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I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Wow, cool, thanks! She really does need some color in her lips and I agree the specular needs to be tamed as well.
You're welcome. It was pretty much trial and error until I was able to get it the way I wanted.

As far as Specular goes, I even adjust it on her skin in general. I don't mind a very slight bit of shine or the character's skin looks dead, but I don't like it when she's fully dressed, but looks like she just stepped out of the shower.


Dances with Bees
You're welcome. It was pretty much trial and error until I was able to get it the way I wanted.

As far as Specular goes, I even adjust it on her skin in general. I don't mind a very slight bit of shine or the character's skin looks dead, but I don't like it when she's fully dressed, but looks like she just stepped out of the shower.

LOL, and here I thought it was just me that finds most 3D renders, not just Evolution, too "sweaty" most of the time.


Mytho, that's a bit unfair to be honest.

I have stepped up for every figure ever made for Poser except Scarlet. And, what all the work for Roxie, Rex, Miki, Anastasia and all the rest got me was laughed out of the room.

I have a good following with my product base for the Hivewire figures and I have no intention of stepping up this time. Others can take the risk, for once.

I have a lot of concerns about Project E, and did not publicly voice them anywhere. Because I so resented when folks like Erogenesis did it to Dawn. I will politely keep my mouth shut and hope she does well, honestly hope.

As for the sniggers, Ero has an equal following to me with his porn figures and comics. There is no reason to make that some bad thing, especially when he included ovaries with his 3D barbie. That's his customer base and he has every right to cater to them. More power to him.

But, yes, I will wait and see if Evolution develops a following and stay right here in my comfort zone that I have worked hard to establish with Dawn and Dusk.

While I do respect your right to reply and air your opinion I honestly don't believe I aimed my comments at you personally. What I did say was that that 'wait and see' attitude can cause problems and it's quite clear that its an attitude that has helped hold Dawn back. I am aware that you have supported Dawn and, in fact, I have shown that appreciation by buying most, if not all of your products for her, along with those of the other vendors who have given their time and skills to producing for her. That's much appreciated by me and, I'm delighted to see by others. However, it's clear that vendors who have made products for Dawn are in the minority! A very small minority compared to V4. Sadly, that's the direction that 'wait and see' outlook leads. Dawn has now been around long enough to have earned a bigger following than she has, and deservedly so! So why hasn't she had better success? It's one thing to stick rigidly to one figure (as many V4 vendors have done) but its quite another thing to get yourself so mired in that it becomes impossible to catch up when sales start to diminish, especially in a field which is already over-saturated with identical products.

On the other hand, throwing out a remark about Ero's reason for creating PE and backing that remark up by misquoting him (which I hasten to add did not come from you!) is somewhat beyond the pale! Yes! Erogenesis does produce erotica and has, in the past, used V4 which lead him to creating his own figures. Project Evolution was developed from that figure for the general market as a means of providing that market (especially Poser users) with a figure capable of taking their art to new levels and, hopefully helping to reinvigorate that sector of the 3D market. I find that the fact that PE is entirely created by one persons efforts amazing, and its one that deserves recognition and development by everyone involved in the market. Does that deserve derision because of that figures origins? No it certainly does not and we should all be careful not to make bullets for those with less than honest intentions to use as ammunition! With respect!

Yes, I was playing with one yesterday, and was surprised how little I had to tweak, though most of the tweaking was done to hands/fingers, which I always do anyway, and her feet/toes. Otherwise, the pose translated fairly well.

Hi Miss B! I've tried a good few V4 poses now and I won't confess how long I've spent just sitting here doing just that but, just between you and me, I should probably try to get a life! The one I used in the image is from Vikike176's Pose Collection for V4. Generally, the only thing I've found is that it helps to turn IK on to correct some minor problems with foot poses. Other than that I'm delighted with her!


Dances with Bees
Mytho, honestly, I see you getting a bit too defensive. That's one of the things that led to all the fights about other figures (with most of it coming from folks who have something to gain by having Poser users at each other's throats).

But you will have to forgive those of us who have supported unsupported figures and taken the brunt of the gossip, nastiness and ugliness connected to doing so. And, if we shy away from walking into that ring of fire one more time, I think you'll just have to take our scars into the equation.

Honestly, it's time for Erogenesis to step up to the plate and get folks who are STILL developing for V4 onto the Evolution bandwagon. His time would be better dedicated to that than running around the forums and trying to develop for Evo single handedly. He's going to have to do the hard work that Hivewire has done and entice those folks into the fold.

