Watched the Showtime Show Penny Dreadful on Netflix last night which I recommend. There was one scene where Dorian Grey brings the American Gunman into the old London Barrows to "see something special"....a blood sport that was apparently very popular in London in 1800's. It was of men collecting many rats around the city (and there were MANY in those days) and dumping them live into a deep pen where they would throw a dog in with them and bet on how many it would kill in a certain allotted time. I couldn't
believe how they showed the graphic nature of the scene in the show. Very realistic bloody scene I have never seen on TV.
A lot of you are talking bout how cute they are and such but unless you have lived in rat infested digs you would quickly change your minds I think. I have and could not wait to get out....couldn't do it fast enough! I therefore HATE RATS!
I have a few Poser rat models both high res and low res but have never considered them potentially cute or used them as pets in ANY of my renders.....just to get an idea of what I think of them...and yes from the experience I mentioned above I assure they can be vicious and dirty and make a freaking mess of the sanctity of human homes. There were rats in Naples years ago that due to their over flowing population forcing them out of the sewers and onto the streets and homes even in broad daylight, attacked humans and dogs. The situation got so bad the Italian government sent military men in to finally eradicate the population. It took them months but they were never really gone just greatly reduced but I am sure they have returned and will again and again because it is their nature. I was there at the time and I gotta admit it was gross and freaky. So no, I don't consider rats cute but I do appreciate the beauty of Chris and company's effort to make them realistic. Now all I need is a dog that looks like the one in the show and a fighting pen so I can do my part to eradicate the Poser Rat population!
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