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The Anchorage, Part 3

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, I remember the "oven" from when I visited my family in Tucson years ago. Unfortunately, I can't handle the sauna as well as I can handle the oven.

Then, of course, I'm also a lot older than I was back then, and that makes a big difference too.


My mother lives is Phoenix and my MIL in Scottsdale. Having spent a few days in Phoenix in August back in '81 I've no interest in going to visit either in hot weather. I got a heat injury two months before turning 14 and ovens are a problem for me as I have to take manual steps to keep from overheating at significantly lower temps than most people.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Once it's in the 90s, forget it. Dry heat or wet heat, it's just plain unbearable.

What I really hate though is when the temperature is high 60s or 70s with high humidity. I've fallen for that little trick too many times. I'll sit there in my apartment with the AC off and the windows/balcony door open thinking it's too cool to close up the apartment and turn on the AC. Meanwhile, my clothing is drenched. Finally, my little West Coast brain accepts I'm in a swamp, and I need to turn on the AC.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
What I really hate though is when the temperature is high 60s or 70s with high humidity.
That's exactly what we had here yesterday and today. Only saving grace was, there wasn't any sun.

I never left the house yesterday, and was only out long enough to go to the store today to stock up on more water. I've been drinking twice my usual amount the past 3 days. Today, not quit so much.


The Wicked Witch of the North
All this talk of heat and ovens and humidity has me pining for summer a little. It's bitterly cold here, day three or four of the southerly blast. Getting out of bed is a mission and I'm too mean this winter to have the fire going all night so there's no warm pozzie to rush into. But right now, the fire is going, coffee is brewing and all is well in my world.


Contributing Artist
I'd like it if my house was a little warmer. Our air-con is our heater and its barely working so not even worth putting it on. If I don't have to go out I stay in my PJs and robe and a blanky when I'm lazing on the lounge.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I like duvet days when you stay in your jammies all day wrapped in blankies :) But the sun came out here! And the wind dropped! The temp didn't rise a lot but I was able to make a rubbish run and fetch some water. It cracks me up when doing a rubbish run is cause for celebration but I was chuffed as when I got back to the boat :)


Contributing Artist
My perfect world would be a nice rain at night that is just enough to make everything grow and a day hot enough to run around in a T-shirt and to go swimming but not too hot :)

And since that could get boring, you'd still have areas that snowed etc that you could visit when you wanted to :p hehehe

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I would love to live where the weather is pretty much the same all year round. Temps between 65 and 75 degrees, and humidity between 40-45%. Rain of course to keep the plants growing, but I can do without snow, ice and hail during the winter, and very high temps and humidity during the summer. That to me would be ideal.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Good morning, good morning! And what a lovely morning it is too! Sunny, warm out of the breeze, and only a breeze it is. Such a contrast to the last few days.

The thing I've noticed is you get acclimatised to wherever you live. In Northland we don't have a wide temperature range, and people coming from down south wonder what we are complaining about when we are bleating about how cold or hot it is. And when I go south in the winter, the cold nearly paralyses me, and the heat in summer, whew! The kids on Cuckoo are running around in bare feet or jandals cos they've been so used to freezing their buns off in Taranaki, right next to the mountain. Just looking at them makes me cold! And I get to see them today when they come over for afternoon tea. Scones with jam and cream anyone?


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hey Terre, and thank you. I'm trying to imagine Sans Souci with seven people on board...guess I'll soon find out what's it's like!!