I watch.Where did you read that? There is nothing on the CNN site about it.
Last I looked here in Australia we're only about 10% vaccinated and vaccines are in short supply especially Pfizer which seems to be the preferred vax over here. I've had my first AZ but not due for second until September.What is the harm for everyone to continue to wear a mask, avoid crowds, and observe physical distancing until the Pandemic is truly over?
Worldwide, the current percent of people who are fully vaccinated is less than 11%. India is less than 5%. Brazil is less than 15%. Mexico is 15%. Canada is less than 30%. Both the UK and the US are close to, but still less than 50%. Within the US, Mississippi is less than 30%, while Vermont is 65.6%. All other states fall in between those percentages. Within PA, the vaccination rate by county varies between 25% to about 61%.
Philadelphia claims we are at 57.2% fully vaccinated. Yet 3/4 of the city is less than that. About 1/3 of the zip code areas are less than 30% fully vaccinated, including the zip code where I live and the zip code where I work.
Philadelphia is still at a high risk of community transmission, and we now have cases of the Delta variant. Because Philadelphia no longer reports the number of cases, it's no longer possible for us to track whether cases are raising or falling.
It's easy to say that it's the responsibility of those who are not vaccinated or those who are fully vaccinated, but still at high risk of becoming infected, to avoid others. But what do you do when your employer demands you return to the office and does not provide a safe environment for those at risk?
So sorry to hear this...I'm a Victorian just going into lockdown again as you would be aware we had a visit from some removalists as well as a returnee from a red zone who thought they were entitled to breach the health code.Annnnd, into 3rd week of lockdown, with speculation of another 5 weeks. You only get one chance to screw up with the delta variant. And NSW screwed up.
5 days from second dose.
Last I looked here in Australia we're only about 10% vaccinated and vaccines are in short supply especially Pfizer which seems to be the preferred vax over here. I've had my first AZ but not due for second until September.
Wearing a mask and physical distancing is a very small ask to help keep members of our communities safe.
Agree with you totally Satira...
So sorry to hear this...I'm a Victorian just going into lockdown again as you would be aware we had a visit from some removalists as well as a returnee from a red zone who thought they were entitled to breach the health code.
I'm not blaming N.S.W just the libs. I really feel for you all in NSW especially Sydney and the South-West.
Fingers crossed that it isn't 5 weeks but I think Gladys needs to stop movement and at the moment she's not.
Glad to hear that they were fined. Good on you daughter for making masks. I did some for us last year. I hope your son is okay it is very stressful for everyone. I'm glad you got to see your grandson.all good here... there was a dozen teenagers from the red zone down this way but they were caught and fined $1,000 each and sent back.
My youngest daughter is busy sewing up masks for our community ( that's the only stipulation for regional NSW is mask wearing and QR code checkins everywhere which is a pain! )
My son & his young fam live in Victoria and was at work when I messaged him about the lockdown that was going to happen down there 2 hours before it was announced... his workplace has to shut down and it's a real strain for them.
Looks like it will be a while before we can visit down there again, just lucky to get there in April when we did to see our grandson.
Stay safe Hornet...I can't believe that Boris is talking about no restrictions it's going to affect so many people. Long covid is definitely an issue that people tend not to think about unfortunately. We have a crappy federal govt also...I just thank god for the premiers of each state.So the Covid is having another go at the UK population with a reported 60% increase in new cases today alone, plus it is thought that the around 500,000 people have been told self isolate for 10 days thanks to the NHS track and Trace app pinging them to tell them to do so. Part of this increase must be down to the belief that Covid does not attack large groups of people so long as they are supporting football. Just the right set of statistics to convince the UK government that this coming Monday is the ideal time to lift restrictions including the legal requirements to wear a mask. They strongly suggest individuals still wear a mask and to social distance but, of course, many of those not wearing the mask will also be the same individuals that cannot be bothered to have the vaccine either. For many businesses his will have limited impact as they will have to remain shut as too many of their staff are in isolation. Thanks to the vaccine it looks as though hospitalisations will not reach the peaks of earlier but the hidden story is the number of people that will end up with long term Covid which will also impact the NHS for years to come.
