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The Anchorage, Part 3


Hi Lorraine. :) Good to see you.

As far as books go, some I read multiple times and other I don't.
One of the latter was also one I got at a consignment store for just .99 and am really glad I didn't pay full price. I can't stand main characters who wallow in self pity and the protagonist of that book does. I doubt the other books in the series are any different.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
In regards to rereading books I do and have multiple times some of my longtime favourites like my Anne Mc
I'd love to re-read all the Pern books, but unfortunately, I don't own any of them. A friend of mine had sent them to me, years ago, and I had to send them back when I was finished reading them. Hmmmm, maybe I can start collecting them in eBook format. Hmmmm . . . .


Hey, Lorraine! Good to hear from you! Cherry blossom is always welcome, but there's nothing like daffodils to say that it's time to start thinking about bikinis and suntan lotion.

I'm off to look up Maggie Stiefvater and her 'Raven Cycle'. Thanks for the recco! Hugs!


The first flowers of spring I remember in the Albuquerque area were crocus in the mountains and pansies by our front door.
One year the pansies were poking up through the snow. With the crocus there was snow still on the ground in shady spots on several occasions.
I do remember the cherry blossoms in Japan but was a bit young. (5 and 6 years old)


Contributing Artist
I'd love to re-read all the Pern books, but unfortunately, I don't own any of them. A friend of mine had sent them to me, years ago, and I had to send them back when I was finished reading them. Hmmmm, maybe I can start collecting them in eBook format. Hmmmm . . . .
Mine are worn out from all the rereading...they have them on amazon...im just waiting for a sale same with the Valdamar books by Mercedes Lackey.


I'd love to re-read all the Pern books, but unfortunately, I don't own any of them. A friend of mine had sent them to me, years ago, and I had to send them back when I was finished reading them. Hmmmm, maybe I can start collecting them in eBook format. Hmmmm . . . .
She was a good writer and I got about 8 or so of the Pern books but I'm an extremely logical and analytical person and that closed time loop in the first trilogy buggs me. Badly. Lessa has to go back in time to get the Old Timers because she went back in time to get them because she went back in time to get them etc. There is no possible in universe initiating agent that I can see. The only way that I can see to initiate the loop is a Whoiverse type situation:
Universe 1 has something very bad happen in the past that wipes out the other dragon riders and a lot more. The Lessa from there come up with the idea of going back in time to try to rescue the riders but doesn't have time/means to do the same for all the other people that would be affected. What she actually does is go back in time and sideways into a parallel universe.
Universe 2 Lessa comes up with the idea of going back in time to get the riders and ends up going into universe 3 and comes up with the idea to leave a message for herself.
The story we have is the universe 3 result of that.
That's fine for Dr. Who but buggs the heck out of me in other story worlds.

So, is there a story world with a closed time loop that doesn't bug me? Yup. Babylon 5.
When the loop first appeared it annoyed me. But when I decided to see if I could reverse engineer an in universe starting point/ initiating agent I actually succeeded. What I ended up with is the series we see as being timeline 5 time loop iteration 4. I spoke of this to my husband and a few months later he found comment online that made it clear that I was basically correct. I'd missed at least one detail though. The reason the Grey Council had three of the devices that Delenn used to metamorphose was because of the three previous iterations of the loop.

ETA: Yes, Myth. I'm well aware that British slang has a completely different meaning. ;) My husband spent a couple of years in England as a young teen.


HA! I've just read a report which says that Marmite (a great British invention) is the most confiscated foodstuff at airports. So ya boo to you Vegemite eating lot in the southern hemisphere. You didn't even make the top ten! Come to think of it, given what it does to my digestive system I hate to think what it could do to an aircraft interior! Anyhow! While I can figure out what Vegemite is made from, (the clues in the name, right?) I haven't the foggiest idea what a marm is! I tried google but the only thing it came up with was some stuff about mortgage's, and we certainly don't need any more of that rubbish to chew on. Next up was something to do with the number 2 in Chaldean Numerology so that's like esoteric, innit? Having tasted the stuff there are possibilities there. The most likely clue was that it is something to do with spinster school teachers but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why anyone would feel the need to crunch a little old lady into a jar just to get her on to an aeroplane! Hmmm! I think I'm going to leave this one to McGyver! :confused::confused:


You can't get more "organic" and otherwise harmless in a bug killer than a carnivorous plant with little 6" pitchers to catch bugs. :)
No Little Shop of Horrors here.


Dream Weaver Designs
HA! I've just read a report which says that Marmite (a great British invention) is the most confiscated foodstuff at airports. So ya boo to you Vegemite eating lot in the southern hemisphere. You didn't even make the top ten! Come to think of it, given what it does to my digestive system I hate to think what it could do to an aircraft interior! Anyhow! While I can figure out what Vegemite is made from, (the clues in the name, right?) I haven't the foggiest idea what a marm is! I tried google but the only thing it came up with was some stuff about mortgage's, and we certainly don't need any more of that rubbish to chew on. Next up was something to do with the number 2 in Chaldean Numerology so that's like esoteric, innit? Having tasted the stuff there are possibilities there. The most likely clue was that it is something to do with spinster school teachers but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why anyone would feel the need to crunch a little old lady into a jar just to get her on to an aeroplane! Hmmm! I think I'm going to leave this one to McGyver! :confused::confused:
Its a by product of beer brewing :)


Dream Weaver Designs
:rofl:Which explains so well why Aussies like it!
And Kiwis


Good morning. :)

I'd been told that vegemite was made from yeast so I'm not surprised about the beer connection.


Yep! Marmite is made from a yeast extract...AND...I have learned that there are two versions. One for the rest of the world and the other which is made for sale in New Zealand. Hmmm! Curiouser and curiouser! Perhaps we should get our Lorraine to investigate! :cautious: