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Upgrading to Version 4.9 Pros and Cons...or any other version you want to talk about.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
I've put off my upgrading until after the semester ends in June. I'll also be upgrading to El Capitan, so all hell may break loose.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
The current Mac OS. The previous one was Yosemite (which is the worst OS I think I've ever used.)


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
I thought MAC liked animal names like Google loves sweets for their OS names. Yos and El C.... someone's been smoking something funny over there at that Mac campus! :p

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
I thought MAC liked animal names like Google loves sweets for their OS names. Yos and El C.... someone's been smoking something funny over there at that Mac campus! :p

For a long time yes, we did have big cat name for our Mac OSs. Personally I would have loved to see an OS Ocelot, or Bob Cat. Honestly, I thought it was kind of awesome when after Lion and Mountain Lion, Apple made a joke that the next OS was going to be Sea Lion. Sadly they changed to places in California. Hence Mavericks, Yosemite, and now El Capitan. Although Yosemite did teach me how many Americans had no idea how Yosemite was spelled. The number of people who pronounced it Yo-se-mite instead of Yo-sem-it-y is really funny.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
The big cat names I understand were originally supposed to be in-house code and not supposed to be official, but they escaped with Jaguar which was OS X.2 and ran with it until Mountain Lion with OS X.8. Mavericks was really an oddity with all kinds of images of horses. But then we landed in National Parks. There were some major game changes under the hood with Lion (OS X.7) which made it impossible to run quite a bit of legacy software. I still resent it.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
I don't do Vegemite but I do love a tasty bottle of VitaVitaVegemin so I don't poop out at parties! :p:D:p


Contributing Artist
Sorry forgot to follow up on this with all I was doing yesterday. I will do it as soon as I wake up properly.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I prefer Marmite, on hot buttered toast, with lots and lots of butter and not too much Marmite...yum - m - y :)


Though I am a big meat eater I do prefer Vegemite. Thank the Mite gods they finally started selling it over here. For a few years I couldn't get it and had withdrawals...yeah on hot buttered toast or warm crusty butter bread.