What I then find confusing is that they (DAZ) would then approach Hivewire to have some of their products in store,
Plain and simple: DAZ has recognized the HW animals were of excellent quality. They had their own animals, but still, they understood the HW ones were of better quality. They may forbid HW figures there, but that was DAZ recognizing that HW is not fooling around here. Even if the final result from the deal wasn't the greatest, I still think was better this way, because they don't play in the same rules. It would be good, but risky.
Nonetheless, this stunt has given HW a little extra advertising over there, making people even more curious about the HW figures that DAZ had previously badmouthed so much, and suddenly wanted to sell them with an exclusivity deal. Imagine that in the minds of their customers.
So if Daz drops Poser support it will be a shame but will have minimal impact on my buying or hobby.
For the record, DAZ itself has already dropped Poser support long ago. It is only individual vendors who still support Poser over there, and some with that rather gimmicky DSON approach that is not really Poser support, but rather a workaround. Actual Poser support is what we do here at HW, with NATIVE support in products and materials. I know some vendors there do this too, but DAZ doesn't require it, meaning basically that they don't care.
DAZ announces a new feature or figure and all the DAZ fanbois race to Rendo to dance on Poser's grave. Same thing happens all the time.
Not to mention the ones who come flaming me at DA because they think I am a Poser advocate, forgetting that for years I have supported both programs natively in equal amounts. In their minds, supporting Poser is offensive, which supposedly justifies the flaming. Nonetheless, some still come mocking me when DS gets a new feature, as if that is yet another "proof that Poser is dead". I don't blame them personally - they are just repeating what they hear at the forums. I don't know if it still is, but there was a time when DAZ admins actually promoted that kind of behavior.
That is why I feel comfortable at HW - we don't promote that kind of behavior here.
I actually did start out using DAZ Studio way back in 2006.
Me too, but it wasn't very usable at that stage. I only started to actively support DS in version 4.6, when it came up to my standards for content creation. That is not to say there weren't show-stopping bugs, but Poser has them too. It was just a matter of finding a more stable version and sticking to it. That is - until they came up with a new rigging system that forced people to upgrade.
I had mixed feelings about it ever since, because they seem to have stopped fixing what they previously broke in the current version. This is something I have claimed against SMS as well, when Poser seems to add more new features than fixing the existing bugs. It appears that none is the better when it comes to this.
I found the Poser windows gave me more control over the UI
Hehe this is a "love or hate" part of Poser/DS, where opinions vary a lot. I think it may be that people will like more the interface they got started with, and will resist the other one because they are not used to it. After using DS for years for content creation, I just got used to interface, and didn't think it was better or worse than Poser. It's just a matter of getting used to it, though I am still more proficient with Poser because I don't have to fight the interface so much. However, if I had started with DS and then moved to Poser, I could probably be saying the opposite! LOL
But like you, one particular thing I can't get over in DS were the lights.
I've never done content creating using DS, so I don't know the first thing about it or whether it's easier or more difficult. But I suspect that's also another experience that differs for people.
I personally think DS has excellent content creation tools - when they work. Here again, it's a matter of finding a version that has most of them stable and working, and then sticking to it. Yet, there are things I like better in Poser, and some that seem to be better in DS. None of the best in everything.
One thing DS does better is transferring morphs from figure to clothing. Conforming in general works better in DS than it does in Poser, as well as body scaling. However, I find it easier to hook up JCMs in Poser than in DS, where in Poser we can also create the JCMs with the morphing brush without having to use an external tool like it is with DS. Both have their pros and cons when it comes to content creation.
Maybe without the corporate bickering, they could had put it all together and provided us, the customers, the best of both worlds. That's how it was in the beginning, when we were all happy, and this was a pure FUN hobby.