Hopefully, it's nothing more than your body has gotten out of whack because of the changing seasons.
Mine certainly has. But, I think it's more likely a combination of it being so cold in my apartment (I have issues with turning on the heat in April), snuggling under blankets on the couch, and being chronically sleep deprived.
When snuggling under blankets on the couch reading or watching the kindle, I tend to fall asleep rather often. But, it's more a case of ... I'll just close my eyes and rest them for a minute ... rather than not being able to keep my eyes open. An hour (or more later), I realize I've had a nice long nap. Rather annoying when it's a 20 or so minute nap and I've missed half a show. So, rewind, and a few minutes later, I close my eyes again ... just for a minute or so. Sometimes, it takes three hours or more to watch a one hour episode!
Well, my tummy is nice and filled now. I fixed waffles this morning. What an experience! I found Tsuki's favorite blossom yesterday, so we've been playing fetch with it. When I'm in the kitchen she carries it in to me, drops it by my feet, and flops down. If I pick it up and toss it, she runs after it squeaking (I haven't yet figured out if she's annoyed or excited I threw it) and brings it back. Drop and flop. But this morning, she also added in attacking it while it was by my feet. Which meant she kept snagging me instead of the blossom. Silly me didn't realize at first why she was attacking me.
So ... making waffles took a wee bit longer than it normally would because I had to keep tossing her blossom to keep her out from under my feet.
If ONLY that had tired her! But noooo ... I'm having to jump up every few lines so I can grab her off the counter. She discovered the waffle iron is still hot when she thought she'd walk over it. I didn't realize it stayed warm so long after unplugging. I should wrap it in a towel and tuck it under my feet