In view of all this my wife and I have stocked the fridges and are preparing to go back into lockdown probably as from this weekend probably only weeks before another lockdown becomes mandatory. One has to wonder just where all this end up and wherever we do end up we will be left with the question as the reasons for it is due to incompetence, vested interest of individuals or some strange death wish of a complete nation.
Good luck with your second jab Satira! Stay safe...problem is that it's not getting back to normal anytime soon and won't if we keep getting new mutations. I've heard there's a new one called Lambada?? and also Delta +.I'm due for my second shot next month, and based on my reaction to the first one, I rather expect the reaction to the second one to be worse. It was five days before the injection site swelling went down and stopped itching, though it was a few more days before I was finally able to move my arm without pain. Definitely not going to have the injection in my left arm this time (since I'm left handed).
Most of my coworkers are not wearing masks, and people are working close together ... again ... without masks. They act like the pandemic is over and that they are 100% protected. Which is so not the case. But these are the same people who had extended family holiday dinners indoors, or started dating without masks, or flew back and forth between Philadelphia and Miami numerous times.
Not people I want to be around.
I also notice a lot of people walking through indoor areas that still require masks, and they aren't wearing a mask.
While unvaccinated people are the majority getting sick, those fully vaccinated are also getting sick enough to need to be hospitalized. Philadelphia positive tests have doubled since Monday. Granted, the Delta variant has just arrived here, and the increase was "just" from 1% to 2%, but unless measures are taken now to require everyone to mask up again and observe social distancing, it's only going to get worse.
But, I just don't see Philadelphia going back into a lockdown or mandating masks because they are too committed to "getting back to normal" and getting workers back into Center City and spending money.
Glad you've had your second jab! My parents had their second during the last week. I agree if everyone did the right thing we could be done with this. I agree about strong borders. It may take Victoria up to 2 weeks but I think we can get it back to zero...they're doing 7 layers of contacts which should help.Had my second jab. No reaction. Lucky. People on the peninsula here (inner harbour Sydney) are 50/50 with mandated masks. Not so good. AU, fully vaccinated is not quite 10%. When Covid gets onto our neighborhood, it will rage. And it will get here. Too many day workers coming and going. Only a matter of time. I don't mind the people coming and going. But be thoughtful, please.
I wear a mask any time I'm not in my own residence. Immune-compromised. I wish people would take this seriously. It's just not that big of a deal.
- Keep your physical distance. 1.5m is not that far.
- Wear a cheap disposable paper mask when you're out of the house. I think ours are like $0.10 each.
- Get the pair of shots (if you're physically able).
Easy peasy. I don't get it. If everyone did that, we'd be done with this. Until that happens, strong filter at the borders. National, state, regional, metro. Multi-stage, so failures don't get far.
Oh well. Masked up take-away coffee time. ^.^
I always remember Carl Sagan's (of Cosmos Fame) quote was along the lines of 'Man has the distinction of being the only species on this planet to have devised his the method of his own mass destruction',Biggest problem is that the virus keeps mutating, in people who can host it. Vaccinated people can host it. Just a way lower rate => less mutations. A version will eventually get around current vaccines, quicker, rather than later.
My paranoid self is not worried about the virus, the death rate, or economy. It worried about the incredible amounts of bio-research combined with very powerful data analytics. Much like the spread of the internet has made it so that misinformation and junk swamps us and malicious "hacking" is continuous.
How long before someone will "home grow" some bio-nasty?
Never thought I'd miss "nuclear annihilation" as the most probable outcome for the species.
Cheerily, from week 4 of the 2 week lockdown. And no end in sight. Ahh, politicians. We all have "reality distortion fields". But most of us don't have enough reach for that to be anything other than amusing for our friends.
That only took you about 2 months to complete??? Amazing! I think with all the detail it would take me about a year.