It's way past time to retire V4. Evolution gives those V4 holdouts a reason to move forward. It's time for all of them to step up to the plate.

In fact, your time would be better spent going over to Renderosity and starting conversations with those V4 holdouts asking them to support Evolution. That's far more productive than getting upset about any comments made about her.


I'm sorry if that appears to be the case to you. Neither am I getting upset by your comments. I am quite simply responding to comments made following me posting my image. As for being one of those things that leads to fights I must agree with you but only if you decide to take that route. I'm sure that neither you or I have anything to gain by having Poser users at each other throats. Thats for trolls and their ilk.
I would also point out that I have not placed any blame on vendors who have faced criticism from the ill-informed for the figures they've supported and I have myself, spent time over at Renderosity defending Dawn, Poser and decrying the Poser vs Daz brigade and I too, have the scars to prove it. The honest truth is that there is no point arguing with anyone who is determined to oppose you come what may, even to the point of contradicting themselves, which frequently happens, though happily I hasten to add not at Hivewire. As for Erogenesis stepping up to the plate I believe that's just what he has done. I would also add a nod of recognition to all those people who have helped prove the concept though beta testing, etc. Whether or not he succeeds is entirely up to the vendors stepping in to help promote PE with their own output and improvements to the base figure (which Erogenesis has suggested!)
As for me, I believe we've both made our points and hopefully other members will, in turn, respect our views. However, rather than take this thread off topic and into the realms of us versus them this may be an appropriate point to draw this conversation to a close. Respect!
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Dances with Bees
I'm sorry if that appears to be the case to you. Neither am I getting upset by your comments. I am quite simply responding to comments made following me posting my image. As for being one of those things that leads to fights I must agree with you but only if you decide to take that route. I'm sure that neither you or I have anything to gain by having Poser users at each other throats. Thats for trolls and their ilk.
I would also point out that I have not placed any blame on vendors who have faced criticism from the ill-informed for the figures they've supported and I have myself, spent time over at Renderosity defending Dawn, Poser and decrying the Poser vs Daz brigade and I too, have the scars to prove it. The honest truth is that there is no point arguing with anyone who is determined to oppose you come what may, even to the point of contradicting themselves, which frequently happens, though happily I hasten to add not at Hivewire. As for Erogenesis stepping up to the plate I believe that's just what he has done. I would also add a nod of recognition to all those people who have helped prove the concept though beta testing, etc. Whether or not he succeeds is entirely up to the vendors stepping in to help promote PE with their own output and improvements to the base figure (which Erogenesis has suggested!)
As for me, I believe we've both made our points and hopefully other members will, in turn, respect our views. However, rather than take this thread off topic and into the realms of us versus them this may be an appropriate point to draw this conversation to a close. Respect!

Agree :)


Dances with Bees
Rendered in Carrara
post in PSE2018

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Contributing Artist
Dress, jacket and shoes I have been making for PE now include new textures by VolpeBox. The dress can be used as conforming (with body handles) or semi-dynamic. I wonder if anybody else is trying to create conforming outfits for PE? I would like to have a word with them.



Contributing Artist
Finally a pair of shoes! No one's been modeling shoes for her.

There is a thread about converting Genesis shoes to PE at CGBytes. Maybe that's why nobody is modeling new shoes for PE. If people can convert, they won't buy.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well I don't have Genesis 2, 3 or 8, so that leaves me out. I need shoes for her!!


Good to hear Ken. Shoes, boots, any kind of footwear are always welcome as are clothing. My only concern with conforming clothing for her is that he might have put people off creating clothing for her by making converting V4 clothing easier by using his mannikins (V4 clone). That would be a pity because at the end of the day its still the same old V4 clothing.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I know, but it's better than having her naked all the time, since the only included clothing is a bikini. ;)


Contributing Artist
Good to hear Ken. Shoes, boots, any kind of footwear are always welcome as are clothing. My only concern with conforming clothing for her is that he might have put people off creating clothing for her by making converting V4 clothing easier by using his mannikins (V4 clone). That would be a pity because at the end of the day its still the same old V4 clothing.

I think what Ero has done was to create a PE shape morph for V4, but all that does is the reshaping part - conforming is a completely different part of the process. So far I have only seen dynamic clothing for PE. Is anybody doing conforming cloth? Or is it just me?


