• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I'm Thinking of Transitioning...


Fair point. Tho I do want to point out, to eclark and everyone else in this thread, that the 'ignore' function is a godsend. I have certain people on permanent ignore on Rendo (zero points if you guess who haha) and there is a 'ignore' function here too. Just click on the persons name and you will be presented with options. Does wonders for your bloodpressure :laugh: and beats just plain quitting in desperation. Quitting means the trolls have won :)

I would just like to point out that the ignore button has it's limitations on many forums in that the the replies from others quoting an earlier post still appear. I did have a few members on ignore elsewhere but, despite what has been said here, I have no one on ignore here.

I could go further but in response to the request earlier I will hold my tongue

James R.

Busy Bee
... To Blender, fulltime. What? The title. no that was just click bait. I know exactly who and what I am. Why am I thinking of leaving Poser? Well, I'm tired of fighting with people, and I've been fighting a lot lately . And it's not so much as who I'm fighting with, not much surprise there. as much as it is where I'm doing the fighting.

Frankly, I'm depressed, dejected and tired ...seriously tired. Poser's not as much fun as it used to be. Not because the program and figures aren't as much fun, but because of all the sniping, taking sides and warring over who's software is better and why. It's one of the few amusing aspects of the rivalry to me because essentially, both programs pretty much do the exact same thing, just a little differently.

Lately, a couple of threads over at Renderosity, in the Poser forum there, have angered me greatly. I once stepped away from Renderosity before and came here to Hivewire. I like it here, for the most part. I've had a couple of dust ups, but nothing to write home about. But I don't want to do this anymore.

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, but I won't be in the forums as much anymore. I think the stress from some of these online tussles is causing me some health issues, and having just recently gotten out of the hospital for congested heart failure, I find myself repeating some of the things that landed me there in the first place. Not anxious to return.

Blender seems to be the avenue to go down now. I like modeling, and this will give me a chance to get better at it and to learn the program little better. And maybe even improve my texturing skills.

I'm still going to be maintaining the 3DContentDirectory.com website, and for those of you who need to contact me for anything, you have my email address or can contact me through the directory.

I was in a very similar position about a year ago, I was not enjoying Poser anywhere near as much as I used to and then one day something happened that for me was the last straw. From memory I posted something slightly similar here but many replied both publicly and privately suggesting me I give it time and thunk again.

Today this is the only forum I visit on a regular basis and I realise now that fighting Poser's corner is futile as you will never convince those people elsewhere that of anything other than what they regard as fact. A year on I realise, as you have done, that it was not good for my health and also discovered that I had not fallen out of love with Poser or 3D art in general but a very small part of the 3D art community

I have not visited other forums since that low point and other than feeling far more relaxed, I don't miss it at all, or the Marketplace. I hope you have a similar experience as I honestly believe the community would be losing if you were to give it up. Of course, if it is making you ill then you would be wise to walk away, but, from my experience it is a few sad people that tarnish the fun if you let them. Enjoy using Blender and good luck with the modelling but don't uninstall Poser just yet and try it again in a few months time.

Thanks to the support of so many here I am enjoying my art more than I have for years. This really is a fun and supportive place to be so I do hope you stick around.

I get where @eclark1894 and @Hornet3d are coming from. Been there, done that. Participated in it, too, to my shame. But some places just have an overabundance of tribalistic zealots that jump on you and attack as soon as you say something they don't like or that is contrary to the status quo, and it's hard not to take a swing back at them.

Hivewire hasn't been like that for the most part, for which I'm grateful.

When one's hobby (or job, or life, or relationships) starts causing a lot of negative emotion and stress, it's likely time to step back and reconsider.

Taking a break for a while is a good plan, Earl, especially if it's affecting your health. We've had our differences, but I appreciate your passion for Poser and most recently your hard work on the Directory.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I use both Poser and DAZ Studio and I'm trying to learn Blender.
Each program has it's own pros and cons but I like variety. :)
As to the forums, this is the only online site where I am active in the forums.

When I was active at Renderosity I just ignored any of the negative comments or arguments.
I don't need and have never needed more stress than my life outside 3D gives me.


Sorry but the Personal attacks that no one else can seem to see tend to put me off a little from participating to much around here...

You aren't the only one to feel that way here, I rarely participate in threads in this forum anymore due to the heavy anti Daz/DS feeling and the few that are happy to throw insults about while crying that they are being picked on


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
Okay, people. Take a breath. Take two breaths.

While your opinions are respected, personal attacks and bullying are not.

Please edit or delete your posts or I will do so for you. You have one hour.

We have enough crap in this world to deal with. Fighting amongst each other across a community that was built around creating, imagination, passion ... art ... is the exact opposite of what we are here to do.

Cool it.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Take care of yourself Earl, that's the most important thing. If something or someone is bothering you, cut it or them out of your life, it's just not worth the hassle or the health issues. I know I do it when I need to since my own health is troublesome with all the crap I deal with. Your the most important thing in your life so letting those snippy folks get to you, get away from them. Most forums offer a way to block users you end up fighting with all the time, use those tools. Don't walk away from a program you enjoy, walk away from the a holes that keep your nerves on edge. HUGS


Let's give Peas a chance...

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Okay, people. Take a breath. Take two breaths.

. . . . .

Cool it.
Thank you for stepping in Lisa. Not having been here on the forum earlier, I was just reading through these posts, and was about to post a similar comment, though I'm not sure mine would've been quite so polite.

Earl, what Richard said about your health being first and foremost has to be your main consideration, but giving up your passion for Poser isn't worth it, and I'm saying this as a Blender user and advocate, but I use Blender to create, and Poser to put it all together and make art, and that's what you should continue to do. Take a short break, and then come back to post your progress in whatever you happen to be working on. I, for one, will want to see how it's all coming along.


