Good Morning Everyone! Here is the Orc for Dusk in his Bodybuilder Morph. Rendered on 3Delight ^^
Thanks a loooot!!! ^^Looking good sir!
Hahaha! Thanks a lot Seliah! I'm happy you liked it! It's almost done!Oh, he is looling nice! Loving the red eyes, and that scowl! LOL
Thanks PendraiaVery cool...
Thanks Miss B! I'm very happy toooCongrats on getting it in the store!
Thanks Seliah!! And he is better than i expected thanks to your ideas and everyone who helped me! Thanks again!Congrats on getting him through QA and into the store! Nice work. He's in my wishlist for now; I will probably grab him next week when we get paid.
This was almost an insta-buy when I saw it in the store today, but then I noticed it was D|S. Do you plan on releasing him in Poser? I would buy him the day you do even if I have to eat Ramen a few days.
Haven't got it yet I'm still trying to decide what to buy first. Looks good though!
Thanks Jon! I'm seeing what i can do, i really want a POSER version.Such a shame DAZ only ah well. Gratz on getting into store.
Hi friends! Here is a Promo image of the Orc for Dusk^^
Thanks Lisa!!! ^^ I'm happy you liked themI can just imagine the conversation between these two! Fun stuff! Nice work, too!