True Miss B but Dawn started with the same item to begin with! Better news on dynamic clothing (my own preference) however with Karanta having four outfits in the marketplace with a fifth due soon. Either way, its good to see that Ken has started the ball rolling! :)


Ha! You replied before I got my post in! I actually bought the development kit before I realised that it would only work in Poser Pro (which I don't have). Probably a result of too many all-nighters! Ero does describe the process in the manual but I've only scanned through it briefly. As far as I know at the moment, there's Karanta with her dynamic clothing plus a freebie (again dynamic) from Nanette Trudeau on Sharecg. As far as conforming clothing goes I believe you're probably the first!


I'm sorry if that appears to be the case to you. Neither am I getting upset by your comments. I am quite simply responding to comments made following me posting my image. As for being one of those things that leads to fights I must agree with you but only if you decide to take that route. I'm sure that neither you or I have anything to gain by having Poser users at each other throats. Thats for trolls and their ilk.
I would also point out that I have not placed any blame on vendors who have faced criticism from the ill-informed for the figures they've supported and I have myself, spent time over at Renderosity defending Dawn, Poser and decrying the Poser vs Daz brigade and I too, have the scars to prove it. The honest truth is that there is no point arguing with anyone who is determined to oppose you come what may, even to the point of contradicting themselves, which frequently happens, though happily I hasten to add not at Hivewire. As for Erogenesis stepping up to the plate I believe that's just what he has done. I would also add a nod of recognition to all those people who have helped prove the concept though beta testing, etc. Whether or not he succeeds is entirely up to the vendors stepping in to help promote PE with their own output and improvements to the base figure (which Erogenesis has suggested!)
As for me, I believe we've both made our points and hopefully other members will, in turn, respect our views. However, rather than take this thread off topic and into the realms of us versus them this may be an appropriate point to draw this conversation to a close. Respect!

I am going to have to go careful here as I don't want to set people at each other's throats but rather than take this thread off topic it might be an idea to either move the discussion on PE to another thread or start a new one. My preference would be to move what is here as I believe some very important views have been expressed in a respectful manner and the discussion on PE is not likely to stop.

I do not want to see any flame war and I am confident that there will not be one here but I have been interested in the frank exchange of views here and I have agreement with a lot of what has been said. Much as I really like her I do believe Dawn has been held back, some of that is down to lack of vendor support but also some......well, shall we say bad press in certain quarters and leave it at that. I think PE is a great development, particular for Poser users and I am amazed it is the work of one man. I would not look down on the figure because of any concern over perceived origins, for me a figure is a figure and it is the artist that decides how that figure is portrayed, the fact this figure is complete is, for me, just another plus for the creator.

That said I will now put myself firmly in the 'wait and see' bracket for a number of reasons. Firstly I have limited funds and anything I spend on PE will would be money I cannot spend on Dawn which for me is an ongoing project and I want to continue to support Hivewire and the people that create for Dawn. Secondly, as I have a storyline running and I need consistency, a change in figures is a major undertaking, particularly here as PE looks very different to Dawn. I suppose I also have memories of buying Scarlet, almost at launch, and where that got me which makes me very reluctant to jump quickly into new figures.

I wish PE every success and I also think is deserves plenty so I will watch the progress with interest, which is why I would like the discussion to continue. The different way of doing things with PE may well be a good thing and I have never been a supporter of the doing something one way just because we always have.


Dress, jacket and shoes I have been making for PE now include new textures by VolpeBox. The dress can be used as conforming (with body handles) or semi-dynamic. I wonder if anybody else is trying to create conforming outfits for PE? I would like to have a word with them.

View attachment 34202

I am glad you are on board with PE and it would be nice if you were able to get in touch with other vendors. Much as I like dynamic clothing a figure needs a good mix of both dynamic and conforming and some people will still not use the cloth room. Thanks to Lully and a few others there is a nice balance of dynamic and conforming clothing but it would still be nice to have more of both.

Good luck with your PE stuff, PE deserves to succeed and your support should be rewarded.


Contributing Artist
As far as conforming clothing goes I believe you're probably the first!

I think there is a reason for that. With that many JCMs in the figure, that might discourage people from creating conforming outfits for PE. Not only that is a lot of work, but also Poser isn't ready for this much JCMs processing. It can barely handle a couple from Dawn. Dynamic cloth might be the way for PE, and that might limit her scope and public.