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
I almost want to delete the entire thread because while it expresses what someone is currently going through, it also seems to be a natural lead-in to Us vs. Them arguments. However, I'll leave it for now as there's some good things and some bad things about this thread that perhaps we can all learn from.

Earl, I'm sorry to hear you're burnt and require a break. It happens to all of us. If what's happening in forums is affecting your health, a break is probably the best thing for you. I wish you well and look forward to seeing how your break might enhance your creativity in the future.

As to other things ...

If you have issue with the way other sites choose to do business, you are free to discuss those things as they affect or have affected you, why you like or don't like the policies. It is helpful to hear concerns with how certain things are done because it teaches us how we can be of better service to you, the customer, or you, the Contrbuting Artist. However you may feel, and however justified you may think you are to feel that way, does NOT give you permission to bash them. We can not and do not lift ourselves up by knocking down others.

If you have issue with another person, take it to private conversations.

The most common things I see people doing lately is taking a side, vehemently defending it and no matter what, refusing to budge. There's no need to choose a side in the first place. We certainly aren't asking you to. All "sides" have good and bad points.

Just because you support HiveWire doesn't mean that you have to hate/not visit/boycott other stores. We encourage you to shop and contribute wherever you can fill your creative needs.

If you truly support HiveWire you will represent us well when visiting other forums. It does not do us any good to have our community regulars going out and brawling somewhere else. Don't do it and don't bring that crap back here.

And finally, I saw some courageous and open conversation happening here. One person was trying to express to another person what is PERCEIVED by the other persons' postings. The critique was received as a passive aggressive attack when it looked to me like what was shared was actually said in kindness. "Psssst! I don't know if you realize this, and perhaps you don't so I just want you to know, in case you don't mean it to come across like this ... but it SEEMS like ..." That's how I read it, anyway ...


Contributing Artist
Thanks Willowisp,
The funny thing is people tell me they like the hive best because the lack of negativity and the constructive participation of its members.
Though the first thread I entered into was a 70 page attack on one store and the second was a thread that was quickly developing into another series of attacks on an entirely different store.
It's unfortunate you stumbled on that thread (and its associated one) your first go here (it was the first time I saw that kind of thing outside of the other main forums). I must say those 2 (and this one) are of the very few threads like this on here. A little bickering here and there but mostly civil and even more rare that a Mod has to move in to control as we're usually good at self moderating.


Contributing Artist
It's perfectly Ok to take some time to get to know you 3D modeling application better. I took breaks to improve my 3DSMAX skills, and later took other short breaks to learn Modo, which I am still getting used to. Like Miss B said, I also put all that into making things for Poser/DS, which is where more people can use them. So all the time you invest in Blender will later pay off by widening your horizons with Poser/DS contents. Go for it! ^__^

James R.

Busy Bee
As my two friends and I were walking home from the bar, a strange man appeared in front of us.

He said, "I am here to grant each of you one wish!"

My first friend said, "A Ferrari!"

Boom. He had a Ferrari.

My second friend said, "Ten million dollars!"

Boom. He had a check for ten million dollars.

And me?

I replied, "World peace."

Perhaps I'd had one too many drinks and maybe I slurred my speech a bit... because I was given these:


...whirled peas.



RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
LOL, James & McG.

Earl, hope that whatever you decide works for you.

At one point, I wrote to someone who was upset with comments on the forum that they felt were anti-a-certain-company-and-software. For some reason, these end up being highly charged threads and people do feel they have to take sides, which I honestly don't get, because EVERYTHING - companies, software, people, life - has good and not as good things about them. Things have shades of grey, not just black and white.

What I said, essentially, was when you see a comment you see as bashing and it angers you, rather than arguing with the person about it, ignore it or report it...or both.

Don't add fire to the already hot flame, which is only going to make others angry, and cause them to post things that will make you more angry.

Think of how you would feel if someone wrote what YOU are planning to write about your favorite store, software, or you or someone you like.


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
One more thing. The thread remains as it is, however, the fact that it remains does not mean we condone what was said within it.

This is our forum and as such as we can choose to heavily moderate what you say OR we can allow you to moderate yourselves, with a few gentle reminders thrown in from us here and there.

The content of the posts that remain are a reflection on the people who posted them and should not be seen a reflection of who we, HiveWire 3D are, and more importantly, what we are here to do.

We could delete them all, because some think that by leaving them we give may the PERCEPTION (there's that word again!) that we agree with them, however, that would be censorship which is far from what we are about here.

Our stance on situations these types of threads bring up is fully evident in the posts we (Chris, Alisa, our CVBees and myself) make in response to them.

While some may be saddened to read a couple of threads on our site that are PERCEIVED to attack others, we ask that you really take the time to READ what has been said in those threads. Every person's experience and opinion is valuable and expresses how they PERCEIVE certain actions or inactions. There is no right or wrong in that ... just being human. Some humans are better at expressing than others but all humans deserve to have a voice.

Allowing all voices to speak does not mean that bullying of any form will become normalized here. I can promise you that it will not. Treat others how you like to be treated and remember we are all real people behind these keyboards.



For the record, Lisa, it is fine with me if you wish to delete the thread. My intent was not to track that mud into this house. I just wanted to let people know that I AM taking some time away from the forum, and to let them know why. Thanks for all the well wishes. goodbye.


I hope you don't stay away too long Earl, and that you return here refreshed and well.

For my part, I don't really use any forums but this one. I'm more into the social media sites (Facebook etc.) and I only joined here at Dylan's suggestion. I find it interesting and the pace much less hectic than social media sites and apps where everything is hectic and so demanding of ones time.