• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

HiveWire 3D Store Officially Closing at the end of Jan 4th (Midnight US Mountain time)


Oh, this was not how I wanted to start December!
But I understand you all have to do what is right for you. I am trying to see the positive things, the products will live on and we will still get to new stuff from you all. And of course, the friendliest forum will still be here.


Well, that is a sad development indeed. I've not bought a lot of stuff there (I do need to get the HW Horse..), but I'm glad to see at least some of your products will be available @ Rendo (if they ever get all the issues sorted over there). All my best wishes for you.


I appreciate you all opening the store and developing such good products! Not only did they benefit many of us, but the store and products provided healthy competition in the market, which was needed to drive everyone to do better! Kudos to you and the team, for your skill, courage to do this, and love for the industry! Wishing you the best!

Will look for you on Rendo, which is where my limited amount of products are ;)


Contributing Artist
So sorry to hear this but I understand. Due to changes in life circumstances, I have not been active in quite some time, nor is it likely I will be able to again. So my products will not be moving anywhere and will stop being available once the HiveWire store closes.


After a very strange night (weird dreams about mines being turned into homes and an heiress accused of being an gold digger!), I'm still rather overwhelmed. I am thankful only the store is closing and that HiveWire and the HiveWire forums will continue. Always a silver lining, right? The Dark (or Dusk?) comes before the Dawn? Even though it was Dusk followed Dawn. Like I said ... a very strange night.

Anyway. My products aren't big sellers. They are a bit too far off the beaten path for that. I am not sure Renderosity would even be interested in my products.

I never expected my products to support me currently, as I work full time. I just don't have the time or energy to treat content development as a full time job. But once I retire in the next two years, I planned for that to change. With more time and energy to devote to content development, I thought it would be able to reliably augment retirement rather than the hit and miss it now is.

Of course, I'm not without options. I could just not retire. /gasp!
I have add-ons for two of your products. It will be nice to see them in the same store. I am RAgraphicDesign at Renderosity..


Contributing Artist
I feel sorry for Jenn, she's probably got thousands of emails to go through (mine included lol)


This news saddens me. I haven't really contributed anything to the forums, and very rarely do any 3D images or items nowadays. Hivewire3d are in my opinion the greatest store around, with high quality products, friendly people and will leave an enormous gap by its closure. My thanks to all at Hivewire for the joy visiting your store gave me, and my best wishes to all.


So sorry to hear this but I understand. Due to changes in life circumstances, I have not been active in quite some time, nor is it likely I will be able to again. So my products will not be moving anywhere and will stop being available once the HiveWire store closes.

That is sorry to hear but then that is the issue with any marketplace closure, both vendors and products get lost along the way. The Hivewire3D need to do what they need to do and I wish them all the best but it is still sad. I hope most of the vendors make the transition but for those that don't a big thank you for all your efforts in the past.


I feel sorry for Jenn, she's probably got thousands of emails to go through (mine included lol)

Bet she is well used to it by now.
This news saddens me. I haven't really contributed anything to the forums, and very rarely do any 3D images or items nowadays. Hivewire3d are in my opinion the greatest store around, with high quality products, friendly people and will leave an enormous gap by its closure. My thanks to all at Hivewire for the joy visiting your store gave me, and my best wishes to all.

Don't forget that while the store is closing the same friendly people are still going to be here in the forums.


2020, you are drunk, sit down.
This is sad, I have been purchasing here since the store opened, even though I was not active here a lot. While the closing is sad, I am glad to hear that products will be available at Rendo, and development on the 2.0 figures will continue.
All the best to you guys!


It is always saddening when a store closes. I looked at the items that I bought here and will try to download them all - although I have to be honest it is a trial with the download speeds that we have here. I wish all of the vendors the very best in the future.