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The Anchorage, Part 3


The Wicked Witch of the North
I'm not the Wicked Witch of the North for nothing!! First thing I told the kids when they came on board today was there was only one rule, no yelling. They mostly complied. And when one didn't, the others told that one off ;) That's the kid equivalent of Joycie's no barking, works a treat.


The Wicked Witch of the North
It was fun but awful crowded! I don't think there'll be as big an invasion next time. Or maybe I need to bring out the books earlier...two of the girls and the boy disappeared into the pages and never made a peep after that. They didn't seem to take up as much room either ;)


The Wicked Witch of the North
Howdy my friends, from another nippy day in Opua. It appears my sleeping habit is omitting the sunshine from my life...we seem to be getting sunny mid morning to early afternoons which I'm sleeping through. How sad, too bad ;)

Books do rule! They rule my boat, my tablet, my life :) it was lovely to see a group of children who read so happily...takes me back to my childhood. Except in mine I was made to be sociable and put the books away when we were visiting or had visitors. In fact I spent a considerable proportion of my childhood being told to put my book away. Not now!!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Oh, that's awesome! SNOW! I have no idea why I thought you never got snow.

I do love snow. As long as I never EVER have to walk or drive in it. If I can watch the snow all bundled up in my cozy apartment it's absolutely perfect. Especially, if I can look out on snow that isn't driven or walked on so it remains a pristine blanket covering everything.

Like that ever happens here! Noo ... people have to plow it and drive on it and turn it into dirty slush and then an dangerous sheet of ice.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Thanks to my sense of selfpreservation and dislike of extreme cold I live where there is no snow. But that gale is gonna come and whup me all the same. Just sans snow; wind, rain, maybe hail, but no snow. My opinion of snow is pretty much like my opinion of mornings ;)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well, we're finally getting the thunderstorms they've predicting for us since the middle of last week. :(

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
. . . and now the sun's back out. Stupid weather, as I'm sure the humidity is still too high. :(