I'm so old school (read: poor) that I still use V3 and V4, where I have tons of stuff. Haven't gotten into Genesis or upgraded to latest Poser, for that matter. Maybe if I was rich I'd buy it all, but I don't know.
I might be marginal, I have no idea, but that's where I am. I have DS but find it awkward to use, kind of like I find Blender awkward to use.
Perhaps I'm just making a donkey out of myself, but that's where I'm at and that's where RDNA have been a glorious haven - along with their unique, nowhere-else-to-be-found (in my limited knowledge) items, ranging from the bizarre to the insanely creative. That is what I will miss. I rarely haunt forum or such because of time limits, so I can't claim to know many, but I understand many will miss that too.
I am at home with my sketch pad and pencil and my watercolour, and while I have tried oil it didn't agree with me at all. Same with Poser and DS, I know the former and cannot seem to get along with the latter. What I have there is mostly just laying around and not getting used, like the oil painting material. Then again, perhaps I am turning into legacy content myself, I don't know. As long as my PC can run the old programmes I suppose I can keep tinkering.
Uh oh, I'm turning into Eeyore.
Quick, someone, pin the tail on me!