• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

WIP Work In Progress On Eli

Ivory Elephant

]Yeah, unfortunately we're behind the eight ball on several projects. The problem is that I can model, shape and morph the animals, hair or whatever in a much quicker time frame than the rigging. Add to that the converting to Poser and Studio, and then there is the map work and imagery to be done. I've lost track of Eli actually. I believe Chuck had the rigging for Poser done looooong ago, but it got hung up with converting to Studio.[/QUOTE]

Lovely, looks Like I will be waiting awhile for this one....


HW3D President
Staff member
]Yeah, unfortunately we're behind the eight ball on several projects. The problem is that I can model, shape and morph the animals, hair or whatever in a much quicker time frame than the rigging. Add to that the converting to Poser and Studio, and then there is the map work and imagery to be done. I've lost track of Eli actually. I believe Chuck had the rigging for Poser done looooong ago, but it got hung up with converting to Studio.

Lovely, looks Like I will be waiting awhile for this one....[/QUOTE]

Man, I'm so sorry. I just don't have the full bag of tricks for any given product, not like Ken Gilliland does.


Contributing Artist
Wish I could help, but it's all I can do to get my own tiny little projects done. o_O


Monster Maker
Contributing Artist
Yeah, unfortunately we're behind the eight ball on several projects. The problem is that I can model, shape and morph the animals, hair or whatever in a much quicker time frame than the rigging. Add to that the converting to Poser and Studio, and then there is the map work and imagery to be done.

I've lost track of Eli actually. I believe Chuck had the rigging for Poser done looooong ago, but it got hung up with converting to Studio.

Actually, you asked me to do the Studio rigging. I finished an alpha version of it and sent it along for feedback, around the time I started working on the bulldog. I was told the dog projects should be given priority, and never heard back about the elephant. Seems like those files were lost, maybe? Should I resend the files, or is someone else on this now?



HW3D President
Staff member
Great to see you back Sparky. So sorry for the things that have had to draw your attention elsewhere. But then, that's life.

Great render here. Would be nice to get this going again for sure, and get it over the finish line and on the store. No one else is working on our Eli. Maybe send files again to Lisa, Paul and me.

Ivory Elephant



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Ivory Elephant

Here is another morph idea for Elli as a add on pack. a Dwarf elephant


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Ivory Elephant

Ok could we talk about the elephant in the room? What is the status of this project? I have heard a few whisperings of it and nothing for months.


HW3D President
Staff member
Nothing new to report on progress on our Eli. Most of our focus right now is on Dawn 2.0. We are trying to squeeze out a few other projects as well, such as our Reindeer/Caribou and Wolf before our Eli. Plus still hopeful for a couple add on projects for our Mule deer.

Just not enough free hands right now to get a few of these other projects that seem so close over the finish line.

Boy I wish I had a better response for this. There are many animals and other Dawn and Dusk morph products that I'd love to see in our store. I have a strong pull to all of them too. Sometimes it can be a downer to see creations just sitting on the shelf waiting to get some real attention again. I remain hopeful that we'll be able to get the elephant wrapped up at some point. I'd like to see our Dragon, Warthog, Mr. Pugsley, Moose, Giraffe, other dog and cat breeds, Bison, and more out as well.

Ivory Elephant

Nothing new to report on progress on our Eli. Most of our focus right now is on Dawn 2.0. We are trying to squeeze out a few other projects as well, such as our Reindeer/Caribou and Wolf before our Eli. Plus still hopeful for a couple add on projects for our Mule deer.

Just not enough free hands right now to get a few of these other projects that seem so close over the finish line.

Boy I wish I had a better response for this. There are many animals and other Dawn and Dusk morph products that I'd love to see in our store. I have a strong pull to all of them too. Sometimes it can be a downer to see creations just sitting on the shelf waiting to get some real attention again. I remain hopeful that we'll be able to get the elephant wrapped up at some point. I'd like to see our Dragon, Warthog, Mr. Pugsley, Moose, Giraffe, other dog and cat breeds, Bison, and more out as well.
Like I have offered before: I can do promo pics and pose sets for the project. I know Sparky said she did the alpha rigging for Eli. But she has gone MIA.

Ivory Elephant

If I remember I thought Eli was going to be out after the Big Cat family... but seems thing s get out of order. Oh well looks like my render ideas will have to wait.